9/11: The “Perfect Opportunity” for North American Integration

by Andrew G. Marshall
Global Research, February 14, 2008

On February 12, 2008, the Canadian newspaper, the Financial Post, published an 
opinion piece by Michael Hart, of Carleton University, entitled, “Canada Blew 
It,” in which he blamed the “slow” approach to North American integration on 
Canada’s policies following 9/11. The article begins by stating:
“The Canadian and U.S. economies have become intertwined in response to demands 
by Canadians and Americans for each other's products, services, capital, and 
ideas. Yet the border as presently constituted protects Canadians and Americans 
from each other, not from global security threats. It also presents a risk to 
the wealth-creating flow of people, goods, services and capital between the two 

      Hart states that in order to “address global security concerns”, Canada 
and the US need to, “develop co-operative solutions to common problems.” He 
stated to do this, Canada and the US should implement an, “agenda aimed at 
removing the border to the largest extent possible as an obstacle to 
Canada-U.S. interaction and integration.” He continues in outlining the steps 
to be taken in this agenda, the first of which is to, “re-imagine the border.” 
Hart explains that much of the problems with the border are a result of 
“regulatory compliance”, as in having a border, to which he proposes a solution 
in which, “Canada and the United States need to aggressively pursue regulatory 
convergence,” or in other words, harmonization. He continues, “It is in 
Canada's interests to align as many of its regulatory requirements as possible 
with those of the United States.”

      In discussing the security of “North America’s” economic infrastructure, 
Hart states, “Similar to our interdependence in ensuring the security of the 
North American continent, neither country can ensure the security of its 
economic infrastructure without the full co-operation of the other,” to which 
he elaborates that, “we need to build the necessary institutions and networks 
of co-operation that ensure that American and Canadian officials are working 
together toward common objectives and doing so on the basis of constructive 
political oversight.”2 Amazingly, Hart stated that it is “not a trade agenda”, 
but is, in fact, “an integration agenda that requires the full participation of 
departments and agencies on both sides of the border responsible for border 
administration, economic regulation, and infrastructure integrity.” 

      Hart continued in his critique of the slow process of integration, 
stating that, “The crisis of Sept. 11, 2001, provided a perfect opportunity to 
seize the moment to re-imagine the border, but Canada blew it [emphasis 
added].” This is a clear example of how important it is for those who oppose 
the processes of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America 
(SPP), and the North American Union which it seeks to create, must also examine 
the relationship between integration and terror; between the North American 
Union and 9/11. These are not separate elements of one another, these events 
are themselves deeply integrated, in both purpose and strategy. It is integral 
for those that oppose the NAU to review the attacks of September 11, 2001, to 
see the linkages between them and understand them as something beyond random 
associations and reactions to one another. 

      As to explaining why “Canada blew it,” Hart states that, “Rather than 
work with the United States to address real security and related concerns, and 
to build a much-better functioning, more open, and more integrated North 
America, Canadian authorities reacted defensively and anxiously to American 
security concerns.” But this is a gross misrepresentation, as shortly after 
9/11, in December of 2001, “Governor Tom Ridge and Deputy Prime Minister John 
Manley Signed the Smart Border Declaration and Associated 30-Point Action Plan 
to Enhance the Security of Our Shared Border While Facilitating the Legitimate 
Flow of People and Goods,”3 according to the White House’s December 2002 press 
release on the subject. Part of the 30-Point Action plan included “Biometric 
Identifiers”, stating, “In the interest of having cards that could be used 
across different modes of travel, we have agreed to use cards that are capable 
of storing multiple biometrics.” Another of the 30 points was “Permanent 
Residence Cards”, or in other words, ID Cards. Further, the plans also stated 
that, “The United States and Canada have agreed to share Advance Passenger 
Information and Passenger Name Records (API/PNR) on high-risk travelers 
destined to either country.” This is hardly stepping away from integration 
between the two countries, as Michael Hart seems to imagine. 

      Hart further explains that, “In the absence of another crisis, only 
inspired leadership can overcome the narrow-minded response of special and 
entrenched interests and bureaucratic self-preservation.”4 Then, in revealing 
the true intent of the SPP, Hart states, “Each group [Canada and the US] is 
adept at exploiting the default position of incrementalism, exemplified by such 
initiatives as the Security and Prosperity Partnership. Progress will be made 
under the SPP banner, but at a snail's pace and without the impact needed to 
make a perceptible difference.” This is a public admission of the SPP being an 
incremental approach to “deep integration”, of which then ultimate goal is to 
form a North American Union. Hart explains that a key source of leadership is, 
“a business sector prepared to speak out forcefully and convincingly about the 
costs and lost opportunities flowing from misdirected and overzealous border 

      So who is Michael Hart? He is the Simon Reisman Chair in Trade Policy at 
the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University.5 He 
is the first person to hold this position, which is named after Simon Reisman, 
“Canada's Chief Negotiator during the free trade talks with the United States, 
he also participated in a series of important international trade negotiations 
under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.”6 Reisman was recently quoted 
by CTV regarding the 1988 Canada US Free Trade Agreement, saying, “We got it, 
we didn't get it all. We left a little for posterity.”7 Further, Michael Hart 
“was a senior official in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International 
Trade specializing in trade policy and trade negotiations.”8 He was also the 
author of a document entitled, “Free Trade in Free Fall? Assessing the Impact 
of Nontariff Barriers on Canada-U.S. Trade,” published by the Woodrow Wilson 
International Center for Scholars.9 From 2004 to 2005, Hart was a visiting 
scholar at the Center for North American Studies at American University,10 of 
which the Director is Robert Pastor.11 

      Robert Pastor is infamously referred to as the “father” of the North 
American Union, and arguably its chief public spokesperson and champion, and 
was the Co-Chair of the Independent Task Force on the Future of North America, 
a joint task force between the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the United 
States and the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) in Canada, as well 
as the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations, which produced the document 
“Building a North American Community.”12 This document is the blueprint for the 
Security and Prosperity Agreement of North America, which outlines the overall 
objectives of the agreement in its goals of “integrating” North America. 

      Robert Pastor is also on the Board of Directors of the North American 
Forum on Integration, or NAFI, alongside the Chairman, Stephen Black, who is 
also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.13 NAFI, “aims to address the 
issues raised by North American integration as well as identify new ideas and 
strategies to reinforce the North American region,”14 which every year, since 
2005, holds what it calls a “Triumvirate”, which their website describes as, 
“an annual North American mock parliament,” which, “allows a hundred Canadian, 
American and Mexican university students to better understand the North 
American dynamic as well as the challenges faced by NAFTA partners.”15 Among 
the participating Universities in NAFI, is the American University, (of 
course), Simon Fraser University, of which an economics professor emeritus 
recently wrote an article for the Financial Post in which he mentioned the 
amero currency as a goal in North America [See: North American Monetary 
Integration: Here Comes the Amero, Global Research16], and another notable 
university is Carleton University.17 It just so happens that the author of 
Canada Blew It, Michael Hart, works at Carleton. 

      The process towards a North American Union is embedded in our societal 
institutions, from the corporate world, to media, government and education. 
These are individuals connected through joint membership in think tanks and 
interest groups of those who share ideological beliefs in internationalism and 
globalization. So, too, must those who oppose the SPP and the NAU be embedded 
in all the institutions of our societies, working not for personal gain and 
profit, but for country and freedom, preserving our rights, liberties and 
identity, and exposing those who seek to challenge our inherent human rights. 


1 Michael Hart, Canada Blew It. The Financial Post: February 12, 2008: 

2 Ibid.

3 Office of the Press Secretary, U.S. - Canada Smart Border/30 Point Action 
Plan  Update. The White House: December 6, 2002: 

4 Michael Hart, Ibid.

5 About NPSIA, Simon Reisman Chair in Trade Policy. Carleton University:  

6 Ibid. 

7 CTV.ca news staff, Poll says most North Americans support free trade. CTV 
News:  September 30, 2007: 

8 About NPSIA, Simon Reisman Chair in Trade Policy. Carleton University:  

9 Events at the Center, Free Trade in Free Fall? Assessing the Impact of 
Nontariff  Barriers on Canada-U.S. Trade. Woodrow Wilson International Center 
for  Scholars: February 8, 2008: 

10 Past Senior Fellows, Michael Hart. Center for North American Studies at 
American  University: 

11 Center for North American Studies, Robert A. Pastor. Center for North 
American  Studies at American University: 

12 CFR.org, Building a North American Community. Council on Foreign Relations 
Press:  May 2005: http://www.cfr.org/publication/8102/

13 NAFI, Our Board of Directors. NAFINA: 

14 NAFI, The North American Forum on Integration. 

15 Ibid.

16 Andrew G. Marshall, North American Monetary Integration: Here Comes the 
Amero.  Global Research: January 20, 2008:  

17 NAFI, Triumvirate 2006.


Andrew G. Marshall is a frequent contributor to Global Research.  Global 
Research Articles by Andrew G. Marshall


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