In Conroe, Texas near the gulf (100 mi) where there are many lake golf 
country clubs, there were four pup seals on the lawn of a private home 
overlooking the lake.  They were sprauled out on their lawn, playing, AFTER 
FISHING, and a dip in the lake. We have a few vines, and few odd creaters in 
the lakes but this is a first!
   Well, it doesn't take being a rocket scientist to figure out that these 
young pups were all the way from the north, where the cold and ice are.  Now, 
We were amazed to see pictures and article on the front page county news paper. 
 So I hope we can safely say that the wild creatures, (many as staples for life 
such as Eskimos ,etc who still live the old way, and use blubber for oil lamps 
and the skins to keep warm and also clothes.  Polar bears and much of the wild 
life  are vital to their economy.  Yes, there they still use the dog sleds for 
transportation and safety.  Others use Raindeer on the Siberian side.  and so 
many people's livelyhood is at stake. Remember the sled dogs were from the wolf fact so were our domestic dogs.  It is an important chain in our dog 
  We must think about the real thing of global warming.  We must stop the 
pollution and other problems CO2 particularly. But can you imagine what these A 
bomb testings is doing to our climate? and our oceans?  
Also,the Uranium bombs will radiate people, Look at the CDC website and you 
will learn just how dangerous these atomic conpenents are.  Manhy of them takes 
about a million years or more to purify by nature.  We must over come this 
destructive and mad things we are allowing to take place.. most of it is in the 
Name of Money.... or God they say .  How many wars have we fought in the name 
of God!!  What hypocrits we are.  It is more than too late, so if we want our 
earth to survive, and it's people, then we must give some real thought to what 
we are doing to our planet.  These insane people who have no regard for 
humanity and our planet, are making big bucks there is no argument there, but 
what are they accomplishing in the long run?  World supremecy??  I doubt it, 
and they probably never will.  It is a pipe dream,  And a nightmare for poor 
people in the world, and war torn people.
  PS - we must get 2/3 of the senate so we can clean up our earth and our 
politics, and a bunch of hairbrained lunatics out!!  We are the largest party 
and the only ones who can send them packing. and we will, if we can get 2/3 
Senate.  Get ready and get going now, if we want to build this consus, then, we 
must get active with our goal in mind., so regardless who is in the Executive 
branch we can't get vetoed. That is the Aim. O f course it would better to have 
both and also toget a Justice Department who will enforce our laws.  
  Theresa j. Steed
Fw: 50,000 signatures for polar bears - can you help? 
Posted by: "Lori R. Price" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   lori_price_clg 
Wed Oct 3, 2007 12:35 pm (PST) 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rebecca Young, Care2 Action Alerts 
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 11:08 AM
Subject: 50,000 signatures for polar bears - can you help?
  Forward to a Friend | Take Action 
Hi Lori,
  It's not too late to save polar bears, but we have to act quickly.
  New government research confirms that global warming could cause polar bears 
to disappear in less than 50 years.
  We have just two more weeks to urge our government to list polar bears as 
"threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. We want to submit 50,000 public 
comments to make sure polar bears survive the next 50 years - can you help?
  Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect polar bears immediately!
  The sea ice polar bears rely on for survival is melting at an alarming rate, 
leaving these massive mammals vulnerable to starvation and even death by 
drowning. They are even cannibalizing each other -- something never witnessed 
before -- in a desperate shot at survival.
  We need to tell our government: No more delays. No more excuses. It's time to 
protect polar bears from extinction! 
  Thank you for standing up for wildlife,
  Rebecca Young
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team 
  Two Weeks Left to Protect Polar Bears
With its own scientists admitting that the loss of sea ice is directly related 
to rising global temperatures and the polar bear's distressing decline, the 
Bush/Cheney Administration can no longer deny that global warming is real, with 
real and devastating consequences for wildlife and people. 
Forward to a friend >>
Read the petition >> 
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Rice calls for "360-degree look" at Blackwater scandal Tue Oct 2, 11:49 AM ET
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she wanted a no-holds barred probe 
into the affairs of private security company Blackwater USA accused of 
involvement in nearly 200 shootings in Iraq.
  Rice ordered the probe following fatal shootings by the company's staff in 
charge of protecting US diplomats in Iraq.
  "I have been very clear with people that I expect it to be probing, I expect 
it to be a 360-degree look, and I expect it to be unvarnished from these 
outside experts and I'm sure it will be," Rice said of the probe in an 
interview Monday with the New York Post.
  Blackwater has been involved in nearly 200 shootings in Iraq since 2005, 
according to a US Congress report this week that depicted the company's 
employees as dangerously out of control.
  Blackwater has covered up fatal shootings involving its staff, is the first 
to shoot in most incidents, and has joined in US military tactical operations, 
the report released Monday said.
  It was also highly critical of the US State Department for failing to 
restrain Blackwater's activities and helping to cover up some of its 
wrongdoings -- even protecting a drunken Blackwater employee who shot dead a 
guard of Iraqi Vice President Adil Abd-al-Mahdi.
  A Congressional hearing began Tuesday into Blackwater's work in Iraq and in 
particular a September 16 shooting incident in a crowded Baghdad square that 
killed at least 10 Iraqis.
  Nearly two weeks after the bloody shootout, the circumstances remain unclear, 
with Iraqis angry and indignant and the country's leader having demanded 
Blackwater's expulsion.
  The investigation ordered by Rice and headed by Ambassador Patrick Kennedy, 
is one of four parallel processes reviewing Washington's use of private 
security guards.
Copyright © 2007 Agence France Presse. All rights reserved. The information 
contained in the AFP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or 
redistributed without the prior written authority of Agence France Presse. 
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Posted by: "Sardar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   sog_recon 
Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:01 pm (PST) 
Most Americans understand that new laws are not needed to stop illegal 
immigration. What is necessary is repeal of some laws granting 
taxpayer-financed services to illegals along with enforcement of existing laws.
  UN Wants Control of The Seas With US Senate's Help
  Return of The CARA Monster
  Total Surveillance Equals Total Tyranny
  Loosing Your Liberty in The Name of Fighting Terrorism
  The Faith-Based Initiative is a Trojan Horse
PART 1 of 2
  By Tom DeWeese
September 29, 2007
NewsWithViews. com
  In June, 2007 a solid eighty percent of the American people let 
Congress know they wanted the government to put the brakes on illegal 
immigration; they turned thumbs down on the President Bush's guest worker 
amnesty plan; and they wanted tax-paid services to illegals stopped.
  Most Americans understand that new laws are not needed to stop illegal 
immigration. What is necessary is repeal of some laws granting 
taxpayer-financed services to illegals along with enforcement of existing 
laws. These two acts would be enough to stop the migration. In simple fact, 
they are called "illegal" because they are breaking the law.
  In truth, the battle over the Senate's guest worker-amnesty plan is 
really a battle over attempts to open the border as called for in programs 
such as North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Security and 
Prosperity Partnership (SPP). Both plans call for open borders and economic 
integration of North America. Open borders are required to fully implement 
the plans.
  The Bush Administration and those promoting illegal immigration were 
frankly stunned at the force and determination of U.S. citizens to reject 
the Senates immigration plan. Proponents played a very heavy hand in 
attempting to force the scheme on a resisting citizenry. Such powerful 
forces are not used to losing. Today they continue to seek new ways to work 
around the opposition and pass the legislation, as a whole or incrementally.
  However, the anti-illegal fervor refuses to abate and in fact, 
dramatic new developments are taking place in local communities across the 
nation that may well stop the unpopular Federal schemes.
  Meanwhile, in an attempt to weaken the resolve of opponents, they are 
called fringe fanatics. A common tactic employed by immigration proponents 
is to accuse opponents of racism. They charge that opponents want to deny a 
new breed of immigrant the chance to become Americans as many of our 
immigrant forefathers did. They paint a Norman Rockwell-type picture of 
honest, hard working immigrants, planting gardens, working in fields, doing 
the work "no Americans want to do."
  So, in town after town across the nation the battle rages. And that is 
really the point. Illegal immigration is not just a border issue. It is a 
national issue affecting every large city and almost every small town. It 
must be understood that illegal immigration is not just a matter of some 
unhappy peasants hoping to seek a better life. It is a $300 billion a year 
industry, combining the interests of multinational corporations with those 
of drug cartels and Latino street gangs. Caught in between are American 
communities and the American way of life. Some cities, especially those 
along the points of entry at the border have become dangerous no-mans lands, 
where no property is safe, no American citizen is able to leave their home 
unarmed and some politicians turn a blind eye as they profit under the 
table. As a result American civilization is beginning to break down. That is 
why so many Americans refuse to back down on the issue, continuing to demand 
a crack down, no matter what name calling they must endure.
  Federal law (the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act) 
mandates that all hospitals with emergency-room services must treat anyone 
who shows up - including illegal aliens. In most cities across the nation, 
illegals now use the emergency rooms as free primary care. And the hospitals 
have to keep taking them.
  Health Care
  The annual cost for uncompensated emergency care to Mexican Border 
States (California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas) is $200 million. 
  Crimes committed by alien criminals, such as rape, murder or drug 
distribution costs U.S. taxpayers $1.6 billion in prison costs alone. The 
figure doesn't include the cost of lost property, medical bills of the 
victims, time lost from work to recover, higher insurance costs, etc. Today, 
illegal aliens make up twenty nine percent of the U.S. prison population - 
or 500,000 illegals.
  Latino gangs like Mara Salvatrucha 13 (MS13) constitute most of the crime 
from the ranks of the illegals. ==snip====== ==
  MS13 is the largest and most violent of all gangs in the US today. 
They have overtaken the Crips and the Bloods both in size and violence. 
MS13, which began its operations in Los Angeles has now moved east and is 
prominent on the East Coast.
  No legal citizen of the United States of America, living under the 
Constitution and the Bill of Rights should have to live as those who reside 
near the U.S. / Mexican border. Here there are no property rights, no 
ability to be safe in their homes, and no peace. One dare not go to the 
movies, the grocery or visit a relative without carrying a weapon for 
protection. Through out the community the streets are teaming with drug 
dealers, loiterers and gangs bent on violence.
  E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale
  Website: www.americanpolicy. org
  Shortcut to: http://www.newswith DeWeese/tom94. htm
  Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 12:45:44 -0500 (CDT) 
From: "Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Switchboard Shutdown: The FISA Flood Begins 
  “Fix It, Defend the Constitution!”
  That’s what we must tell Speaker Pelosi, Senator Reid and all our Members of 
Congress before they make FISA worse, rather than making it better.
  Make it absolutely clear that fixing — not expanding — this ill-begotten law 
is exactly what we expect and demand.
  Make three phone calls right now.
 Dear Friend,
  Fix it. Defend the Constitution! That’s the message we have to send to 
Speaker Pelosi, Senator Reid and every member of Congress over the next 20 days.
  By all indications, the House and Senate will cast critical votes within 
three weeks — deciding whether or not to make the vast new spying powers that 
they granted the Bush Administration in August permanent.
  We can't let that happen. That's why we're starting the FISA Flood of 2007 
with today's leadership switchboard shutdown. All our members of Congress but 
especially leadership — who control the agenda and whose actions impact us all 
— need to know just how many Americans demand they act to restore the 
Constitution.  Here's three things you can do, right now:
  1. Call House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at (202) 225-4965.
  2. Call Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid at (202) 224-3542.
  3. Call your own representative. You can look up your representative's phone 
number here.
  It’s clear what freedom demands. And this is what we need every Member of 
Congress to hear:
  Congress should not act on FISA until the Bush administration hands over the 
documents about the NSA wiretapping program.  
Any legislation to permanently amend FISA must restore judicial review and 
protect the privacy rights of innocent Americans.
The government should receive only the information it is authorized to 
intercept by law, it should not be given direct and unfettered access to 
telecommunications infrastructure.
And the legislation must not grant amnesty to telecom companies that broke the 
law by illegally releasing Americans’ phone calls and records to the government.
Call right now as we launch the FISA Flood of 2007 — a monumental outpouring of 
grassroots energy. Demand that Congress stand strong by standing up for the 
Constitution, not caving in to the Bush Administration.
  When Congress caved in to Bush fear-mongering by passing FISA legislation 
temporarily allowing the government to intercept the calls and emails of 
innocent Americans without a court order, there was a massive outcry from 
freedom-loving people across the country. Reeling from the backlash, Senate 
Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi promised to 
“fix” the legislation on their return this fall.
  Now, as critical new votes approach, we’ve got to make it absolutely clear to 
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and every member of Congress that fixing — not 
expanding — this ill-begotten law is exactly what we expect and demand.
  Call right now: Join the the FISA Flood of 2007.
  Earlier this week, the ACLU launched Don’t Wait for ’08 — a 100-day campaign 
urging Congress to act now to restore liberties lost during the relentless Bush 
assault on our civil liberties. Now, it seems apparent that the first 20 days 
of that campaign leading up to “make-or-break” FISA votes in mid-October could 
well be the most critical.
  Given this Congress’ track record, we can’t leave anything to chance. In the 
days ahead, The FISA Flood of 2007 will unleash wave after wave of grassroots 
actions making it clear that we won’t tolerate waffling, wavering or wimping 
out when our fundamental freedoms are on the line.
  We’ve got to make ourselves heard. Let our members of Congress know: if they 
stand tall for freedom, we will stand with them through thick and thin. And 
make sure they understand that, if they sell out the Constitution, we will 
unleash a wave of public protests and outrage unlike anything they have ever 
  Make three phone calls for the Constitution right now.
  Next, record your participation in our FISA Flood of 2007 tally. And then, 
forward this message to as many people as possible. 
  The ACLU is reaching out not only to our 550,000 ACLU members, but to every 
online activist who cares about protecting our most cherished freedoms. We need 
you to act immediately.
  Help launch the FISA Flood of 2007 right now. Be part of a dramatic and 
sustained outpouring of concern that won’t yield until Congress has acted to 
protect the Constitution and reverse the civil liberties travesty that Congress 
perpetrated on the American people by granting President Bush vast new spying 
  Thanks for standing with us.
Caroline Fredrickson, Director
ACLU Washington Legislative Office
  P.S.  Help build the first powerful wave of the FISA Flood of 2007. Make your 
three phone calls for the Constitution right now. Next, record your 
participation in our FISA Flood of 2007 tally. And then, forward this message 
to as many people as possible.
  © ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004
Sun, 30 Sep 2007 12:09:29 GMT 
From: "Colleen Connors, Save Darfur Coalition" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Last chance, Theresa J. 
Dear Theresa J.
Deadline Tonight!
  But there is still $71,672 left to raise.
  Please help us reach our $450,000 goal. 
  Donate now and your dollars double. 
This is your last chance to take advantage of our matching gift offer. The 
deadline is midnight tonight! 
  Please don't wait any longer. For as many as 400,000 slaughtered Darfurians, 
it's already too late. But for millions of others, there's still hope. 
  For the sake of those who are suffering - we must act now. 
  Make your tax-deductible gift before midnight tonight and your donation will 
be matched dollar for dollar by a group of generous donors.
  Together, we can stop this genocide. No matter how desperate the situation 
may seem, your voice - combined with millions of others worldwide - has already 
gotten results.
  You're being heard:
  At the United Nations, where we're a respected and forceful advocate for 
immediate deployment of an international peacekeeping force.  
On the airwaves and streets of the U.S. and more than 40 other countries where 
we've helped ignite a worldwide movement on behalf of the people of Darfur. 
In the halls of Congress, where staffers know and respect the power of our 
activist network and members of Congress listen when we talk. 
In corporate boardrooms, where we're urging companies to cut off the flow of 
oil money to the Sudanese government.
Today, you have one last chance to double the power of your pocketbook to help 
end the genocide in Darfur. A $50 contribution will make $100 difference in 
Darfur. A $75 gift will become $150. Give $100, and our generous donors will 
make it $200.
  Help us seize this rare opportunity - make your donation before the matching 
gift offer runs out at midnight tonight.
  Few of us can truly understand the terrors faced by Darfurians every day. But 
we can do everything in our power to make sure they end - soon, and forever. 
  Thank you again for your commitment to stopping the violence.
  Best regards,
Colleen Connors
Save Darfur Coalition
Donate to Help Save Darfur
Help build the political pressure needed to end the crisis in Darfur by 
supporting the Save Darfur Coalition's crucial awareness and advocacy programs. 
Click here now to make a secure, tax-deductible online donation.
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from our lists.  
The Save Darfur Coalition is an alliance of over 180 faith-based, advocacy and 
human rights organizations whose mission is to raise public awareness about the 
ongoing genocide in Darfur and to mobilize a unified response to the atrocities 
that threaten the lives of more than two million people in the Darfur region. 
To learn more, please visit  

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