-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 2:18 pm
Subject: Is Hillary, Sabotaging the Democratic Party, the GOP's Agent 

April 20, 2008


Clinton campaign gets new 
conservative nod



(CNN) – Hillary Clinton's campaign is pointing to its 
Pennsylvania primary endorsement Sunday morning by the Pittsburgh 
Tribune-Review -- the latest in a stunning series of recent rapprochements with 
conservative media foes.

"For Pennsylvania Democrats, the smart choice Tuesday is Mrs. Clinton," 
writes the paper's deeply conservative editorial board in a piece e-mailed to 
reporters by her campaign Sunday. "She has a real voting record on key issues. 
Agree with her or not, you at least know where she stands instead of being 
forced to wonder.

"Many of her views on domestic issues are too liberal for us, but on others 
she seems to have moderated."

The board sharply criticizes both Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, writing 
that: "Everyone utters stupidities now and then. Yet taken together and uttered 
repeatedly, they sound like a pattern of thought in the Obama household. It's a 
pattern the nation can't afford in the White House."

The Tribune-Review is owned and published by conservative Richard Mellon 
Scaife — a frequent critic of the Clintons who helped fund The Arkansas 
a series of exhaustive investigations into former President Bill Clinton.

The New York senator famously built a relationship with former critic Rupert 
Murdoch, whose New York Post frequently blasted both Clintons. The 
Australian-born media baron even hosted a fundraiser for her during her second 
Senate run.

But over the past few months, her presidential campaign has taken its 
apparent embrace of former media adversaries to a new level, sending 
reporters articles that praise Clinton drawn from conservative outlets 
including the National Review and the American Spectator, and quotes from 
Republican pundits like Ed Rollins and Grover 

And former President Bill Clinton made an appearance on talker Rush 
Limbaugh's show the day of the Texas and Ohio primaries -- contests in which 
conservative radio host had urged listeners to vote for Hillary Clinton as a 
means of sabotaging the Democratic 

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