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Date: June 10, 2008 4:48:36 PM PDT
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: White House sought Jack Abramoff's approval on nominees to Administration posts

President Met Disgraced Lobbyist At Least Six Times

The White House Had Previously Acknowledged Only Two Meetings


June 9, 2008 —

The White House had stronger ties to disgraced superlobbyist Jack Abramoff than it has publicly admitted, according to a draft congressional report released Monday.

President Bush met Abramoff on at least four occasions the White House has yet to acknowledge, according to the draft report by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

And White House officials appeared as comfortable going to Abramoff and his lobbyists seeking tickets to sporting and entertainment events, as they did seeking input on personnel picks for plum jobs, the report found.

President Bush himself met Abramoff on at least six occasions, the report said, citing White House documents; the White House had previously acknowledged only two.

When questions were first raised about Abramoff's connection to Bush officials in January 2006, then-White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Bush had personally met Abramoff on just two occasions, both at White House Hanukkah receptions.

McClellan told reporters there had also been "a few staff-level meetings" between officials and Abramoff and his team, but declined to provide more information.


White House spokesman Tony Fratto called the report "warmed up leftovers" and "a joke."

"Abramoff carried no weight here as the report makes clear," Fratto wrote in an e-mail Monday afternoon. "Abramoff was spectacularly unsuccessful in affecting policy," he said. "There's nothing new here."

The draft report's findings, however, stated that "communications from Mr. Abramoff and his associates carried weight with White House officials."

On "some occasions," investigators found, "White House officials initiated contact with Mr. Abramoff and his associates to solicit recommendations on nominations for Administration posts."

However, aside from ousting a Clinton-era State Department employee Abramoff had drawn a bead on -- one who had already inflamed other conservatives -- the report shows little evidence of Abramoff getting results from the White House.

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