British Empire Restructuring Global Power Structure
February 25, 2008 (LPAC)--LaRouche PAC analysts are keeping a close eye on the 
fights which have been breaking out in international banking circles, as the 
British Empire continues its assault on the nation-state and nationalistic 
elements within nations. The latest bank to come under attack is Swiss giant 
UBS, which has taken substantial losses of late and whose head, Marcel Ospel, 
is rumored to be on the way out. In neighboring France, Daniel Bouton, the head 
of Societe Generale, is also under pressure, over big losses in its trading 
operation, losses which have unconvincingly been blamed on a single rogue 
trader. These moves recall the ousting last year of both Stan O'Neal of Merrill 
Lynch and Chuck Prince of Citigroup, both of whom were replaced after losses. 
What all of these institutions have in common is that they fall into the 
category of "national champions," or institutions which represent power 
structures within nations. In the new global imperialism the oligarchy plans to 
implement through the demise of the financial system, structures which 
represent national power bases must be dissolved into the global slime mold. 
This applies even to structures created by the oligarchy to exert control over 
those same nations. For the empire to dominate, all vestiges of national power 
must be destroyed. 

It is worth noting, in this context, the way the European Central Bank seems 
determined to bail out the British-linked banks. If the nations of Europe are 
to survive, they must come to grips with their own oligarchic problems; if not, 
they will remain captives of this British-centered slime mold, as imperial 
provinces rather than nations. 

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