October 3, 2007 -- Blackwater testimony reveals open and hidden  
agendas - PART I
publication date: Oct 3, 2007
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October 3, 2007 -- Blackwater testimony reveals open and hidden  
agendas - PART I

In yesterday's House hearing about Blackwater's operations in Iraq,  
Afghanistan, and other countries, GOP members of Chairman Henry  
Waxman's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee engaged in  
juvenile antics as Democrats and one sole Republican raised  
legitimate questions about the propriety of the government's use of  
private military contractors in Iraq and elsewhere.

Massachusetts Democrat John Tierney said there must be a re- 
evaluation of private military contractors (PMCs). Tierney said that  
none civilian contractors a week are dying in Iraq, adding that PMCs  
"harm the counter-insurgency effort."

Carolyn Maloney, Democrat of New York, said contracting out military  
work "does not save the government money." Maryland Democrat Elijah  
Cummings declared, "a shadow military of mercenary forces not  
accountable to the U.S. government or anyone else negatively affects  
U.S. relations with other nations in the Middle East."

Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich said that according to a British  
polling agency, more than one million Iraqi citizens have died as a  
direct result of the war. He linked some of these deaths to  
Blackwater's "outrageous behavior." Kucinich also said he is  
concerned that the State Department has covered up Blackwater's  
killing of Iraqi citizens and he questioned Blackwater's "shoot first  
and don't ask questions approach."

Meanwhile, committee Republicans engaged in diversionary tactics and  
gimmicks to show their support for Prince, a major GOP personal donor  
and funder of right-wing causes through his Freiheit Foundation.  
North Carolina Representative Patrick McHenry said it was  
irresponsible to investigate Blackwater during ongoing State and  
Justice Department investigations of a September 16 incident  
involving the killing of Iraqi civilians in Baghdad by Blackwater  
security personnel. McHenry said he is "grateful for Blackwater's  
service," adding that the Waxman hearings were a "knee jerk reaction"  
to the "liberal cause du jour."

Indiana's Dan Burton called the Blackwater investigation a "rush to  
judgement." California's Darrell Issa produced a gimmicky chart  
showing the names of House Democrats who supported in the  
controversy about its New York Times advertisement criticizing  
General David Petraeus. California Democratic Congresswoman Diane  
Watson objected to the chart and had it removed from the hearings  
room in the Rayburn House Office building.

Florida Republican Dan Mica said the series of Waxman's committee  
hearings were trying to discredit President Bush, Ambassador Ryan  
Crocker, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and were "now discrediting  
contractors." Mica said the committee was interfering with Justice  
and State Department investigations of Blackwater. Mica then moved to  
adjourn the hearings. The motion was roundly defeated on a voice vote.

The committee agreed with a request from the Justice Department to  
withhold asking Prince or State Department officials about the  
September 16 shooting incident in Baghdad because it is currently the  
subject of a Justice Department and FBI criminal investigation. After  
being sworn in, Prince testified that Blackwater does not engage in  
"military or offensive missions." He stated that Blackwater "acted  
appropriately at all times." Prince said that after 9/11, Blackwater  
supported "U.S. stabilization efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq."

Waxman noted that Blackwater profited greatly in the aftermath of  
9/11. In 2001, Blackwater had over $200,000 in federal contracts,  
after 9/11 that skyrocketed to now over $1 billion in federal contracts.

When Waxman brought up the crash in Afghanistan of a Blackwater  
Aviation plane, Blackwater 61, that killed three active duty U.S.  
military personnel and three Blackwater employees, he cited the  
Blackwater crew's lack of training when they plowed the aircraft into  
a canyon wall. A National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)  
investigation concluded that the pilot and first officer acted  
unprofessionally and flew the dangerous canyon route "for fun."  
Prince responded that he disagreed with Waxman's assertions. Waxman  
replied that Blackwater violated  its own policies because the crew  
lacked the required one month flight experience in Afghanistan when  
the crash occurred. Prince sought to blame the military for the crash  
because it used the Blackwater flight to transport ammunition.

Waxman said the NTSB concluded that the Blackwater pilot failed to  
file a flight plan. One passenger managed to survive for 10 hours  
after the crash but died from the elements because, without a flight  
plan, searchers were not able to locate the plane quickly.

Issa countered with a diversionary tactic of questioning the Clinton  
administration's investigation of the crash in Croatia that killed  
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and the other passengers, as well as the  

Mica added that Prince was the "next in the chain of command" to be  
attacked by Democrats. Mica compared the Blackwater crash in  
Afghanistan to the Comair crash in Kentucky and cited similar NTSB  
conclusions about the Comair crew. And he added that searchers have  
not been able to find aviator Steve Fossett in Nevada and compared  
the search for the Blackwater plane in Afghanistan to the search for  
Fossett's plane in Nevada, which he and Prince said had similar terrain.

Related Articles:

     * October 1, 2007 -- House Committee discovers new details about  
     * Sept. 27, 2007 -- Waxman releases report on private security  
contractors in Iraq
     * October 2, 2007 -- Biggest decision for a fired Blackwater  
employee in Iraq
     * Sept. 28-30, 2007 -- State Dept. IG Howard Krongard threatened  
State investigators if they cooperated with Congress
     * October 4, 2007 -- State Department official involved in  
Blackwater scandal also named in AIPAC espionage probe
     * October 3, 2007 -- Blackwater testimony reveals open and  
hidden agendas --- PART II
     * October 4, 2007 -- Blackwater Aviation and its X-Wing Star  
Wars pilots


Kait (Michigan)
     The Bush administration's ties to Blackwater

     The private security firm has long ties to the White House and  
prominent Republicans, including Ken Starr.

     By Ben Van Heuvelen

Kait (Michigan)
     Some of the Bush Blackwater links as reported by Ben Von  
Heuvelen at the above link.

     Erik Prince, Blackwater's founder, who has donated "roughly  
$300,000 to Republican candidates and political action committees.  
Through his Freiheit Foundation, he also gave $500,000 to Prison  
Fellowship Ministries, run by former Nixon official Charles Colson,  
in 2000."

     J. Cofer Black, Blackwater Vice Chairman, a 28-year veteran of  
the CIA Van Heuvelen describes as "one of the more prominent faces  
associated with the Bush administration's interrogation and  
extraordinary rendition policies." Black is also a senior adviser to  
GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

     Rob Richer, Vice President for Intelligence, who is the former  
head of the CIA Near East Division. "In 2003," according to Salon "he  
briefed President Bush on the nascent Iraqi insurgency. In late 2004,  
he became the associate deputy director in the CIA's Directorate of  
Operations, making him the second-ranking official for clandestine  

     Fred Fielding, a former outside counsel for the firm, who "has  
had a long career as a lawyer to prominent Republicans. From 1970 to  
1972, he was an associate White House counsel in the Nixon  
administration; from 1972 to 1974, he was present for the denouement  
of that administration as deputy White House counsel." Fielding is a  
former counsel to President Reagan and current White House counsel to  
President Bush.

     Ken Starr, another counsel to Blackwater, who was hired by the  
firm in 2006, is best known "as the Independent Counsel who  
investigated Bill Clinton. He revealed the intimate details of  
Clinton's affair with intern Monica Lewinsky in the infamous Starr  
Report and set in motion Clinton's impeachment by Congress."

Arthur T. Murray (Seattle, WA)
     The Blackwater episodes are showing our native-born terrorist  
American Republicans at their worst. The day will come when admitting  
to having been an American Republican will be like a German admitting  
to having been a Nazi. The rogue Blackwater employees should be  
prosecuted, and the American military officers who invaded Iraq  
should be prosecuted.

liberty antigone (?)
     Kait, you rock! in providing great links.

Susan Modikoane (Houston/TX)
     Why not tell Blackwater what America thinks of them? I did.

     Primary Number 252.435.2488 Primary Number 815.244.2900
     Fax Number 252.435.6388

     Mailing Address: Mailing Address:
     Blackwater Blackwater USA North
     PO Box 1029 PO Box 33
     Moyock, NC 27958 Mount Carroll, IL 61053

     Public Relations
     Anne Tyrrell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     Telephone: (703) 852-4320


     Training Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     Blackwater North Training Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     Target Systems [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     Employment/Careers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     Blackwater ProShop [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     Media Relations [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Diane Bourdeau (Winnetka)
     Right on Susan, I will also be writing our favorite Mercenaries  
to tell them what I think of them. Thank you!

Kait (Michigan)
     Thanks Liberty and Susan for all your great links!

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