We knew that.

What's interesting is that both the Washington Post and Washington
Times published that Iraqi police left Shiite neighborhoods which are
under attack by US military occupation troops, and that as they did,
police handed over their weapons to local militia the US is attacking.

The Post published a photo on page A1 showing an Iraqi policeman
handing a rifle to a militia leader.

An hour later, according to the Post, US troops left the neighborhood.
Good idea!

WashPost and WashTimes, March 30, 2008

In the Times, Oliver North noticed a direct relationship between the
number of Iraqi civilians killed by US troops and quantitative
measures of the strength and effectiveness of Iraqi resistance to the
unprovoked invasion by US troops. We kill civilians, they kill more US
troops. If nothing else is going on strategically, Ollie, isn't that
strategic enough for you? Larry the Liar spins another troll.

Now we know why the British pulled out of Basra in December. They
didn't, that was just a propaganda play so now it can be claimed that
the Iraqis attacked the Shiites, and the British are helping, rather
than the crusaders initiated again.

The other day, the US crusaders were "drawn in" to the Iraqi
offensive, rather than the unprovoked foreign invaders and occupiers
initiating an offensive. And a photo of a wounded Iraqi boy did not
say that he was wounded by US troops, but rather, that he was
"recovering", i.e. not "wounded" but "recovering". Spin.

In other news, a photo of a "beaver" without a tail was actually a
photo of a groundhog, also known as woodchuck, which looks like a
beaver without a tail. Maybe Warco was testing us there. How many
people pointed out the truth, that it was a woodchuck? Warco wants to
know precisely how dumbed down we are. Five Warco companies own 90% of
US media. Warco is on track for three Warco companies to own 95% of US
media by the time the lame duck has to go. Then they can show us a
photo of a duck and call it a beaver, and that will only amount to
Torture Lite for the few who notice, and know that no one else does.

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