-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 10:14 pm
Subject: Bush Tries to Outmaneuver Sibel Edmonds -- Only the Spineless Dems Can 
Stop Him!



Luke Ryland: Two weeks after the first article in the Times about the 
involvement of high-level US officials being involved with Turkish and Israeli 
interests in supplying the nuclear black market, President Bush quietly 
announced that the US will start supplying nuclear technology to Turkey. Do you 
think that is a coincidence?

Sibel Edmonds: The timing is certainly very, very suspicious. The proposals 
that are being floated are very suspicious too.? There are reports that Turkey 
will build an enrichment facility, and that Turkey will become the key supplier 
of nuclear fuel to other Muslim countries who want nuclear power plants.? None 
of this makes any sense.

And again, the US media is nowhere to be seen on this issue. Where are the 
journalists? Do you remember the noise made a couple of years ago when the US 
announced that it would supply India with nuclear technology? So far, nearly a 
week after the announcement and not a single major US media outlet has even 
reported on the deal! Think of the hypocrisy, with all the saber-rattling at 
Iran over enrichment.

If it's such a good idea to sell nuclear technology to Turkey, why isn't the 
White House out there selling the idea?? Where are the arguments in the press 
saying that this will be good for regional stability, or that it will help 
reduce demand for oil, or even that it is simply good business because US firms 
will be able to sell their hardware and knowledge?? There's nothing!? Silence.? 
What does that tell you?

Luke Ryland: What needs to be done?

Sibel Edmonds: The way they've structured this deal is that Congress has 90 
days from the announcement, now 84 days, to block the 'agreement,' otherwise it 
basically becomes law.

The first thing that we need to do is to make sure that this doesn't 
'automatically' become law.? We need the journalists, the experts, and the 
bloggers to raise hell over this issue, and we need to make sure that Congress 
investigates this properly before rubber-stamping it. The clock is ticking and 
we need to act now.

As you know, and this was even published in the White House press release on 
this issue, certain 'Turkish private entities' have been involved 'in certain 
activities directly relating to nuclear proliferation.'? This includes 
supplying the A.Q. Khan network -- which built Pakistan's nuclear bomb, and 
also supplied North Korea, Iran and other countries -- but as the recent Times 
stories indicate, so much more as well.

The White House press release states that all these issues have been resolved; 
that the Turkish government has addressed these issues, that the US government 
has evaluated these actions and that the US government is satisfied,?but that 
all of this is secret --?classified!

Given the track record of this administration in abusing classification and 
distorting intelligence, why on earth would we trust them with this?? What is 
in the report?? Is it truthful?? Why is it classified?? 


We saw these exact same people do the same thing in the late 80s when they 
enabled Pakistan to get nuclear weapons. Richard Barlow did his best to stop 
them then, but if Congress doesn't hold hearings this time around the same 
thing will happen again. We should have stopped Pakistan then, but unless this 
'classified' report is made public and the contents publicly debated, then the 
Barlow of today won't even get the chance to debunk whatever is in that 
'classified' report.? What conceivable logic is there in classifying the 
details of how Turkey has cleaned up its act regarding nuclear proliferation?? 
If they have, they should be proud of it!

There are many great anti-proliferation organizations out there, we need to 
rally all of them, and all of the 'pro-transparency' organizations, to this 
cause. We need journalists to contact these experts for their opinion and 
expertise, and we need these experts to contact journalists to ensure that the 
story, and the issues, is covered, and covered thoroughly.

We also need to recruit bloggers and alternative media to keep the pressure on. 
Perhaps a 'countdown clock' as we count down the 90 days might help.

Luke Ryland: What are the next steps in the process?

Sibel Edmonds: I'm not exactly sure of the process at the moment, but it has 
been reported that this 'automatically' becomes law after the 90 days, somehow, 
unless Congress blocks or amends the legislation.

Apparently the approval process somehow includes convincing the Senate Foreign 
Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee not to object, so 
those committees appear to be our first firewall.

(Ed note: Senate Foreign Relations Committee includes Joe Biden (Chair), Chris 
Dodd, John Kerry, Russ Feingold, Barbara Boxer, Barack Obama, and Jim Webb for 
the Democrats, and Richard Lugar, Chuck Hagel and George Voinovich for the 
minority.? Hopefully one of them will stand up on this important issue. The 
House side looks more difficult:?the Chairman is Tom Lantos -- ?who was listed 
in Sibel's Rogue's Gallery, which apparently identifies 18 of the guilty 
parties in her case --?so that might be a problem.? Ron Paul is also on that 
committee, he might be a prime target for this campaign.)

Luke Ryland: Is there anything else we can do?

Sibel Edmonds: There is one other hope. As last week's White House press 
release states, Bill Clinton tried to pass this legislation in 2000 but 
"immediately after" Clinton tried to send it to Congress, it was blocked, 
because some people apparently highlighted Turkish involvement in the nuclear 
black market and, who knows, maybe threatened to blow the whistle.? Those same 
individuals, and others like them, can stop this again, and they should do 
everything they can to make sure that this doesn't happen. They should try to 
do it internally, and if they can't do it internally, then they need reach out 
to journalists, either on or off the record. Hopefully some honest, dedicated 
people will try to block it again, but we can't rely on that. We need to 
pressure congress to ensure that this doesn't go through.

Time is running out, the countdown clock is ticking down, and we need to stop 
this now.? We need the help of journalists, congress, nuclear proliferation 
experts, bloggers and those active citizens in the blogosphere and elsewhere.

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