Major revelation: U.S. media deceitfully disseminates government propaganda

Glenn Greenwald
Sunday April 20, 2008 

(updated below) 
This morning's "blockbuster" New York Times article by David Barstow, 
documenting the Pentagon and U.S. media's joint use of pre-programmed "military 
analysts" who posed as objective experts while touting the Government line and 
having extensive business interests in promoting those views, is very 
well-documented and well-reported. And credit to the NYT for having sued to 
compel disclosure of the documents on which the article is based. There are 
significant elements of the story that exemplify excellent investigative 

At the same time, though, in light of questions on this very topic raised even 
by the NYT back in 2003, it is difficult to take the article's underlying 
points seriously as though they are some kind of new revelation. And 
ultimately, to the extent there are new revelations here, they are a far 
greater indictment of our leading news organizations than the government 
officials on whom it focuses. 

In 2002 and 2003, when Americans were relentlessly subjected to their 
commentary, news organizations were hardly unaware that these retired generals 
were mindlessly reciting the administration line on the war and related 
matters. To the contrary, that's precisely why our news organizations -- which 
themselves were devoted to selling the war both before and after the invasion 
by relentlessly featuring pro-war sources and all but excluding anti-war ones 
-- turned to them in the first place. To its credit, the article acknowledges 
that "at least nine" of the Pentagon's trained military analysts wrote Op-Eds 
for the NYT itself, but many of those same sources were also repeatedly quoted 
-- and still are routinely quoted -- in all sorts of NYT news articles on Iraq 
and other "War on Terrorism" issues, something the article fails to note. 

What the article also does not disclose, but should have, is that the NYT 
itself already published, back on March 25, 2003, right after the invasion of 
Iraq, an article by John Cushman raising the thorny questions posed by the 
media's extensive reliance on retired generals as "military analysts": 

  Old soldiers, it turns out, don't just fade away not when a war is being 
carried live on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and the broadcast networks. Instead, a 
whole constellation of retired one-, two-, three- and four-star generals -- 
including many who led the recent wars in Afghanistan, Kosovo and the Persian 
Gulf -- can be seen night and day across the television firmament, navigation 
aids for viewers lost in a narrative that can be foggier than war itself. . . . 

  But the generals' performances raise some questions, including how much they 
really know and whether they are disclosing more than they should. Some receive 
occasional briefings from the Pentagon, but like most reporters, they stay 
current by checking with their friends in the military and studying all the 
public information they can gather. 

  On the other hand, their evident sympathies with the current commanders, not 
to mention their respect for the military and immersion in its 
doctrines,sometimes seem to immunize them to the self-imposed skepticism of the 
news organizations that now employ them. 

  Rarely, unless pressed, do the generals bluntly criticize the conduct of the 
war, a detailed review of their recent remarks discloses. Instead, they tend 
gravely to point out the timeless risks of combat.

That 2003 article, at the very beginning, highlighted the obvious conflicts 
raised by this morning's article, as it quoted Gen. Greg Newbold on ABC News as 
praising the invasion as follows: "If things haven't gone exactly according to 
script, they've gone according to plan," even though Newbold himself "until 
late last year [] was helping to draw up those plans as the director of 
operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff." 

In fact, that 2003 article noted that while Wesley Clark had said on CNN that 
he wished there were more troops used for the invasion, retired Generals were 
reliably praising the war and the administration's strategies. That article 
even quoted one of the retired Generals cited in this morning's article as one 
of those on the Pentagon's list of puppets -- Wayne Downing -- to illustrate 
the type of pro-government commentary typically spouted by these "military 

  More typical was a description by Gen. Wayne A. Downing, a former Army leader 
of the Special Operations Command and a gulf war commander in 1991, of Gen. 
Tommy R. Franks, the Iraq war's overall regional commander. "Tommy started off 
as an enlisted helicopter door gunner in Vietnam," General Downing said, 
rattling off the story of his old comrade's career as if by rote. "He's not 
going to go down there and mess with his people. Not only is Tommy comfortable 
and well liked by his superiors, which a lot of people are, but Tommy hasn't 
made his money by looking up. He's made his money by looking down."
That 2003 article didn't seem to give any of these news outlets -- including 
the NYT itself -- the slightest pause about continuing to use these sources as 
"objective" analysts. It's true that the 2003 article did not raise the added 
conflict that many military analysts were simultaneously working for 
corporations in the defense industry which stood to profit from the war 
policies they were praising, but is that really news to anyone? It's long been 
clear and obvious that these retired generals were used by the U.S. media to 
provide an authoritative and artificially objective stamp of approval to the 
Bush administration's positions. In his book Lapdogs, Eric Boehlert cited 
numerous examples of that, including: 
  And for viewers that night who didn't get a strong enough sense of just how 
obediently in-step the press corps was with the White House, there was the 
televised post-press conference analysis. On MSNBC, for instance, "Hardball's" 
Chris Matthews hosted a full hour of discussion. In order to get a wide array 
of opinion, he invited a pro-war Republican senator (Saxby Chambliss, from 
Georgia), a pro-war former Secretary of State (Lawrence Eagleburger), a pro-war 
retired Army general (Montgomery Meigs), pro-war retired Air Force general 
(Buster Glosson), a pro-war Republican pollster (Frank Luntz), as well as, for 
the sake of balance, somebody who, twenty-five years earlier, once worked in 
Jimmy Carter's White House (Pat Caddell).
Meigs was one of the retired Generals on whom the NYT article this morning 
focused (and as a frequent and highly respected guest on MSNBC, here's the type 
of propagandizing commentary he routinely spewed, consistent with what the 
Sainted David Petraeus was doing at the same time). Doing whatever they could 
to promote the Government line on the "War on Terrorism" was a central function 
of our propagandizing press corps; the use of allegedly objective retired 
generals was a critical instrument in their arsenal; and the NYT article this 
morning, while commendably disclosing new evidence to prove that, does not 
reveal anything not previously known. 

The most incredible aspect of the NYT story is that most of the news 
organizations which deceived their readers and viewers by using these 
"objective" analysts -- CBS, NBC, Fox -- simply refused to comment on what they 
knew about any of this or what their procedures are for safeguarding against 
it. Just ponder what that says about these organizations -- there is a major 
expose in the NYT documenting that these news outlets misleadingly shoveled 
government propaganda down the throats of their viewers on matters of war and 
terrorism and they don't feel the least bit obliged to answer for what they did 
or knew about any of it. (And it doesn't appear that Barstow even asked the NYT 
itself to comment about what they knew or what their procedures were when using 
these sources). CNN did answer by claiming they were unaware of these 
relationships and rely on their sources to disclose them. 

The single most significant factor in American political culture is the 
incestuous, extensive overlap between our media institutions and government 
officials. The former is a dependent appendage of the latter far more than they 
are anything else. This article discloses some new details and proof of how 
that toxic process functions, but the fact that our major news organizations -- 
with some exceptions -- largely serve as government propaganda outlets is not 
news. It's the central fact of American political life, and the NYT itself -- 
along with every other news organization -- more than five years ago was 
obviously aware of this specific problem but not particularly concerned about 

* * * * * 

I'll be at Daily Kos today at 12:30 p.m. EST for an online discussion of Great 
American Hypocrites (the discussion can be read here). I was at the FDL Book 
Salon yesterday, which can be read here.

UPDATE: Having just watched more Sunday news shows than a human being should 
ever have to endure, it is striking -- though unsurprising -- that not a single 
one saw fit to mention this NYT story demonstrating that these news programs 
all fed government propaganda to their viewers. That they refuse to comment on 
this story and will now black it out says as much about what they really are, 
and what they really do, as the NYT story itself does. 

Relatedly, a commenter objects to this post because he says it's "no time to 
out-blasé each other." He makes a good point -- that the significance of this 
article (and the opportunity it presents) shouldn't be dismissed on the ground 
that its central points are already known and that it presents nothing new. In 
one sense, that's true, but there is nonetheless something misleading about 
media outlets pretending as though they just discovered this. I responded to 
his objection here.

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