elvis oner <canttakemyrest@> wrote:             
            Personal Background:Pentagon War Games & Reality 
   (May 24, 2008) CIA Director George Tenet sent me over to the Pentagon in 
August 2001 to pick up the 9-11 planning documents, and move Pentagon 
corruption documents and real secrets out of the way of the anticipated 9-11 

I had been at the Pentagon on and off on assignments since the Vietnam War. I 
had given General Schwarzkopf briefings in Saudi Arabia during the 1991 Iraq 
ground war as a the CIA's coordinator for remote viewing data. 

I had also been training military officers, especially ones from Office of 
Naval Intelligence since about 1970. So, the US military knew who I was just 
fine, but they couldn't figure out how to relate to you unless you had a rank. 

Consequently, I had been given a wide variety of ranks over the years to fit 
into specific assignments. Good intelligence people should be able to play any 
rank, like a good actor should be able to play any part.

Since I had been training naval officers at the Naval Training Center in San 
Diego in advanced espionage skills, before and after the Cold War, they had 
assigned me a rank of Rear Admiral for well over a decade.
  That made sense in terms of getting the naval officers to take what I said 
seriously. They needed to take it seriously to stay alive when they penetrated 
the Russian shipyards at Vladivostok under my supervision. I was the only US 
intelligence person who had been inside them before. 

My espionage skills were quite good. I had even played the part of a Russian 
Admiral once in Russia and lived to tell about it. 

But the Pentagon in August 2001 still had me listed as a Major from a mole hunt 
assignment that I had done in about 1998 there. For the mole hunt, if was 
better for me to be able to walk the halls of the Pentagon largely unnoticed. 

That was not the rank that I needed to pull off the task that Tenet had sent me 
to do. So, I reminded him that the Office of Naval Intelligence had me on their 
books as a Rear Admiral under an alias. I asked him to get me a rank of a 
one-star general at the Pentagon.

He called over and that issue was discussed with a 3-star general on the JCS. 
The general said that to be effective in accomplishing what Tenet wanted I 
needed to be a 2-star. In some sense that was not unreasonable; I had set up 
the Pentagon's Remote Viewing Defense Protocols. No one of the JCS had a clue 
about Remote Viewing Defense unless I was at those meetings. 

However, I did not start attending once a month until Oct. 2004 for a wide 
variety of reasons. Largely that was because I hate meetings and because I was 
in Canada starting in June 2002 for over a year. My Pentagon assignments were 
always done under an alias, as were my CIA assignments. But since I went back 
to JSC month after month, the alias was the same over Oct. 2003 to Aug. 2004.

My father had been in military intelligence. General Billy Mitchell was given a 
posthumous medal for accurately forecasting WWII in the Pacific in the 1950's. 
The CIA wanted remote viewers and figured that they had to start with children 
to be able to make them. 

People considered me a kind of child prodigy. MKULTRA had thrown me into the 
CIA at a very early age. 

My military training was not standard; most of it was at the Miramar Naval 
Airbase under an alias, since I was already in the hands of the CIA. The 
military had trained me in battlefield tactics to see what a remote viewer 
could do playing war games. I was, unfortunately, good at it. 

I had beat General Westmoreland in a series of war games when I was quite 
young. Those war games had started out theoretical and then moved into the war 
room at the Pentagon. We ended up playing with real troops on the ground in 
Vietnam. The game was to capture territory. He lost the competition. 

He liked military style campaigns with men dead at the end of them. As a remote 
viewer, I was like a Zen master merged into the reality of both sides. I felt 
the pain, if anyone got hurt. I could gain territory without anyone being hurt, 
though I though it was a pointless and unethical thing to do. 

The generals didn't really like my methods even back then. They didn't make 
enough kickbacks for anyone.

I was thrown into the Vietnam War on CIA assignments where I had to "walk 
point" on recon team to find specific things using my remote viewing skills. I 
was 19 at the time and the recon grunts liked to follow female buns. It was one 
way to get them to go into highly dangerous situations. 

I was used to going into Russia and into very dangerous situations. In Vietnam, 
I was asked to find shoulder launch missiles, VC headquarters. Those were both 
underground in tunnels and using a remote viewer to find them was quite 

I was also asked right after the Tet offensive to lead a recon team into an 
area the US had lost and do an analysis of why the US had lost a battle. We got 
excellent intelligence by lying in the mud with the US dead as the VC set up 
all around us. 

Then I did something that I have regretted my entire life. I sent the 8 men on 
my patrol ahead of me down a canyon. I had them hide in the rocks of the side 
of the canyon. The VC had taken over a US position on the top of that side. 

I made noise and got several hundred VC to follow me down the canyon, leading 
them into an ambush. The VC on the top of the hill thought it was US troops in 
the bottom. They shelled them while I joined my team in the rocks. Since we 
were not firing, our position was not known. The VC killed each other by the 
hundreds. I cried over "my hundreds of bodies" that were wounded and killed 
that day. 

I was too clever for my own good. I knew that the US should not be in Vietnam, 
but I had let my desire to know if I could succeed over take my common sense. 
It was a bitter lesson for me and one that I had to learn many times over. 

I was good at the war games in Vietnam, because I could 'feel' the positions of 
the VC in the jungles on the hills as if I were them over there at the same 

Not everyone does remote viewing that closely merged into what they are viewing 
as to lose their separation from it. But that is the best way to be accurate. 
And it was due to my accuracy that I ended up as a remote viewer for Directors 
of CIA from the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 to 2004. 

When I later played war games with Pentagon generals at Camp Pendleton etc, I 
always won. But I had no desire to fight and that annoyed them. I could figure 
out how to win without fighting and did so. 

For example, once we were due to play war games the next day at Camp Pendleton 
in August. It was likely to be blazing hot. I sent some of my men up the hills 
to set up noise making devices on timers at specific locations which would 

Others I sent on a recon mission to the opposition camp. They waited until that 
team had packed their kits and then replaced the water in the canteens with 
dirt. The opposition hiked out in the morning without rechecking their kits. 

I had some of my men lure them up the dry barren hills to look for us. 

I had ordered all of my team to promptly regroup below the cliff and stay in 
the shade of it or in the ocean water. Many of them were not pleased with me. 
They said, we should be fighting the war games not just playing in the surf. 

I told them, there is no need for us to fight, the weather will defeat them for 
us. It did. They spent all day exhausting themselves looking for us in those 
hills and not being able to find us. They had to surrender from heat exhaustion 
and lack of water. 

All I had to do was supply the sunscreen and the picnic for my men. The other 
side should have had the good sense to sit down and rest in the shade. But due 
to their eagerness to fight they defeated themselves.

When I trained Israeli military and intelligence officers in remote viewing in 
the 1990's, they also insisted that I play war games with them. Remote viewing 
is a good tool. I beat them too. 

Then I challenged them to come into Chechnya with me and stop a Russian assault 
that was going on there in the early 2000's. The Russians were slaughtering 
civilians in large numbers. It made it look like Stalin was alive again. We 
only had a two-week period of time, so we trained some of the locals how to 
prevent Russians moving their trucks into their area to set up bases from which 
to slaughter them.

At that time the rules I enforced were no civilian deaths--under any 
circumstances. When they learned how to win using that strategy, then I went to 
having them practice winning using no deaths at all. 

I like to train military and intelligence people on battlefields. I think that 
they should know how to collect good intelligence while the bullets are flying 
and not just sit at a desk giving orders that kill others. 

We have to learn how to do defense without killing anyone. That is the only way 
that the world with survive. 

The Israelis have a lot of brave and effective fighters and intelligence 
people. I wanted them to lead the way on the non-violence front.

People think that I shouldn't talk about this. They want all the publicity to 
go to war making, not how to defend people without using bullets, missiles, and 
bombs. They want to protect the Defense Industry from having to go Green. 

The Defense Industry is not a Defense Industry, it is an assault industry. If 
you want to see what those people are doing to the Human Species just look at 
the birth defects from depleted uranium at 
http://www.xs4all.nl/~stgvisie/VISIE/extremedeformities.html . 

The US Administration falsely claimed that they had to go into Iraq to stop 
Hussein from using nuclear weapons. But the US tested 4th generation nuclear 
weapons in Iraq that did not make mushroom clouds. Then they used depleted 
uranium to pretend that all the radiation was do just to that. It was not. 

And in any case, the use of the depleted uranium was inexcusable. It has a half 
life of 4.5 million years and is destroying the human genome. Neither dust nor 
people stay in one place. Dust to dust, ashes to ashes is the future their 
shortsighted policies are making. The human race needs to give up playing war 
games and start a Manhattan Project style push to learn how to defend without 
            Other Top Stories       Personal Background:Pentagon War Games & 
Reality by SUE ANN ARRIGO, M.D.
Rumsfeld Fraud; Pentagon Tortures Its Own by SUA ANN ARRIGO, M.D.
How Halliburton-Carlyle-CIA-Pentagon Fraud Works by SUE ANN ARRIGO, M.D.
     Rumsfeld Conspiracy: Criminal Negligence & Fraud by SUE ANN ARIGO, MD
CIA-FBI Con: Halliburton's Stolen Federal Salaries by SUE ANN ARRIGO, M.D.
Halliburton-CIA Fraud Keeps on Rolling by SUE ANN ARRIGO, MD


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