-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 8:38 pm
Subject: Army 'MUST" continue 'stop-loss' until late 2009 -- or 2011 -- or 2025 

Beating the Drums of War. 

US Troop Build-up: Army & Marines Authorize “Involuntary 


It is now being openly stated that the U.S. Marines have 
  started recalling or legally summoning thousands of ‘inactive servicemen’ to 
  serve in Iraq and the Middle East, where the number of U.S. troops and 
  contracted security personal are dropping towards haphazard levels[…]. The 
  U.S. Army, undermined by shortfalls in manpower, has ordered over a reported 
  14,000 ‘inactive servicemen’ back to fight in what is cited as the ‘War on 
  Terror,’ as opposed to ‘fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan.’ Already 
  thousands of servicemen have disserted, even applying for refugee status in 
  Canada, and thousands more are AWOL.  […]  

This seems to be nothing but a [euphemistic] 
  ‘military draft,’ only the continuation of a systematic forced 
  conscription of military troops in a stealthy and cautious 


Army needs 'stop-loss' until [--at least--] late 

  | Associated Press 
2:35 PM CDT, April 21, 2008


WASHINGTON - It will be more than a year before the Army can 
end the unpopular practice of forcing soldiers to stay in the service beyond 
their retirement or re-enlistment dates, a top official said Monday.

Gen. James D. Thurman, deputy chief of staff for operations, said he hoped that 
wartime demand for troops will decline enough by around the fall of next year 
end "stop-loss." He said there are more than 12,000 currently serving under the 
practice -- an action that critics have called a "backdoor 

Thurman also said that as officials continue to increase the size 
of the Army, it could be possible by the fall 
of 2011 for troops to be home two years for every year 
they are deployed.

The two issues of stop loss and long tours of duty 
have been among the Pentagon's most disliked practices among troops. Thousands 
have been forced to stay in the service beyond their contracts since the start 
of the global war on terrorism. And tours of duty were increased to 15 months 
from 12 months a year ago so the Army could come up with the extra forces 
Bush ordered for the troop buildup in Iraq.

Now that most of the extra troops are being drawn down by the end of July, 
Bush early this month ordered the tours cut back to 12 months, a move Thurman 
said would help the Army begin to restore its balance.

"We want to reduce 
the strain and stress on our soldiers and our families," he told a Pentagon 

There are currently 17 Army combat brigade teams deployed -- 
15 in Iraq and two in Afghanistan. Two are scheduled to come out of Iraq in the 

Though that allows officials to shorten tour lengths, it will 
be a while before they also can end stop-loss, he said.

"As the demand 
(for troops) comes down, we should be able to get us weaned off of stop-loss 
it's our intent to do that," Thurman said.

"But demand exceeds supply right now," he told a Pentagon news 

He said he hoped, but couldn't promise, 
that if demand stabilized at around 15 brigades, the use of stop-loss could be 
ended by the end of budget year 2009, or beginning of budget year 

Those currently being held even though their service is supposed to 
be finished include more than 6,800 active-duty Army, about 3,800 in the Army 
National Guard and close to 1,500 in the Reserves, he said.

The high 
tempo of operations in recent years has not only strained troops and increased 
separations and stress on their families, but prevented troops from training 
the full range of possible operations. They have focused training on 
counterinsurgency operations and neglected other skills because 
counterinsurgency is what's needed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Though the 
Pentagon is expected to increase the number of troops in Afghanistan sometime 
next year, Thurman said he had not been asked for such troops.

that happen? Yes," he said.

The United States now has about 31,000 troops 
there -- the most since the war began in October 2001 -- and also has been 
pressing the allies to contribute more.


More troops forced to stay in armed 

Despite '07 decision, tours extended more 
than 6 months on average

Tom Vanden Brook 

USA Today, Apr. 22, 
2008 12:00 AM

WASHINGTON - The Army has accelerated its policy 
of involuntary extensions of duty to bolster its troop levels, despite 
Defense Secretary Robert 
Gates' order 
last year to limit it, Pentagon records show.

Gates directed the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the service 
secretaries to minimize mandatory tour extensions, known as "stop loss," in 
January 2007. By May, the number of soldiers affected by the policy had dropped 
to a three-year low of 8,540.

Since then, the number of soldiers forced to remain 
in the Army rose 43 percent to 12,235 in March. The reliance on stop 
loss has increased as the military has sent more troops to Iraq and extended 
tours to 15 months to support an escalation in U.S. forces ordered by President 
Bush. The increase last month was driven by the need to send more National 
soldiers to Iraq.  

Soldiers affected by stop loss now serve, on average, an extra 6.6 months, 
Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said. 
Key leaders at the small-unit level (sergeants through sergeants first class) 
make up 45 percent of those soldiers. Soldiers typically enlist for four-year 

"Secretary Gates understands the hardship stop loss poses to our troops and 
their families, but he also understands the need to maintain cohesive units on 
the battlefield throughout deployment," Morrell said. "Troops who have trained 
together and fought together should remain together."

The trend is alarming, said Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., who wrote a 
letter on April 17 to Gates urging him "in the strongest terms" to limit stop 
loss. He says the policy hurts morale, burdens troops' families, damages the 
credibility of military leaders and threatens recruiting.

Stop loss can keep a soldier in the service if his or her unit deploys within 
90 days of the end of the soldier's commitment. It is necessary, the Army says, 
to maintain the integrity of units headed to war. In all, 58,300 soldiers have 
been affected by stop loss since 2002, according to the Army. That's about 1 
percent of active duty, Reserve and National Guard troops.

The policy shows the Army is "unraveling a bit" while "under tremendous 
strain," said Rep. Joe Sestak, a Pennsylvania Democrat and retired vice 

Lt. Gen. James Thurman, Pentagon deputy chief of staff for operations, said 
Monday that he hoped the Army could put a stop to mandatory extensions by fall 

Although soldiers understand the reasons for stop loss, it doesn't boost 
morale, said Robert Sauder, 24, a staff sergeant retained in 2006 when he was 
preparing to leave the service. Sauder, of Baroda, Mich., said he "was pretty 
sour about the whole situation."

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