-----Original Message-----
From: Alamaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 6:53 am
Subject: [ctrl] Cash, contracts and crown princes | World news | The Guardian


Cash, contracts and crown princes
David Leigh
The Guardian, Friday April 11 2008

The BAE Eurofighter Typhoon military jet plane leaves smoke trails at an  
air show in Paris. Photograph: Jerome Delay/AP

Evidence of an allegedly corrupt relationship between BAE and the Saudi  
royal family began to emerge four years ago. Using documents obtained from  
whistleblowers and files in the National Archives, the Guardian began to  
build a picture of an arms company willing to provide anything from fleets  
of Rolls-Royces to mountains of offshore cash in order to promote  
lucrative deals with the Saudi regime.

As the allegations mounted, the British government tried to cover up the  
facts, not only about apparent arms company corruption but about the  
connivance of a succession of ministers, both Labour and Tory, in  
worldwide bribery on behalf of Great Britain plc.

The Guardian turned over its evidence to Robert Wardle, the head of the  
SFO, and he embarked on an investigation.

The UK, on paper at least, had promised to crackdown on corrupt practices.  
It had signed up to an international anti-bribery treaty, brokered by the  
OECD, and in 2002 the government passed a law making it clear that  
overseas bribery was a crime.

Labour ministers trumpeted their probity and the Foreign Office even  
produced a DVD with the title Crimes of the Establishment as part of their  
toolkit on the evils of corruption.

But Lord Justice Moses' judgment yesterday lays bare what actually  
happened. In doing so, he appears to accept allegations that have swirled  
round Whitehall since Wardle announced he was to drop his investigation 18  
months ago - although without hearing evidence from Bandar.

Wardle's inquiries were bearing fruit, and he was on the brink of  
obtaining bank records from Switzerland.

These belonged, among others, to the billionaire Syrian intermediary Wafic  
Said, who played a major role in brokering the £43bn al-Yamamah arms deal  
back in the mid-80s. He is a confidant of Crown Prince Sultan, and of his  
son, Prince Bandar.

Prior to the investigation being halted, the SFO were looking into  
payments by BAE into Said's accounts.

Moses, who insisted on seeing privately the full version of government  
documents in the case, made clear what happened next. He detailed  
allegations that Bandar set out to have the inquiry stopped.

Yesterday's summary described reports of Bandar going to see Jonathan  
Powell, Blair's chief of staff. He is said to have told him and the  
British ambassador, Sherard Cowper-Cowles, that he would ensure Saudi  
intelligence links were cut unless he and his family were kept out of the  

Bandar then flew to Paris and engaged in ostentatious negotiations with  
the French to buy a new batch of fighter jets - the contract BAE itself  
was after.

As the judge pointed out yesterday, Bandar was suspected of complicity  
with BAE, the target of the investigation.

He admits he received from BAE a present of a new Airbus commercial  
airliner, and payments totalling £1bn into his US account, although he  
says they were not improper.

Tony Blair's office told Wardle that "innocent British lives were at risk"  
because Saudi Arabia would no longer help prevent terrorist outrages if  
the investigation went ahead. BAE, and a number of MPs in whose  
constituencies the company has factories, joined in with claims that "jobs  
were at risk".

Moses made clear yesterday that he shared the suspicions of  
anti-corruption campaigners that much of this was a charade. The word the  
judge used was "pretext". He pointed out that Downing Street had rolled  
over with suspicious ease to Saudi threats. Getting the case dropped was  
convenient to the government, and convenient to BAE.

The high court's words about the importance of the rule of law and the  
need to stand up to attempts to pervert the course of justice could not  
have been put more stridently.

Moses' landmark judgment also produced a score sheet of how all the  
parties behaved during the SFO investigation.

BAE is shown to have tried to use backstairs political muscle to get the  
police off its back. But this did not succeed.

Peter Goldsmith, the attorney general, stood firm against pressure from  
fellow ministers for a considerable period.

Even at the last moment he met Blair and told him it would look terrible  
to cave in to threats. But he then succumbed to pressure from the then  
prime minister, and appeared to have agreed to try and sabotage the SFO  
inquiry by picking holes in its evidence. Wardle himself held out longest  
of all, but was eventually forced to cave in when Blair raised the stakes.

Moses made plain by his words that although Wardle was the nominal  
defender of the case, the real guilty party in the judicial review dock  
was not him, but the government.
guardian.co.uk © Guardian News and Media Limited 2008

Alamaine, IVe
Grand Forks, ND, US of A
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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