* "Any review of the U.S. Special Virus program will solve and end HIV/AIDS," Graves said. "Additionally, the United States patented the CURE for AIDS in 1997, Tetrasil."*


   Sunday, June 1, 2008


Formerly secret missing U.S. Special Virus Program 1967 AIDS Report FOUND

Chula Vista, CA - Human Rights' activist and HIV/AIDS victims advocate, American Dr. Boyd E. Graves, internationally recognized as one of the world's leading experts on the formerly secret U.S. Special Virus Cancer Leukemia Program (1962-1978) and the evidence of the laboratory birth of AIDS; has recovered the missing 1967 U.S. Special Virus Progress Report. The 1967 report is the fourth publication in the 15 year U.S. Special Virus Program series published secretly between 1962 and 1978 by the National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Health. Today, Dr. Graves posted the 1967 U.S. Special Virus report on his web site www.boydgraves.com <http://www.boydgraves.com/> for free global public download and immediate review.

"Any review of the U.S. Special Virus program will solve and end HIV/AIDS," Graves said. "Additionally, the United States patented the CURE for AIDS in 1997, Tetrasil."

Dr. Graves first shook the international scientific and established medical community in 1999 with his discovery and presentation of the United States' secret virus development program's 1971 Research Logic Flow Chart, the 'research logic' Dr. Graves and other experts allege is the logic of creating the HIV/AIDS virus inside official U.S. Special Virus laboratories, according to the formerly secret reports.

With the discovery of the missing 1967 U.S. Special Virus report, the fourth in the series of more than 15; Dr. Graves provides the world even another deeper glimpse into the inside 'logic' of the U.S. Special Virus Cancer Leukemia Program's inner mentality and machinery. With secret government virus experiments dating back to 1909 and beyond, inside these reports Dr. Graves and others claim the cause and cures for HIV/AIDS exist.

"To date over four million people hold the 1971 "research logic" blueprint <http://boydgraves.com/flowchart> of the U.S. Special Virus program (1962 -- 1978) . The 1971 flow chart depicts the creation, production and proliferation of a new "special" hybrid virus that impacts the immune system. The flowchart reveals (in Phase IV-A) that inhibitors and controls were developed, prior to the "special" virus being released (via vaccine complement) in Phase V of the secret program." Dr. Graves said. "Any review of the U.S. Special Virus program will solve and end HIV/AIDS. Additionally, the United States patented the CURE for AIDS in 1997."

The discovery of the fourth report from 1967 brings the total known available U.S. Special Virus Progress Reports to nine, leaving six reports still 'missing' or otherwise unavailable in the public domain. National Cancer Institute Director, Dr. Alan Rabson, was named among the lead defendants in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Dr. Graves last year demanding the release of several of the known available reports, including the 1978 report, once known to be on the shelves at the archives of the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Today the N.C.I.'s copies of the U.S. Special Virus Reports have also become 'missing' or otherwise unavailable. Dr. Graves' and his publisher have recovered and scanned all of the recovered Special Virus documents for preservation and redistribution, including Dr. Graves' exhibits for litigation against the U.S. Special Virus Program. Dr. Graves' collection of the rare documents represents the largest available U.S. Special Virus archive known in the world.

Dr. Graves, a lawyer based in California has filed multiple lawsuits the international review and lead plaintiff for reparations of the victims of HIV/AIDS via the U.S. Special Virus Program. The U.S. Federal Court and the U.S. Supreme Court have both denied Dr. Graves' past lawsuits on technicalities. See also: Boyd E. Graves v. The President of the United States of America, U.S. Supreme Court Case OO-9587. Dr. Graves continues filing new lawsuits on this issue, including Freedom of Information Act requests for the additional published reports. Graves judicial activism shines a light on a taboo issue by submitting the evidence of the laboratory birth of AIDS via the formerly secret U.S. Special Virus Program in his contuining litigation.

In 2001 Dr. Graves initiated a review of the budgetary appropriations through his former Congressman James A. Trafficant, (OH) prompting an internal investigation by the U.S. General Accounting Office. The G.A.O. issued their conclusions in June. The government's conclusions were presented in a short power point large font 'investigation' summary essential stated the U.S. Special Virus Program may have existed, however it is not the source of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and instead concluded from monkeys. The GAO investigation was immediately called a 'white wash' by many including leading expert author Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, who also provided primary witness testimony for the GAO investigation into the origin of the AIDS pandemic.

Dr. Graves has posted the scanned original 1967 U.S. Special Virus progress report to is web site www.boydgraves.com <http://www.boydgraves.com/> for free download to all interested persons. Dr. Graves resides in California where he continues his judicial activism. Dr. Graves is the author of two books on the evidence of the laboratory birth of HIV/AIDS. He is among the most vocal AIDS activists and the only active HIV litigator demanding the immediate review of and reparations for 'make whole relief' for the Class harmed as direct result of the U.S. Special Virus Program.

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