June 3, 2008 -- Soros' destabilization of the Balkans: Creating a  
haven for drug trafficking
publication date: Jun 3, 2008
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June 3, 2008 -- Soros' destabilization of the Balkans: Creating a  
haven for drug trafficking

George Soros, the multi-billionaire funder of progressive causes, has  
made no secret of his desire for drug legalization. The wish has made  
Soros a darling for not only progressives but libertarians as well.  
However, according to FBI sources, Soros' support for the  
destabilization of the Balkans, particularly the cause of Kosovo's  
independence, has enabled drug trafficking in the region to increase  
exponentially. FBI intercepts of Turkish and Albanian intercepts have  
shown collusion between certain Western "pro-democracy" non- 
governmental organizations (NGOs) and the Kosovo drug trade.

Soros' Open Society Institute (OSI) and his stewardship of Radio Free  
Europe/Radio Liberty helped elevate, with the help of then-Secretary  
of State Madeleine Albright, Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) leader  
Hashim Thaci from terrorist thug and drug and arms smuggler to Prime  
Minister of an independent Kosovo. Kosovo, along with Israel and Greek  
Cyprus, now plays host to organized criminal syndicates from around  
the world, particularly elements of the Russian-Israeli mafia and its  

Independent Kosovo now serves as an important hub for the distribution  
of heroin from Afghanistan and cocaine from Colombia (mostly via  
Guinea-Bissau in West Africa). Afghanistan and Colombia are both  
surrogates of the United States and examples of the marquis  
"democratization" pushed by OSI and Freedom House and the  
International Crisis Group, other contrivances funded by Soros. The  
Albanian government, also enmeshed in drug smuggling, provides  
important diplomatic and political cover for the Kosovo criminal  

Kosovo-based narco-terrorists now threaten neighboring countries.  
Recent violence in Macedonia's election can be traced to Albanian  
Kosovo-based provocateurs who have been able to stir up Albanian  
minority passions thanks to Soros' insistence that Albanian be granted  
second official language status in largely Slavic Macedonia.  
Montenegro is similarly plagued by Kosovo Albanian smugglers who  
operate freely from the southern part of that nation.


2 tut anon (usa)
     If Soros supports "drug legalization", that's unusual for someone  
who's purportedly making money from the drug trade, which is usually  
thought to flourish only when drugs are illegal.

2 tut anon (usa)
     I've just skimmed through the previous posts and comments on the  
Soros story. Readers of this site might take a look at "A Brief  
History of Neoliberalism", by David Harvey. Neoliberalism is the  
theoretical under-pinning of a broad trend in capitalism over the last  
thirty years, which includes de-regulation of private business, trade  
and financial transactions, privatization of public resources,  
shrinking of government services and the social safety net, and many  
specific forms of "vulture capitalism", creative destruction,  
"disaster capitalism", etc. This global movement was a response to  
shrinking profits and markets that started in the seventies, was  
prompted by the squawks of individual business and financial  
interests, followed by the rationalizations of think tanks, and  
eventually melded together in an ideology which political figures  
could sell to their constituents (e.g., Thatcher and Reagan).

     As Kait and others point out, in this broad economic trend, Soros  
is simply one of many players (possibly an early one, an "innovator",  
or possibly just an opportunist, like Milken or the hedge-fund guys.)  
My point is, the phenomenon of neo-liberalism (or vulture capitalism)  
is a broad, economic one, not the creation of any individual.

Marlys (Seattle)
     and the rich get richer and somehow that means they know what's  
best for the rest of us.

nierika (San Diego, CA)

     George Soros on the US Greenback

     BBC - George Soros on the financial crisis March 2008

     Oil prices: George Soros warns that speculators could trigger  
stock market crash

     Guardian UK
     Graeme Wearden
     June 3 2008

     George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund manager, will warn later  
today that the oil price has become a bubble that could trigger a  
stock market crash

     The Financial Times reported today that Soros will tell the US  
Senate commerce committee that oil was pushed to its recent all-time  
peak of $135 a barrel by a new wave of speculators

     He believes that the doubling in the price over the last year is  
partly due to investment institutions, such as pension funds, who are  
pumping money into indexes that track the cost of crude

     According to the FT, Soros will warn that there could be very  
serious consequences for global stock markets if the institutions  
suddenly began betting on a fall in the oil price

     He compares it with the stock market crash of 1987, which was  
partly caused by a sudden rush of money into portfolio insurance –  
which institutions used to protect themselves against a fall in share  

     "In both cases, the institutions are piling in on one side of the  
market and they have sufficient weight to unbalance it.

     If the trend were reversed and the institutions as a group headed  
for the exit as they did in 1987 there would be a crash," said Soros,  
in remarks prepared for a committee hearing later today

     Institutional investors can use index funds to bet on the future  
trends of a commodity such as oil, in the same way that such funds are  
used to track the performance of a stock market index like the FTSE

     Last week, the Senate commerce committee heard that the amount of  
money pumped into commodity-index investing has soared to $260bn  
(£132bn) this year, from $13bn in 2003

     Soros himself is no stranger to market speculation, having made a  
profit of around $1bn in 1992 betting that the UK government would be  
unable to keep sterling within the European Exchange Rate Mechanism

uhClem (Keene)
     Thanks for filling us in on Soros lately. Too bad that there  
can't be a real sugardaddy for the progressive left--only a coopter.  

Bill Wade (Exeter)
     Speculator Soros warns that speculators could crash stock market.

Lord Sacrificer and his leaches (whoville 2 clicks from suckerville)

     The Rich get richer and the "suckers" get the interest payment on  


Lord Sacrificer and his leaches (whoville 2 clicks from suckerville)

     little ditty goes like this "Got me no money for this or that, but
     always got plenty for WAR,WAR,WAR. Ain't that special" Isn't that

liberty antigone (?)
     I heard Soros this morning on CSpan testifying in congress with  
his huge dr. Strangelove-Kissinger accent. He was speaking at the same  
time as a very eloquent man who is a professor of law at the  
University of Maryland,Michael Greenberg, who was educating the  
congress about the real facts of the oil industry. He said that the  
criminals who break our laws should be hunted down, and that as a  
previous regulatory person in our Justice Department, you could and  
should prosecute companies for speculation and gouging.

     Soros was definitely playing liberal green sheep under his wolf's  
vulture capitalist clothing. Michael Greenberg, the professor, said  
that the people who want to do business in America, are not going to  
just disappear, since they live in the Hamptons and their business is  
in America.

     He spoke of some trader from Britian who was literally crying on  
the phone to do business in USA.

     You have done a great service in unmasking a wolf of vulture  
capitialism, who has been hiding out in the left in sheeps mask, Mr.  

liberty antigone (?)

     Manipulation of Energy Prices

     Recently, investor George Soros told the London Telegraph that  
the speculative bubble driving oil prices would only fall when the  
U.S. & England entered a recession. Soros is one of the witnesses at  
today's Senate Commerce Cmte. hearing on energy market manipulation.  
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) chairs the hearing.

     Sec. Rice, AIPAC Subpoena Resisted
     AIPAC Website
     From Earlier
     Rocketing Oil Price is a Bubble

     George Soros: rocketing oil price is a bubble
     By Edmund Conway, Economics Editor
     Last Updated: 6:01pm BST 03/06/2008

     He said: "The dislocations will be greater [than in the 1970s]  
because you also have the implications of the house price decline,  
which you didn't have in the 1970s."

     The warning undermines predictions that Britain will suffer only  
a brief and relatively painless recession, unlike the precipitous  
dives of previous years.

     Mr Soros also warned that the Bank's inflation report represents  
a "Faustian pact", obliging it to keep interest rates high to control  
inflation, even as the economy is starting to slump.

     "You had the nice decade," he said. "Now that is over and you are  
in a straitjacket."


     maybe Americans should wake up, haven't we had enough foxes  
guarding the hen houses of our public offices?

nierika (San Diego, CA)
     Kevin Phillips - Bad Money: the Global Crisis of American  

     Author and columnist, Kevin Phillips, talks about his newest  

Bill Wade (Exeter)
     the answer, Ron Paul.

Bill Wade (Exeter)
     the problem, George Bush

nierika (San Diego, CA)

     "The Age of Oil — 100-plus years of astonishing economic growth  
made possible by cheap, abundant oil — could be ending without our  
really being aware of it. Oil is a finite commodity. At some point  
even the vast reservoirs of Saudi Arabia will run dry. But before that  
happens there will come a day when oil production 'peaks,' when demand  
overtakes supply (and never looks back), resulting in large and  
possibly catastrophic price increases that could make today's $60-a- 
barrel oil look like chump change..

David Currie (Portland, OR)
     2 tut anon (usa)
     If Soros supports "drug legalization", that's unusual for someone  
who's purportedly making money from the drug trade, which is usually  
thought to flourish only when drugs are illegal.


     I've just skimmed through the previous posts and comments on the  
Soros story. Readers of this site might take a look at "A Brief  
History of Neoliberalism", by David Harvey.


     Soros is simply one of many players...My point is, the phenomenon  
of neo-liberalism (or vulture capitalism) is a broad, economic one,  
not the creation of any individual.


Bill Wade (Exeter)
     Heating oil is at $4.50 a gallon here now. We're going from 40%  
wood burning/60% oil to 80% wood/20% oil. That should save us about  
$3000., but it's a lot of work.

Lord Sacrificer and his leaches (whoville 2 clicks from suckerville)

     Hoarding all the oil, money and food is fun. It makes us "special  
     really important." And our American government helps us to be  
     and self-centered and the "little people get the debt and we  
control them
     through that. ha,ha,ha

Kait (Michigan)
     It's the intelligence services for globalization that are  
producing the destabilization of the Balkans, Soros is only one  

     Misinformation through the Internet

     The Internet has become one of the most consulted sources of  
information. An essential characteristic of the Internet is its many- 
to-many character. People who seek information can access the medium  
without much difficulty. For people who provide information it is  
almost equally easy to distribute information. Because of both the  
ease with which the information is accessible and the ease with which  
information can be dispersed, it is also relatively easy to be misled  
and to mislead, intentionally or unintentionally.

     Because information on the Internet can be the basis of moral  
decisions and actions, the reliability of that information is morally  
significant. The exact character of the problematic status of  
misinformation through the Internet can be made more explicit by some  
reflection on criteria for assessing the reliability of information.  
In judging the reliability of information, we can use primary criteria  
of reliability. These are, for instance, requirements of consistency,  
coherence, accuracy, and accordance with observations.

     Now, seekers of information themselves are often unable to assess  
the reliability of information in relation to the aforementioned  
primary criteria. They are mostly no experts, and sometimes lack even  
the slightest knowledge of the topics about which they seek  
information. This applies equally to information published through the  
traditional media and to information published through new media such  
as the Internet. In order to judge whether one can trust the quality  
of information in the traditional media, most people seem to apply  
what I will call secondary epistemic criteria.

     Secondary epistemic criteria have to do with the authority,  
trustworthiness and credibility that are assigned to persons or  
organizations behind the information. Viewed rather superficially,  
this assignment of authority, trustworthiness and credibility may seem  
to happen on the basis of just the history of these persons or  
organizations, their reputation or their having others standing surety  
for them. On a deeper level, however, the application of secondary  
epistemic criteria appears to be based on an intricate complex of  
backgrounds of all kinds of manifest or latent recognition procedures  
for persons and organizations, traditions of reputations and usage.  
Most of these are built in or embedded in conventions, social and  
institutional arrangements and practices.

     People look for traces of the reliability of the information and  
of the information provider by gathering all kinds of indications  
about the background and the institutional setting of the source of  
information. People can find out, for example, whether the provider  
works at a university, what kind of university this is, whether it has  
a good reputation, whether it is recognized as one where people work  
according to commonly accepted methodological criteria, etc. Also,  
people seem to be attentive to the context in which the information is  
offered or made accessible, such as a university library, a reputed  
scientific journal, etc.

     The very possibility of applying these kinds of secondary  
criteria is often lacking where the Internet is concerned. Often, the  
content provider is anonymous or has only a virtual identity.  
Generally, the influence of individuals in the process of providing  
information on the Internet is diminishing, whereas the influence of  
intelligent systems is growing. Also, the lack of traditional  
intermediaries (such as libraries, librarians, specialized publishers)  
may have a negative influence on the capabilities of information  
seekers to assess the reliability of information. These kinds of  
factors, i.e. the lack of information about content providers, the  
diminishing human influence in the provision of information, and the  
lack of traditional intermediaries, are responsible for the fact that  
an information seeker often lacks clues or any indication whatsoever  
about the character, background, and institutional setting of the  
content provider.

     Adding to and further complicating the problem is the  
globalization which goes hand in hand with the Internet. Even when the  
recipient has some information about the content provider, he might  
not be able to estimate the credibility of that provider. This is so,  
simply because often he will not be acquainted with backgrounds and  
institutional settings from all over the world, completely different  
societies, with completely different cultures. The recognition  
procedures and traditions that make up the institutional basis of the  
application of secondary epistemic criteria may be different in  
different cultures. A recipient from one culture may not recognize the  
procedures and traditions of the provider from another culture. It  
could even be, that if the recipient from one culture were able to  
recognize them, he or she would not accept them.

     Possible solutions to the problem of misinformation through the  
Internet, to my mind, are to be found in two strategies. These are not  
mutually exclusive but rather mutually supportive.

     The first strategy is one of developing critical attitudes in  
recipients. The second strategy consists of enabling people to apply  
secondary epistemic criteria to the Internet by creating (an analogue  
of) the institutionally embedded credibility conferring systems.

     Specifying and implementing the two strategies as such is already  
difficult. Additional complexities, however, arise from the obvious  
possibilities of normative conflicts between the realization of  
reliability enhancing measures on the one hand, and normative  
principles regarding individual autonomy, the freedom to provide and  
to gather information, and privacy norms, on the other hand. For  
reasons of enhancing reliability of information on the Internet one  
may, for instance, consider restricting the possibilities of  
dispersing information anonymously. Doing so, however, may be  
detrimental to privacy and to the freedom of speech. Something similar  
will be the case with teaching people and enabling them to take a  
critical distance towards information on the Internet. A point where  
empowerment of individuals changes into paternalistic meddling is all  
too easily attained.

     Finally, the prevailing global moral pluralism must be taken into  
account when credibility conferring systems are designed or renovated,  
not only because different moral outlooks and varieties of moral  
viewpoints perhaps ought to be tolerated and respected. It is rather a  
matter of effectiveness. Where systems clash with deeply felt  
convictions, they will not be accepted.

     Anton Vedder
     Tilburg University,
     Faculty of Law
     Tilburg University,
     Schoordijk Institute,
     Faculty of Law
     P.O. Box 90153,
     5000 LE
     The Netherlands
     +31 13 466 3443 (phone)
     +31 13 466 80 47 (fax)

Kait (Michigan)

     The Speaker Of The House Vs. The Billionaire

     Michael Maiello, 09.01.04, 12:05 PM ET

     Speaking extemporaneously on television this weekend, U.S.  
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R.-Ill.) left Fox News viewers  
wondering if he had actually just accused billionaire hedge fund  
manager and philanthropist George Soros of taking money from drug  
dealers. With a few days to think about his comments, and an angry  
letter from Soros to mull over, Hastert has decided not to apologize.

     "Of course the Speaker doesn't think he gets money from drug  
cartels," says Hastert's press secretary, John Feehery.

     Viewers of News Corp.'s (nyse: NWS - news - people ) Fox News  
Sunday, hosted by Chris Wallace, might have been left with a different  
impression when a discussion between Hastert and Wallace meandered to  
the topic of Soros, who has used his deep pockets to oppose the re- 
election of President Bush by funding 527 political interest groups.  
Here's the exchange:

     "HASTERT: know, I don't know where George Soros gets his  
money. I don't know where--if it comes overseas or from drug groups or  
where it comes from. And I...

     WALLACE: Excuse me?

     HASTERT: Well, that's what he's been for a number of years-- 
George Soros has been for legalizing drugs in this country. So, I  
mean, he's got a lot of ancillary interests out there.

     WALLACE: You think he may be getting money from the drug cartel?

     HASTERT: I'm saying I don't know where groups--could be people  
who support this type of thing. I'm saying we don't know. The fact is  
we don't know where this money comes from."

     This morning, Soros faxed off an angry letter to Hastert, saying,  
"For the Speaker of the House of Representatives, even in the midst of  
a political season, to descend to a level of political discourse where  
innuendo and slander replace reason, truth and argument is  
unacceptable." Soros demanded that Hastert "...either substantiate  
these claims--which you cannot do because they are false--or publicly  
apologize for attempting to damage my character and defame my  

     Feehery blames Wallace for introducing the phrase "drug cartel"  
into the discussion and, even though Hastert made no attempt to  
correct the host, Feehery says Hastert was referring only to political  
organizations that support legalizing drugs and not to their  
purveyors. Feehery said Hastert wouldn't apologize for disagreeing  
with Soros "radical positions."

     Feehery says Hastert's real issue is the lack of transparency in  
the funding of political groups known as 527s, which are not governed  
by advertising spending limits so long as they don't coordinate their  
activities with any candidate. "The Speaker said we don't know where  
Mr. Soros gets his money," Feehery said.

     To figure that out, Hastert need look no further than the Forbes  
400 list of richest Americans. Soros, whose wealth is currently  
estimated at $7 billion, earned his stash as one of the most  
successful money managers in the hedge fund industry. His network of  
foundations and charities donates more than $450 million to causes  
each year.

Hula (Honolulu, HI)
     I had read, years ago, that Mr. Soros manipulates the markets by  
going on CNBC, etc. and telling everyone where the markets are going.  
Unbeknownst to them, he has already purchased gobs of shares in  
whatever industry he is promoting. When everyone else starts buying,  
he sells and makes a fortune.

     If he's predicting that oil will fall, he's planning to buy. I  
believe the price of a barrel of oil fell substantially in the last  
couple days. He probably had purchased options that it would fall  
before he went on television.

David Currie (Portland, OR)
     Kait (Michigan)
     It's the intelligence services for globalization that are  
producing the destabilization of the Balkans, Soros is only one  

     Soros is only one "globalist", but name someone who is more  
publicly powerful, or who has as much money and influence, or who  
actively uses their insider knowledge to destroy entire economies...  
Soros may be one globalist, but he is not just another one - he is BIG.

     The intelligence services work for the globalists, NOT the  
governments. The primarly "globalists" are the Rothschild crime  
syndicate, which likely owns over half of the worlds wealth. It can't  
be proven, but it's likely their worth is in excess of 500 Trillion  
dollars, maybe even over a Quadrillion if you consider everything they  
own (including much of the planets land and resources). The annual  
Bilderberger four day meeting might as well be called the "Rothschild  
meeting", because that's who probably orchestrates it. At the  
Bilderberger meeting they have lots of CIA, MI6, and other  
intelligence agents there to "protect" the super-rich. If they aren't  
working for governments, then why the presence of "government"  
intelligence agents? All the intelligence agencies work for the same  
masters - the globalists.

     The controlled media (ie: Forbes) does its best to propagandize  
for Soros, which makes sense since Rothschild and Soros own so much of  
the controlled media. Soros has long been attacked by the right for  
his support of drug legalization. This is the same old dog and pony  
show though, and the Rothschild agents and quislings control both  
sides of the act. Hastart and Soros both work for the same masters.  
The Rothschild syndicate has long controlled both sides of all  
important issues: they import the illegal drugs AND fund the DEA and  
other drug-war assets. They create the terrorism AND the police-state  
that results to "protect" the population.

Kait (Michigan)
     George Bush!

liberty antigone (?)

     "...In reality, what Soros and his friends have accomplished is  
to transform nations like Poland, the Czech Republic, the Baltic  
states, Georgia, Ukraine, and others into vassal states of NATO, the  
World Bank, and predatory vultures like the Rothschilds, the  
Rockefellers, the billionaire investors in the Carlyle Group, and  
subservient politicians ranging from Tony Blair and John Major to the  
Bushes, Nicolas Sarkozy, Stephen Harper, and Angela Merkel. In fact,  
Soros is an investor in the Carlyle Group. Small world.

     Working hand-in-glove with the neo-con "perception management"  
firms in Washington, DC, Soros funded the neocons' favorite form of  
upheaval -- the "themed revolution" -- including, the Rose Revolution  
in Georgia, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, and the Tulip Revolution  
in Kyrgyzstan. These revolutions resulted in regimes coming to power  
that gave aid and comfort to exiled Russian-Israeli oligarchs  
targeting the Kremlin, favored membership in NATO or the hosting of  
American military bases, and unbridled privatization of state-owned  
enterprises at the expense of the people.

     Soros and his global fraternity of money-hungry speculators are  
now anxiously licking their chops at the prospect of further  
privatization of America's public commons: public highways, bridges,  
turnpikes, water utilities, and other public infrastructure assets.  
Who has their gaze on the prospect of turning America's public and  
toll roads over to private interests? The Russian-Israeli mobsters who  
specialize in automatic debiting systems pioneered in their gambling  
dens and casinos in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, and Native American  
reservations across the country. Money grabbing and money laundering  
united through technology.

David Currie (Portland, OR)
     Hula (Honolulu, HI)
     I had read, years ago, that Mr. Soros manipulates the markets by  
going on CNBC, etc. and telling everyone where the markets are going.  
Unbeknownst to them, he has already purchased gobs of shares in  
whatever industry he is promoting. When everyone else starts buying,  
he sells and makes a fortune.

     Exactly Hula - that's an old Rothschild trick he uses. Google  
"Soros Rothschild" and you'll find a lot of interesting reading. Now  
Soros is proposing that tactics he used to become rich should be  
regulated and taxed! The more I learn about Soros, the more I dislike  
him personally. He is not a brilliant intellect IMO, although he  
considers himself such. IMO his success is due primarily to his  
Rothschild connection - he is "their boy" it appears. Soros also  
considers himself to be God, but he doesn't believe in God either...  
He also considers himself to possibly be mad, and that seems likely.

liberty antigone (?)
     Hegelian dialectic, provide the problem, (food shortage), provide  
the solution (police state, or war for the narco traffic disguised as  
war for food, or fascist USA PATRIOT 3 Act) as Mr. Madsen pointed out.

liberty antigone (?)
     György Schwartz, or as he likes to be called, Soros, a Greek  
name, should be called by his real name.

David Currie (Portland, OR)
     Kait (Michigan)
     George Bush!

     Oh please Kait - you don't REALLY mean that do you? I didn't even  
think of politicians,because they are all bought and kept by  
international financiers. I admit the president of the USA appears to  
be a powerful position, the "most powerful man in the world" the  
controlled media would say, but I don't believe he has any real power  
or decides anything. Do you REALLY think Georgie boy has any power or  
influence over world events, other than being an actor playing CEO of  
USA inc., who does what he is told to do. If you had said "Dick  
Cheney", that would be closer, but once out of office he won't have as  
much influence. Soros has been around for decades, and he is only  
becoming evermore powerful...

Kait (Michigan)
     Here are just three globalist groups that have been working to  
change the world order. Just the tip of the iceberg. All started in  
the US.

     Citizens for Global Solutions

     Nancy Pelosi represents
     Democratic World Federalists

     World Federalist Movement

Kait (Michigan)
     The Bush family dynasty is one of the most powerful in the world.

Kait (Michigan)
     Hegel maintains that the juxtaposition and violent interaction of  
binary oppositions will continue until a position is reached which is  
so perfectly balanced that no new antithesis can arise, because there  
are no extremes left to form a thesis. This bland-sounding paradise is  
what Hegel calls THE ABSOLUTE IDEA, and history is the process of  
human civilization working toward this end point, motivated by a  
spiritual force which Hegel calls the WORLD-SPIRIT or WORLD-MIND.  
Because the ultimate cause of progress in Hegel's view of history is  
an abstract force, we call his philosophy a form of idealism (there  
are many philosophical ideas which merit this description).

     Karl Marx later accepts Hegel's idea of the dialectical process  
as the mainspring of inevitable human progress, but he rejects Hegel's  
explanation that all this is due to some abstract force seeking  

David Currie (Portland, OR)
     Did you think of that about Hegel yourself Kait, or did you cut  
and paste from wikipedia? In either case, WHY? You took a simple  
concept, and garbled it with a bunch of arcane language designed to  
make it appear you have a superior intellect. You are nothing if not  
transparent! The Bush family dynasty are mearly useful idiots IMO, and  
aren't even billionaires officially. I'm sure pappy has lots of stolen  
booty hidden in various havens, and they did name the CIA headquarters  
after him, but then look who they named the FBI headquarters after...  
The Bush crime family did buy up all that land over the South  
America's largest aquafer (even sent young bushette to seal the deal),  
knowing water is the most important resource. Genocide will be  
executed using thirst, starvation, and disease, aided by vaccines and  
drugs. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates each gave over 30 billion dollars  
so far to encourage the elites policy of population reduction. Many  
other famous super-rich people have contributed to global population  
reduction, most notably Ted Turner. Bertrand Russell wanted to  
reincarnate as a deadly virus to wipe-out huge populations - what a  
dreamer! Eugenics has never gone away, it's just called different  
names now. Gates, Buffet and the others are feted as great  
philanthropists, when in fact they are supporting genocidal policies.

Kait (Michigan)
     You have a real ego problem among other things.

Kait (Michigan)
     You rattle on and on in and endless cacophony of conspiracies.  
You go round and round like a hamster on his wheel and you just don't  
know how to get off do you?

David Currie (Portland, OR)
     Nothing I can do about it, I know... They have a human sized  
hamster wheel over at Reed College that I sometimes run on. It's  
actually quite invigorating to do - the hamsters are on to something I  
tell you!

     One more "conspiracy". Has anyone every heard of the Georgia  
Guidestones? I saw them for the first time in Alex Jones "End Game"  
video today, so I googled it. Apparently they were made by the same  
occult group that made the Denver airports' strange "art" and  
monuments "New World Airport Commission". Atlanta and Denver are two  
centers of the secret government of the elite, and will be they will  
be the capitols of their future regions. Bizarro.

David Currie (Portland, OR)
     Some usernet info on Georgia Guidestones:


     The Hopi Indians and their ancient shamans say "signs" will
     foretell the time when the fifth world, a new age, will
     begin. Many believe we now stand on the threshold of
     changing events which will bring about the end of one world
     period and the beginning of another. Ancient prophecies
     state that when stone tablets are returned to the center of
     the world the new age will begin. There are varied
     interpretations in many different cultures regarding what
     "the center of the world" means and where it is.

     Northeast Georgia was an assembly ground for the great
     Cherokee Indian Nation before the white man's greed for gold
     brought about the Trail of Tears. Cherokee Indian trails
     radiated in all directions from what is now Elberton,
     Georgia, and the Cherokee Indians held their Councils, their
     dances and their worship services of the Great Spirit there.
     They called the area Al-yeh-li-A-lo-Hee, the Center of the

     On a June afternoon in 1979 a stranger arrived in Elberton,
     Georgia and visited Wyatt Martin, president of the Granite
     City Bank, and Joe Fendley, president of the Elberton
     Granite Finishing Company. The stranger introduced himself
     as "R. C. Christian" but quickly explained that "Christian"
     wasn't his real name and the name "R. C. Christian" was only
     symbolic. He deposited a large sum (rumored to be in excess
     of $50,000) in an escrow account at the bank to be used to
     construct a monument of stone monoliths engraved with
     guidelines for humanity. The stranger left precise details
     as to the constuction of the monument and its engravings.
     Before he left that same afternoon "Mr. R. C. Christian"
     said he followed the teachings of Jesus Christ and that he
     represented a small group of Americans who believed as he
     did, in God and country, and they wished to leave a message
     for future generations. He also told the bank and granite
     company presidents that he would never see them again.

     (end snipet)

anti-neocon (O'Grady)
     Thanks so much for this important info about Soros and his  
promotions. I am just here learning about Thaci, and about Kosovo and  
Greek Cyprus (I already knew about Israel's) paying host to crime  
syndicates from around the world. Reading these reports is always  
soooo educational.

     Also, the videos and thoughts attached by the true lovers of the  
constitutional USA above are invaluable. Thanks all

David Currie (Portland, OR)
     Kait (Michigan)
     The Bush family dynasty is one of the most powerful in the world.

     During all the years Bush had influence, it was Kissinger who  
gave the orders for Rothschild and Rockefeller. The Bush crime family  
is huge, no doubt, but in the greater scheme of things they are WAY  
down the ladder of powerful crime families. They aren't even  
billionaires. During all the years Bush had influence and power behind  
the scenes, he decided nothing. Don't kid yourself, he is an IDIOT.  
Prescott Bush was just a Rothschild quisling too. Even Nixon said  
Poppy was an idiot, and he was no genius either... The president never  
has any power, rather he does as told by his masters. Carter was the  
same, whenever confronted with important decisions he would ask "what  
does Brezinski say about it?". Brezinski is the bookend to Kissenger,  
and another Rothschild strategist who guides the selected politicians...

anti-neocon (O'Grady)
     And as we are fighting out from WMR, Brezinski was most likely a  
traitor to Carter, and, or course, to our country as it was then.

anti-neocon (O'Grady)
     corr: "finding" not "fighting" and "of" not "or". Thanks.

liberty antigone (?)
     June 3, 2008 -- Soros' destabilization of the Balkans: Creating a  
haven for drug trafficking

     Mr. Madsen, This is a shocking report. No wonder no one else  
writes about this.


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