-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 11:48 pm
Subject: Plunge Protection

The Plunge Protection Team
By Andrew Gause 
US Gold Coins.com



Those who share the "crash" mentality have often derided the notion of 
sustainability in this fiat, or unbacked monetary system. They insist that both 
doom and gloom are imminent. They cite the fact that every experiment with fiat 
money has failed and that empires crumbled in each instance. I suggest that 
none of the prior systems had the technology in use today. Even the very notion 
of money is radically different. Today over 92% of everything we call money is 
electronic. When the Roman Empire debased its money, the masses who controlled 
the actual debased coins alternately aggregated and dumped them, creating an 
ebb and flow similar to rocking a boat. As each wave occurred, the swings were 
wider until the water came over the side. Alas, if only the Romans had the 
Plunge Protection Team. They could have stopped the rocking with appropriate 
counter measures. 

The science of monetary policy has created a system of chattel slavery unlike 
any ever witnessed. Those in charge of this wildly profitable system have found 
a way to effectively harness the efforts of the populace with what we have 
dubbed the electronic chain. 


By converting the bulk of money to electronic form, they have eliminated the 
element of surprise that often caused the widespread panic inherent in a 
rocking boat. Prior to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 
http://tinyurl.com/3b8fom,?pools were formed by prominent capitalists. 

The Government was rarely involved, not withstanding the 1869 Gold panic 
http://tinyurl.com/2uaucv offset by Treasury selling. J.P. Morgan himself 
organized a private pool to stem the Bank Panic of 1907 
http://tinyurl.com/34kc43 . In 1929, Richard Whitney, acting head of the New 
York Stock Exchange, created demand by buying large blocks of stock for a pool 
which bolstered prices and restored confidence. Like the Morgan pool of 1907, 
both lacked the subs tance to be successful. 


The modern survivor to Morgan's famous pool is the "Working Group on Financial 
Markets." http://tinyurl.com/28gy65?? Created by Executive Order 12631 
http://tinyurl.com/a8lrv , this action was largely the result of the crash of 
1987 where a total collapse of the markets was narrowly averted?thanks 
to?concerted action.? This formal government entity is charged with "enhancing 
the orderliness of our Nation's financial markets and maintaining investor 
confidence." The first reference to this faction appeared in an article?in the 
Washington Post, by Brett Fromson. Many stories have circulated?about massive 
buying at precisely timed?moments to revive an otherwise sagging market. 

Unlike informal arrangements cobbled together at the onset of a panic, these 
efforts were massive by standards of reason. In the private pools it often took 
more money than the participants were willing to commit. These efforts 
necessarily failed. Many prominent economists cited this "lack of resources" as 
the only reason for failure. The problems of limited resources are now gone. 
The Secretary of the Treasury, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, the 
Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Chairman of the 
Commodity Futures Trading Commission, have all picked a designee to act in 
concert with government and private parties, to prevent investor panics. 

The order also directs that, "The heads of Executive departments, agencies, and 
independent instrumentalities shall, to the extent permitted by law, provide 
the Working Group all such information as it may require for the purpose of 
carrying out this Order." And further, it says, "To the extent permitted by law 
and subject to the availability of funds thereof, the Department of the 
Treasury shall provide the Working Group with such administrative and support 
services as may be necessary for the performance of its functions". 


With this one order, the entire financial system has been placed in the hands 
of 6 people?with a practically unlimited supply of money.? By law, only the 
President can authorize a shutdown of U.S. financial markets.?? No doubt such 
an event would shake investor confidence.? So this team sees to it that this is 


Have they had an effect? There have been many instances since 1988, when the 
Major Market Index futures contracts were heavily bought, at just the right 
moment, by a few major firms.? This unusual buying boosted the Dow and rallied 
the markets.? The heavy buying of this one MMI contract raised the price.? The 
underlying securities were then at a discount to the index. 

This prompted regular market traders to buy up the individual stocks that made 
up the index.? These folks are not members of the "Working Group".? I doubt if 
they ever even knew that they were part of a larger effort.? These traders 
simply earn a living on the difference between the cash and futures prices in 
stocks, gold, silver, currencies, oil and bonds.? They are just doing what 
comes naturally, and in the process they contribute to the solution. 

This indirect action shields the Plunge Protection Team from [the stigma of] 
"direct intervention."? If the Fed were directly buying futures contracts, 
there would be a record of the transactions.? However, when the PPT causes 
regular market participants to act for a profit, official fingerprints are 


The resources of these traders are bolstered by the money the Fed creates and 
loans to them.? The money enters the markets through the New York Federal Open 
Market Committee, or FOMC.? In the past, these increases were very visible in 
the M-3 numbers. This past year, the Fed announced that it would no longer 
report the M-3 number after March 2006!? Without M-3, it is impossible to see 
the extra funds that enter the money markets.? This makes it nearly impossible 
to follow their actions. 

The biggest apparent worries facing the Plunge Protection Team right now seems 
to be the twin behemoths: the Hedge Funds and the Derivative markets. Recent 
activity by the team resulted in the bailout of two giant hedge funds, Amaranth 
Advisers and Vega Asset Management.? Our new secretary of the U.S. Treasury, 
Henry Paulson, is no stranger to a market meltdown.? Many technical indicators 
are warning of a significant potential decline.? 


Paulson, who built a $700 million fortune at Goldman Sachs, is reinvigorating 
the Plunge Protection Team.? He suggests that the group has lost cohesion 
during the banner years being enjoyed by Wall Street.? Under his watch, the PPT 
will amass new powers and a renewed sense of purpose.? It will have a high tech 
command post at the U.S. Treasury building that will track global events and 
act as a base of operations in the next crisis. 

The members will resume meeting every six weeks to compare strategies and 
outline objectives. Mr. Paulson has recently asked the team to examine and 
explore "systemic risk posed by hedge funds and derivatives, and the 
government's ability to respond to a financial crisis." 


"We need to be vigilant and make sure we are thinking through all of the 
various risks and that we are being very careful here. Do we have enough 
liquidity in the system?" asked Paulson. 


I am certain he will see to it that we do. The SEC, CFTC and the U.S. Treasury, 
monitor the cash positions of all the major stock and commodity brokerages and 
large traders. Most certainly, the Treasury Secretary is privy to those 

However, Mr. Paulson is not the only one preparing for trouble. 


The SEC has proposed a reduction in margin requirements for institutions and 
hedge funds on stocks, options, and futures to as low as 15%.? That means that 
a hedge fund or institutional trader need only put up 15 cents for every dollar 
in assets that they buy.? Currently the level is between 25 and 50%.? 


A great many hedge funds moved to the London exchanges and the SEC wants to 
lure them back by making lending operations easier here. It strikes us as odd 
that they would actually allow this extr a leverage just as the stock indexes 
hit an all-time high.? With daily derivatives transactions of $3 trillion in 
currency alone, and over 9,000 hedge funds in operation, the PPT certainly has 
its game plan laid out. 



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