Thu, 7 Feb 2008 05:54:42 -0800  
From: "Quechick Barnyard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Howard Dean 
  Wed, 6 Feb 2008 13:01:04 -0500 
To: "quechick007 barnyard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
From: "Howard Dean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: How we'll beat John McCain 
 Dear quechick007,
Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney are done. John McCain will be the Republican 
nominee -- he's the only one with a reasonable path to the nomination.
So how do we beat him? We stand up -- right now -- start fighting, and show the 
American people that he's not who they think he is.
We can't wait for Hillary or Barack to win the nomination. Now that the 
Republicans have a candidate, the dollars are starting to pour in from special 
interests who will do anything to beat the Democratic nominee. They're just 
waiting for us to decide so they can start smearing.
Here's what U.S. News and World Report recently reported about how the RNC is 
getting ready...
[RNC Chairman Mike] Duncan and his aides want to be ready to go on the 
offensive against the Democratic nominee presumptive in an effort to define the 
opposition candidate on GOP terms. Opposition research is already well along, 
and the plan is for surrogates to talk to the media around the country while a 
TV ad campaign in key states and media markets as soon as the Democratic 
nominee is determined.
We must be ready to fight back, and fight back hard, today.
Now that we know our opponent, it's time to build a national effort on the 
programs you and I have worked so hard to create over the last four years - 
from our cutting-edge technology to our voter protection programs, it's time to 
shift gears.
I need you to contribute $25, $50, or $100 to help us fight John McCain right 
John McCain is a media darling, but don't trust his carefully-crafted image - 
he's worked for years to brand himself. From Iraq to health care, Social 
Security to special interest tax cuts to ethics, he's promising nothing more 
than a third Bush term.
After championing campaign finance reform and ethics legislation to score 
political points, he now has a staggering amount of lobbyists involved in every 
aspect of his campaign. In fact, two of the top three sources for John McCain's 
campaign cash are D.C. lobbying firms, and he looked the other way as Jack 
Abramoff bought and paid for the Republican Party and the Culture of Corruption.
On immigration reform, he's run as far to the right as he can, aligning himself 
with the most extreme elements of the Republican Party.
On the war, McCain scoffed at Bush's call to leave troops in Iraq for 50 years, 
saying "Make it a hundred!"
On a woman's right to choose, McCain has vowed to appoint judges who would 
overturn Roe v. Wade.
On the economy, one of the issues that the American people care most about, 
McCain has said: "I know a lot less about economics than I do about military 
and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated."
We can't afford four more years with a President who drives the economy into 
the ground. We can't afford four more years with a President who fights an 
endless war in Iraq. We can't afford four more years with a President who gives 
tax cuts to companies who ship jobs overseas; with a President who can't get 
every American the health care they deserve; with a President we just can't 
I don't just want to beat John McCain - I want it to be a landslide. If you're 
as committed as I am, I need you to make a contribution today:
Only the Democratic Party is legally allowed to spend unlimited amounts of 
money to back our nominee and tell the real story about John McCain. We proved 
that our strategy worked in 2006, and it will work again this fall.
Help us today:
Let's get going,
Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, 
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 
Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003 
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible 
as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
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DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003
  13 Feb 2008 16:10:41 -0800 
From: "Yahoo! Alerts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Add Mobile Alert 
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Subject: Y! Alert: Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy  
Yahoo! Alerts 
My Alerts - Edit Alert 
  The latest from Yahoo! News Search Results for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
  Kennedy lends heft to NCLB (The Politico) 
UPDATED: Sen. Edward M. Kennedy: Closing the Torture Loophole: Bringing America 
Back from the Brink (HuffingtonPost) 
  Kennedy lends heft to NCLB (The Politico) Top 
Wednesday February 13, 2008 4:55 PM CST 
Kennedy needs every inch of stature as he fights for reauthorization of 
controversial No Child Left Behind law. 
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy: Closing the Torture Loophole: Bringing America Back 
from the Brink (HuffingtonPost) Top 
UPDATED: Wednesday February 13, 2008 4:19 PM CST 
Torture is a defining issue, and it is clear that under the Bush administration 
we have lost our way. 
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:44:19 -0800 
From: "Adam Ruben, Political Action" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Add Mobile 
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To: "Theresa J.Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Victory! Progressives defeat a right-wing Dem in Congress 
    We won big together in Maryland yesterday, replacing a right-wing Democrat 
in Congress with a progressive champ. But we need to keep the pressure on 
Democrats who don't share our progressive values. 
  Can you chip in $25 and support MoveOn's campaign to hold Democrats 
Click Here 
Dear MoveOn member, 
We've been working together for years to make sure Democrats hold to 
progressive values and stand up to President Bush. It hasn't always been easy. 
But yesterday, something amazing happened.
  In what the Washington Post called a "stunning victory,"1 progressive 
underdog Donna Edwards triumphed in her primary against right-wing Democrat Al 
Wynn. That's one more vote for ending the war, for affordable health care, for 
ending global warming. And thousands of MoveOn members pitched in time, money, 
and shoe leather to make it possible.
  It's a big deal, because it's not just about this race—it's about reminding 
the rest of the Democrats in Congress that at the end of the day, the voters 
call the shots.
  We need to build on this success—to keep putting pressure on Democrats who 
have lost sight of progressive values, even as we gear up to win the White 
House in the fall.  Our plan is to use grassroots tactics, advertising, and 
yes, more primary elections. We'll do it hand-in-hand with our partners at the 
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and Working for Us PAC.
  Can you donate $25 to support a major campaign to hold Democrats accountable? 
Click here:
  In 2006, we helped Democrats take back Congress from the Republicans. And 
while many Democrats have stood up against the war and corporate interests, 
some have folded. 
Holding those people accountable is what we're about. In some cases, sending a 
clear message to Democrats may be as simple as flooding their offices with 
calls, or running ads in their district on a key issue. In other cases, getting 
involved in primary elections is one of the best ways to hold them accountable. 
In those cases, we'll look for more strong progressive challengers like Donna 
Edwards, and if there is no challenger in the district, we might help recruit 
  MoveOn members joined with union members and other progressives—including, 
ACORN, Democracy for America, EMILY's List, the League of Conservation Voters, 
Progressive Maryland, SEIU, Sierra Cub, United Food and Commercial Workers, 
Women's Voices, Women's Votes, and more—to help put it over the top for Donna 
Edwards.  Together we ran ads to educate voters, contributed thousands to 
Donna's campaign, and hit the streets to turn out voters.
  A few months back, we surveyed MoveOn members about Democratic accountability 
and over 78% said this should be a major priority for the year. Donna Edwards' 
victory is proof that Democrats in Congress who vote like Republicans can be 
defeated.  Working with SEIU and Working for Us PAC, MoveOn members can help 
fight for a majority that's not just Democratic, but progressive. 
Can you chip in $25 to support our campaign to make it happen now?
Thank you.
  –Adam, Eli, Daniel, Joan, and the Political Action Team
  Wednesday, February 13th, 2008
1.  "Md. Challenger Edwards Wins Stunning Victory Over Long-Time Incumbent 
Wynn," Washington Post, February 13th, 2008
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  Thu, 14 Feb 2008 09:35:28 -0500 (EST) 
From: "Wes Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: As dangerous as George Bush 
Dear Theresa J.,
   If you don't think John McCain is just as dangerous in the White House as 
George W. Bush, think again.
McCain will not reverse the foreign policy mistakes of George Bush.  He is 
content to leave us in Iraq, saying it'd be "fine by me" if we were in Iraq for 
another 100 years; he is rash on using military force with Iran.  He overplays 
the military card and doesn't seem to appreciate that the real strength of the 
nation lies in our economy and in our values. 
We have to be sure we have a Congress that will support a Democratic president 
but also one that, in the event of a John McCain presidency, has enough 
horsepower to ensure he can't continue the policies of George W. Bush. 
We can't just triumph over John McCain in the race for the White House.  We 
must also defeat every Republican senator who supports Bush and McCain and 
believes in continuing a war that 64% of the American people are vehemently 
against - people like Norm Coleman in Minnesota, Susan Collins in Maine, and 
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. 
The DSCC is working overtime to expand our narrow 51-49 Democratic majority so 
they can either push through the agenda of a Democratic president or act as a 
firewall against the radical policies of a President John McCain.  And with the 
GOP consolidating their national efforts now, the DSCC has got to have the 
support of committed Democrats early and often.
Click here to make a donation of $50, $75 or more to help expand the Democratic 
Senate majority in 2008.
As a military man, I know and respect the use of force.
I also know it's not enough to keep us safe.
But that's not the way John McCain and his acolytes see it.  Since 9/11, they 
have taken the very real threat of terrorism and turned it into a rallying cry 
for military adventurism.  Their paranoia runs so deep that Sen. McCain has now 
taken to calling Islamic terrorism the "greatest evil ever faced" by the United 
This nation triumphed over Nazism and Communism once before and I have no doubt 
that the bin Ladens of the world will eventually rue the day they challenged 
the United States.  But this constant fear mongering and refusal to change 
course in Iraq is making it more difficult to defeat our enemies.
American troops have done everything that's been asked of them and more in Iraq 
and Afghanistan.  But the Army and Marine Corps are stretched to their breaking 
point because George Bush has refused to engage in the type of diplomacy that 
could tamp down hostilities and ease the strain on our military.
And John McCain and any Republican senator who supports his presidential 
candidacy are offering more of the same.  And they have got to go.  You can 
make it happen.
Click here to make a donation of $50, $75 or more to help expand the Democratic 
Senate majority in 2008.
I have every expectation that America will have a Democrat in the White House 
next January, and when that happens, I know he or she will begin bringing 
American troops home from Iraq with honor.
But nothing is for certain in politics.  And while Democrats battle to retake 
the executive branch, we must work just as hard to expand our majorities in the 
United States Congress.
The DSCC is on the front lines of the fight for the Senate every day.  And 
today, they need you.
Gen. Wesley Clark    
100 years in Iraq!?!  Help defeat the Republicans.
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