-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 8:27 pm
Subject: After Botching "Virtual Fence" on Border, Boeing Awarded a "Do-Over" 

Virtual fence on Mexican border to be 

Apr. 22, 2008 03:38 PM
Associated Press 


TUCSON - The government will replace its highly touted "virtual fence" on the 
Arizona-Mexico border with new towers, radars, cameras and computer software, 
scrapping the brand-new $20 million system because it doesn't work 
sufficiently, officials said.

The move comes just two months after Homeland Security Secretary Michael 
Chertoff officially accepted the completed fence from The Boeing Co. With the 
decision, Customs and Border Protection officials are acknowledging that the 
so-called Project 28 pilot program to detect illegal immigrants crossing the 
border doesn't work well enough to keep or to continue tweaking.

Chertoff accepted the program on Feb. 22 after Boeing apparently resolved 
glitches. But less than a week later, the Government Accountability Office told 
Congress it "did not fully meet user needs and the project's design will not be 
used as the basis for future" developments.? 

The project consists of nine towers along a 28-mile section of border 
straddling the border crossing at Sasabe, southwest of Tucson.

DHS will put in about 17 new towers, some holding just communications gear, 
others featuring new cameras or new radars, at an undetermined cost.

The department also is spending at least $45 million to have a customized 
computer program written so the collected data is more quickly and efficiently 
fed to Border Patrol agents.

Although the system is operating today, it hasn't come close to meeting the 
Border Patrol's goals, said Kelly Good, deputy director of the Secure Border 
Initiative program office in Washington.

"Probably not to the level that Border Patrol agents on the ground thought 
that they were going to get. So it didn't meet their expectations."

The Border Patrol had minimum input in designing the prototype but will have 
more say in the final version, officials said.

Agents began using the virtual fence last December, and the towers have 
resulted in more than 3,000 apprehensions since, said Greg Giddens, executive 
director of the SBI program office in Washington.

But that's just a fraction of the several hundred illegal immigrants believed 
to cross through the Sasabe corridor daily.

The towers, equipped with radars, optical and thermal imaging cameras and 
other sensors, are supposed to show nearby Border Patrol agents a complete 
picture of the border on the laptop computers in their patrol trucks. But the 
system's less-than-optimal results have been heavily criticized by politicians 
and others.

Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano's office hasn't been told 
of the plans, her press secretary said Tuesday. "It would have been nice of 
to say anything to us," spokeswoman Jeanine L'Ecuyer said. "If there have been 
new plans made regarding the virtual fence, they have not shared that.

"We certainly hope they will, and we've made inquiries to that effect to find 
out what's going on."

The virtual fence is part of a national plan to use physical barriers and 
high-tech detection capabilities to secure the Mexican border - and ultimately 
the Canadian boundary too.

The new software Boeing is creating to provide agents a complete and rapid 
picture is considered the core of any new operating system. The contractor will 
use another $19 million for later upgrades.

That's a fraction of some $860 million the company has been awarded for 
technology, physical fences and vehicle barriers.

Boeing used off-the-shelf software and other equipment initially to get the 
system up and running quickly.

Project 28 was not intended to be the final, state-of-the-art system for 
catching illegal immigrants, Giddens said. "I think some people understood that 
and some didn't. We didn't communicate that well."

The problems with the system involved not just the computer software but the 
radar and satellite links used to send the information. All will be replaced 
with different types.

Groundbreaking for the permanent towers is expected in July, and locations 
will be moved for at least five of the current tower sites, Good said.

Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, 
said it's encouraging that Boeing will do laboratory tests before the new 
equipment is deployed, "given the fact that Boeing has already botched it 

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