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Date: September 29, 2007 7:48:30 AM PDT
Subject: Re: (2) Shades of Mena -- "War on Terror" jet crashes, tons of cocaine found ...

Mentiras graves viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2007

Se busca confundir a la Opinión Pública y alejarla de la Verdad en torno al desplome del narco-Grumman que cayó el lunes en montes de Tixkokob/ La CIA, detrás de la operación de la droga recogida en Río Negro, Colombia/ El destino del alcaloide y su "postre" era Estados Unidos


Google translation tools renders that article (poorly) as follows:

One looks for to confuse to the Public opinion and to move away it of the Truth around the [crash] of the narcotics [probing]-Grumman who fell Monday in mounts of Tixkokob/the company, behind the operation of the drug gathered in River Negro, Colombia the destination of the alkaloid and its “last one” was the United States

The Grumman Gulfstream II, with matriculation N987SA, belongs to the S/A Holdings LLC, company that the company uses for “making up” the hiring destined to special operations, of clandestine character. - (Pallotta)

An accumulation of lies, to try to confuse to the Public opinion and to move away it of the Truth, turns around the collapse of the Grumman loaded Gulfstream II with more than six tons of Colombian pure cocaine and “the dessert” (heroin and/or cocaine of special quality), done registered in mounts of Tixkokob, from last Monday. Serious lies, very serious, to hide that behind the operation of the drug gathered in River Negro, Colombia, is the Central Agency of Intelligence of the United States, this is: the company The Grumman Gulfstream II, with matriculation N987SA, belongs to the S/A Holdings LLC, company that the company uses for “making up” the hiring destined to special operations, of clandestine character, to the margin and against the own American Constitution. The destiny of the Colombian cocaine was the United States. And the route Black Cancún-River, Colombia, ALREADY had been crossed sometimes previous. The income that the company it obtains by concept of the drug trafficking are destined to all sort of subversive activities, is worth to say: of terrorist character. Thus one finances to subversive groups in countries nonemployees of Washington; thus also airplanes, arms and explosives to seed the death are acquired, since it has happened in Latin America, Asia and Africa. And soon, with inaudito cynicism, it is spoken “to fight to the drug trafficking”.
A great lie and a crude complicity.
What less it is desired is to end the flagellum of the drug trafficking. The Federal Government, who assumes is for protecting and guaranteeing the security of the Mexicans, has incurred a series of contradictions, lies and despicable disinformation on this scandalous case, which worsens the serious crisis of credibility and distrust that permea to all the institutions and corporations that “fight” against the regenteadores of this illicit but multimillionaire activity.

Let us review what has happened until now:

1. - The origin of the airship Grumman Gulfstream II with matriculation N987SA totally is confirmed: it belongs to S/A Holdings LLC, with seat in Garden City, New York. He was offered in rent by Air Rutter International, with bases in Long Beach, California and Farmingdale, New York and “was acquired temporarily” (of the 30 of August to the 30 of September of the 2007, according to the official registry of aeronautics of that country) by Donna Blue Inc. Aircraft, with address in Lyons Technology Pkwy Ste. 8 of Coconut Creek, Florida, according to informed Bill Crip, general manager of Air Rutter International. The airplane made periodic trips between Cancún and Florida, so that it is logical to suppose that the cocaine shipment had as destiny the neighboring country of the north. Nevertheless, according to the SIEDO, the drug he was destined to the cartel of Sinaloa. Already investigates the DEA to the North American industralists who head these businesses?

2. - Without to have found the other crew member of the narcotics detective-airplane, the institutions that “fight” the drug trafficking suspended operative the search one yesterday, which is inexplicable, remarkably suspicious.

3. - Without a logical explanation mediated, in the operative one it did not resort to the use of helicopters NOR to dogs trained for that task. All person with two fingers front knows perfectly that with the support of and others the operative one had been more effective and effective. Is not perhaps a stupid farce to simulate that it looked for somebody that was not wanted to find?

4. - From a principle there were contradictions as far as the number of bulks and the gross weight of the cocaine found in the Grumman. Experts consulted by BY THIS! , with base in the size of the bags that contained the enervante, they consider that the volume of the confiscated thing could rise to the double into which interesadamente the responsible authorities have informed.

5. - the PGR took to the capital of the country hastily, without presenting/displaying it to the average premises, the presumed pilot of the Grumman, to whom originally had identified itself like South American but who now Muñoz turned out to be original from the Federal District and Eric name Sanchez. Nevertheless, it did not do with the other two presumably involved the same, whose photographies the annoyance was even taken to disclose. So that? 6. - the PGR, instance that affirmed in a government reporter that both stopped --Dante Pat Caamal and Leonel Ayala Lopez-- they tried “to bribe” to the military when offering to them “money so that they left in freedom the people who came in the airplane and that gave the drug to them”, it has not shown until now that money, indispensable test of the crime, and it has not explained either how they tried the accused ones to take the drug of the place. Surplus to say that this official version does not swallow anybody.

7. - Finally we will aim that to date the passage to the place of the wreck is forbidden, does not know if to preserve it of “polluting” elements or all the opposite: in order to erase evidences that can lead towards the true people in charge of the insolvent transfer of this drug shipment, or what is the same: the company

It is worth the trouble to consider all these elements when reading the versions that are come off diverse official sources and that we offer in the following pages.

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