From: Vicky Davis 

I've gone back to this website and was messing around because a friend is 
having problems getting to the links.  I don't know for sure but I suspect that 
her ISP might be blocking because they are using a proxy server.

The redirect ends up like this: []  

This is the main page.  you can get to this page by typing in

This definition is in small print - light gray:

UCADIA=Complete Economic-Political-Social-Spiritual-Scientific model of the 

Where I'm going with this - is that I think I was pretty close to right when I 
said that this guy was a CIA futurist.  I think this is a DARPA website.   And 
the info on this website is their model of the world -   One World.    One 
Religion.   One political system - managed by regional "governance" structures. 

This is the plan.  These people are insane.  They think they can model 
everything in a computer - and then force people to live within those 

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