Wonder if Amy Winehouse has an alter ego too.


Dissociative Identity Disorder

Filed under: Courtney Love > When Celebrities Blog


Courtney Love wants the world to know she's got multiple personalities.

Or, as she likes to call it, "alter egos."

Seems like the rock chick's new id is manifesting itself as a woman named Cherry Kookoo, emphasis on the CRAZY Kookoo we're sure.

Explains love on her blog:

"just want to hank allyou supportive lovely people and thank you for putting up with my kookoo bananas alter ego should; we give her a name?
shoudl we give my alter ego a name? hmnmmmm Cherry! "Cherry kookoo" so if /when im overcome and blog again wich i wont do i took a picture of a friend looking at me rather sternly to remind me not to- well know it was Cherry Kookoo, but i think I've killed her off.
back to my shopping basket! Your support means the world to me i read every comment!
rock on"

Wonder if Amy Winehouse has an alter ego too.

What would be HER new name???

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