-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 9:50 am
Subject: Like Father, Like Son: Obama a "Company" Man?

"Problems Facing Our Socialism"




So, how do you think this piece is going to play in the general 

Before you start slobbering and fuming and clobbering your 
keyboard, let me quickly say: Yes, I 

Yes, I 
know that the "Barak H. Obama" listed as the author of this 1965 article 
is not the guy running for president. 


We're talking about 
his dad.

Yes, I 
know the words "socialism" and "communism" meant something different 
in the context of Africa in 1965 than they mean 

Yes, I know we cannot 
fairly use the father as a cudgel against the son.

Yes, I know that Obama's somewhat romanticized 
view of his father (as expressed in his book) is perfectly natural.

Yes, I know that Obama is no socialist. (Would 
that he were a bit more of one!)?

Still, we must ask: How 
is this going to play in the general, in November?? In Kansas, 
Tennessee, Virginia, Missouri, Ohio, Florida?

If you are honest, you will 
admit that -- for many people in the must-win purple states -- that headline 
hovering over that byline will come as quite a shock. Better 
the shock should hit now than in, say, October.

A short time out for paranoia: Did the elder Obama ever come to the attention 
of the 

Frankly, I don't see how he could 
have avoided it. 


Look at the resume: Links to the Kennedys. An interracial 
marriage to an American woman. A son growing up stateside.? A published 
endorsement of (a form of) Marxism.? All of these factors would have set 
off alarm bells in a cold war context, with both the U.S. and the USSR vying 
influence in developing African nations.

Most important of all: He was 
the economist for Jomo Kenyatta, leader of Kenya.? Let's hear what former 
CIA guy Victor Marchetti has to say about that:

"The CIA paid the late Jomo Kenyatta, ruler of 
  Kenya, fifty or a hundred thousand dollars a year, which he'd spend on drink 
  and women. Therefore we ended up paying Kenyatta twice as much, telling him: 
  "This is for you and this is for your 

And now we know how young Barry's travels were paid 

By the way: Yes, I 
know that Marchetti's words were published on a vile site. But he offered 
his revelations long before Obama the younger entered our view. Marchetti's CIA 
expose was highly regarded back in the 1970s, before he went off the political 
deep end. At any rate, he is hardly the only source for the claim that Kenyatta 
and his party received Agency lucre. 
(Didn't Agee say something about this? Stockwell...? Damn, I wish I had not 
my library...)

Note here: Both Kenyatta and his rival Tom Mboya 
got CIA pay-offs. Kenyatta was later accused of murdering Mboya. Wonder if the 
elder Obama could have offered confirmation of those rumors?

Would the Agency have allowed the elder Obama to 
travel to America if they didn't know that he was "all right," despite his 
published endorsement of Marxism? 


I honestly don't know. I'd wager the rent money, though, 
that American intelligence kept a close watch on the father of the Savior, and 
that his file would make for some fascinating reading.

Kenyan politics 
are a fairly new area for me. I have formulated no conclusions -- not even the 
most tentative of theories. Who knows where research into these areas will 
But you must admit: This stuff looks interesting. On first glance, I would say 
that the elder Obama seems like the kind of person the Company might want to 
recruit -- or terminate.

By the way: While writing the foregoing 
CIA-related paragraphs, I've been dying to use the word "spook." Is that term 
still permitted?? We're all pretty hypersensitive now. 

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