Hormone                                       Therapy
The                                           Testosterone Way to A
Healthy Heart,                                           Liver,
Circulation, Fertility and Mood
PhytoEstrogen                                         Food Sources
Fibroids,                                         Industry Spin vs.
Clinical Experience:                                         The Truth
about Flax 
The                                         Hormones of Happiness
Estrogen:                                         How is it Bad For You?
Women's                                         Fibrosis Diseases
Pregnant                                         Women Don't Get Cancer 
Soy:                                         The Poison Seed

For                                         further information on
Estrogen Dominance                                         read:
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About
Menopause by John Lee MD
Hormone Heresy by Sherrill Sellman

For                                         articles and reference
studies on the                                         effects of
environmental estrogen's log                                        
onto: <>  , <>  ,
issue 185, Nov. 30 2001.

Also read:
Is This Your Child's World by Doris Rapp
MD, page 500 - 509. (Dr. Rapp is the
worlds leading pediatric allergist).

--- In, Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 9:14 pm
Subject: "Domesticating" the Wild (Meaning FREE) Human Animal by

"When the EU drew up its first comprehensive controls on chemicals two
years ago, it exempted 'gender-benders.'   Britain, under Tony Blair's
leadership, was responsible for this exemption.  Confidential documents
show that it obediently acted to water down the controls after [orders]
from the Bush administration -- putting the interests of U.S.
corporations above the health of British children."   Singing starlings
... and why thousands of babies who should have been boys are being born
as girls By GEOFFREY LEAN London Daily Mail, 27 February 2008\
e_id=521535&in_page_id=1770>  Next time you hear a starling sing, stop
and listen hard. It may well be warning of a peril that endangers the
whole world of nature - and the very future of the human race itself.   
Because scientists have found that gender-bender <estrogen-mimetic>
chemicals -- increasingly contaminating the environment, our food, our
water and our bodies -- are having a bizarre effect on common birds,
causing the males to give voice to longer and more complex songs.  This
is only the latest in a long series of increasingly urgent alarms being
sounded by wildlife against an insidious but devastating danger that
threatens our children.  But so far our leaders have steadfastly and
scandalously turned a deaf ear to them - and, even more shamefully,
ignored the first signs that the peril is already affecting birth
patterns, causing thousands of babies who should have been boys to be
born as girls instead.  Starlings and their diverse, complicated and
mimicking - though not beautiful - songs have long fascinated humanity. 
Mozart was entranced by a starling after it copied a tune that the great
composer was whistling in a pet store.  Modern scientists have
discovered that starlings' songs contain similar patterns to human
speech.  But if we could, indeed, understand what they are
communicating, we would be wise to take heed.  Scientists at Cardiff
University have discovered that the brains of male starlings foraging
for worms at a sewage treatment works in South-West England have been
subtly changed by being contaminated by oestrogen from the contraceptive
pill and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).   The female hormones -
present in women's urine, and passing through the sewage treatment
unaffected - caused the part of the brain that controls their song to
grow much bigger, causing them to sing at greater length and with even
more virtuosity than usual.   The study confirms similar, if slightly
differing, research on other birds, which scientists say is adding up to
some of the first concrete proof of the effects of gender benders on the
natural world.  Researchers at the University of California have found
that feeding female finches with a hormone used in HRT has caused them
to sing, something hitherto done only by their males.  And studies at
the University of Alberta have found robins exposed to the pesticide DDT
before birth suffered damage to the region of the brain that enables
them to sing and protect their territory.  Dr David Crews of the
University of Texas calls the research on birdsong "very significant",
describing it as "the first step needed to demonstrate a causal link
between specific pollutants and the effects on wildlife populations".
[Baby boy]   Researchers have calculated that 250,000 baby girls should
have been born boys in the U.S. and Japan alone   Yet there have been
strange warning signs for decades. Way back in the early 1970s,
researchers found that female gulls had taken to nesting together all
over the U.S., the males having apparently lost interest.  When the
bashful males were caught and examined, they were found to have
developed female egg-laying canals.  In the 1980s, researchers in
Florida found that alligators were failing to reproduce because their
males had mysteriously tiny penises; further investigations revealed
that they had developed female hormone patterns - and that turtles in
the same waters had developed into hermaphrodites.  Most alarming of
all, repeated studies by Britain's own Environment Agency have shown
that about a third of the male roach in rivers and streams right across
the country have begun producing eggs, after developing female sex
organs.  Again, the problem was traced to oestrogen passing through
sewage works -- in some areas, near particularly heavy inflows of
treated water, all the males were found to be anatomically of "between"
sex.  The findings have inevitably raised concern that people may also
be affected, since one-third of the country's drinking water comes from
rivers, much of it beneath sewage outfalls.  And, whether or not this is
the cause, male sperm counts have been dropping precipitously both here
and across the world.  Fertile  Studies in more than 20 countries have
shown that average amounts have fallen by well over half in the past 50
years, from an average of more than 150 million per millilitre to 66
million.  The result is that men are now less than half as fertile as
hamsters.  The counts are continuing to plunge by two per cent a year,
and no end to the decline is in sight. At this rate, the average man
will be unable to father children within decades.  Increasingly the
sperm crisis is being blamed on a whole host of chemicals, not just
synthetic oestrogen, but a wide variety of substances that have become
ubiquitous in daily life.  They include the common plastic PVC; dioxins,
the notorious pollutants found almost everywhere; PCBs, one-and-a-half
million tons of which have been used in countless products from paints
to plastics; and phthalates, universally used to make plastics more
flexible.  Recent tests by WWF (formerly the World Wildlife Fund) on 14
basic foodstuffs taken from supermarket shelves found that every single
one contained PCBs, and most were contaminated by phthalates.  Both
substances have been shown to have deeply worrying effects on babies and
children.  Scientists at Rotterdam's Erasmus University have found that
boys born to mothers exposed to PCBs grew up wanting to play with dolls
and tea-sets.  And research at the University of Rochester in New York
State has shown that the male children of women exposed to phthalates
have smaller penises and other signs of feminisation of their genitals. 
Communities exposed to high levels of these and other gender-bender
chemicals, from the Great Lakes of North America to the Russian Arctic,
have been found to give birth to twice as many girls as boys.  This may
offer a clue to the cause of a mysterious shift in the sex of babies
worldwide.  Conflict  Normally 106 boys are born for every 100 girls, in
what is thought to be nature's way of compensating for the fact that
males were more likely to be killed hunting or in conflict.  But
increasingly this ratio is slipping - it is calculated that 250,000
babies who would have been boys have been born girls in the U.S. and
Japan alone.  You would think that all this accumulating evidence would
long since have sparked alarm in governments worldwide.  Far from it.
When the EU drew up its first comprehensive controls on chemicals two
years ago, it largely exempted gender benders from them.  Britain, under
Tony Blair's leadership, was largely responsible for this exemption, and
confidential documents show that it obediently acted to water down the
controls following direct representations from the Bush administration
-- almost unbelievably putting the interests of foreign firms above the
health of British children.  Since then, as Dr Gwynne Lyons, director of
the expert group, CHEM Trust puts it, there has been "regulatory
inertia".  That needs to change, and fast. If ministers continue
wilfully to refuse to heed the science, they should, at least, listen to
the starlings. 

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