Al Zimmerman 
  (NOT To Be CONFUSED with ROBERT the Dylan)
  Al Zimmerman Arrested On Child Pornography Charges
by Nancy Troxell in crime
  No one appreciates a person that is "into" child porn, 
  and they especially don't like it when an elected official 
  is found to be engaged in this kind of behavior.
  Al Zimmerman, 40, 
  the spokesperson for 
  Florida's Department of Children and Families 
  was arrested in his home Friday night 
  after soliciting teenagers 
  to perform sex acts for child porn.
Al Zimmerman - Former Florida DFC Spokesperson.
  He has worked for the DCF since early 2005. 
  According to an affidavit, 
  Mr. Zimmerman offered teens cash 
  to pose naked and masturbate 
  so he could create the child pornography. 
  The incidents occurred between December 2005 and July 07 
  in Hillsborough County and again in Orange County from 
  October 2007 until February. 
  Al Zimmerman has admitted his role in the crimes and faces 
  120 years in prison if convicted on the current charges. 
  He was being held Friday night on a $60,000 bond.
  DCF chief Bob Butterworth said “I’m shocked. I’m horrified. 
  This is appalling, disheartening in every sense of the word.” 
  Butterworth learned of the investigation Wednesday 
  and wants to look into better background checks for employees. 
  Zimmerman's profile showed fraudulent check writing charges, 
  but nothing that would indicate this type of crime.
  Update! Al Zimmerman Free On Bond.
  Saturday 02nd of February 2008 02:30:59 PM
  Displaying 8 Comments from Readers
I worked in child welfare policy for years 
  and at one time on a project in that county.
  It seems to me that there is a link between the fact 
  that this went on so long in a child welfare agency 
  and the refusal of child welfare agencies to openly 
  and honestly address issues of human sexuality. 
  If you don't engage staff, workers and the children you serve 
  in conversations about healthy human sexuality, 
  why are you so surprised when someone commits a sexual crime?
   It seems - SADLY - to make perfect sense. 
  In fact, a pedophile might actively seek out environments 
  where sexuality is not openly discussed in the hopes 
  of using it against those around him to perpetrate.
  Not Surprised said - 108 Day(s),What a sick man. 
  Hopefully he'll have a lot of time to think about what he's done.
  Surprised! said - 115 Day(s),
  he was a reporter in San Antonio,Tx and did a report called 
  Perverts in the Park. I guess it takes one to know one.
  visitor said - 115 Day(s), 3 Hour(s), 38 Minute(s), and 15 second(s) ago
  Went to school with him. He was very outgoing and popular. 
  I guess you never really know a person. WOW, how creepy.

  Free on $120,000 Bond
  Al Zimmerman Free On Bond 
by Nancy Troxell in crime
  Former spokesperson for 
  The Florida's Department of Children and Families, 
  Al Zimmerman has been released from jail 
  after posting $120,000 bond. 
  Zimmerman was held at the Hillsborough County jail 
  since last Friday on child pornography charges 
  after soliciting teenagers to pose naked etc. for pictures. 
  He faces 8 charges and could serve 
  up to 120 years in prison for his crime
  Is Typical Beneficiary Of This Relationship
Zimmerman earned $75,686 a year as an administrator 
  of  Florida's Department of Children & Families services.  
  He was arrested 
  on child pornography charges, 
  hosted parties at his house in Tampa 
  where teenage boys drank alcohol 
  and were encouraged to pose naked 
  and masturbate while Zimmerman 
  took pictures of them. 
  He then sold them on the internet.

    Understanding The Zionist Network
  All Graphics and Pics.:
  Where Did It Start?
Zionism started when the Sephardic traders discover 
  a Mongolian tribe in lower Russia known as the Khazars. 
  Because of their remote location they had inbreed for years, 
  and they were soulless creatures, with no conscious. 
The Sephardics had found their army. 
The Kingdom Of Khazaria
These creatures were spawned in lower Russia. 
They Were Ruthless
They controlled the Volga passes between the Black and Caspian seas. 
  They butchered and killed more people than the Black Plague.   
The Sephardics
They found their army in the Kharzarians and had them 
  convert to Judaism in approximately 874 AD. 
  (also 740 a.d.)
The Khazars Were Always Confined
The Sephardics had their army, but Russian and Germany 
  wanted no part of these foul creatures.  
The 1918 Bolshevik Revolution
International Jewry saw their chance when the Russian peasant 
  was dissatisfied with their economic condition. 
  Lenin arrived from New York and overthrew the Czar.
Zionists Start WWI
The point of WWI was to destroy the Austrian Empire, 
  and weaken Germany.
Bringing America Into The War
Churchill, whose mother was Jewish, aided in the Lusitanian 
  sabotage affair. Zionists agents were suspected 
  of planting a bomb, which killed 980 people. 
The Treaty Of Versailles
After WW1 the Zionists dismembered 
  the German and Austrian empires.  
World War Two 
Zionists use Poland to provoke Hitler, 
  and the world destroys Germany. 
The Khazarians Are Free
Once Hitler, and Germany, were wiped out these creatures 
  were free to ravage Europe.  
Stalin And His Bolsheviks
The Bolsheviks/Communists/Zionists took over Eastern Europe.
Today Their World Control Is Almost Complete
They control practically every major government, the media, 
  the judicial systems, the universities, and the professions.  
The Zionist Control Of America
Everything from the media, the judicial systems, the universities, 
  the professions, are either Zionists or controlled by them.
  The Key Lies In Their Sayanims
For centuries they realize the key was their interlocking relationships. 
  As they gain control of a country, company, hospital, university, 
  or what ever, they will favor their own. 
  Just in America there are 12,000,000 of these foreign agents.
Everyone marvels at their amazing mass in the upper classes, 
  most assuming the Zionists have a greater mental capacity. 
  The truth here they favor their own.  
Look To The Universities 
80% of the public non denominational universities have Zionist 
  administrator. Harvard has an Israeli club, and there are 400 members.
Pick Up A Newspaper
Read about the group that bought Chrysler is reallocating 
  dealerships to 'Special Friends', or how GM's health care fund 
  will be turned over to a Zionist controlled union, or Iraq, Iran, etc.  

  Where Does It End?
Their gains rely on always controlling the powerful countries. 
  Their control of Russia, America, and Britain, in 1939 
  is how they destroyed Germany. 
  Today their problem is who will control the American populace. 
  Let the United States slide into their engineered depression, 
  and see if the Zionists survive this round. 
  That is why there is 
  a Giant Putsch for gun control. 
  Judicial Index
    All Graphics and Pics.:
  Pedo - Zimmer

    Judicial Index


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