How brainwashing came to life and thrived - Jeff Stryker - 8/1/04 The term  
"brainwashing" was first popularized by Edward Hunter, in his 1951 book,  
"Brainwashing in Red China." Brainwashing was his translation for a Chinese 
"hsi-nao," meaning, roughly, "cleansing of the mind." Lifton concluded that the 
 Chinese interrogation techniques were merely time-honored methods of  
psychological coercion: isolation, humiliation and the repetition of  
"Helen McGonigle, a Connecticut lawyer who represents victims of  trauma and 
sexual abuse, knows she sounds like one of the nutters on the  Internet when 
talks about the history of military involvement in mind  control.  When asked 
if she thinks the government is still in the business  of mind control, 
McGonigle responded without skipping a beat. "Absolutely," she  said. "The 
of the Bluebird, Artichoke and MKULTRA definitely raise the  bar of 
suspicion," McGonigle said, ticking off a series of government  experiments 
hypnosis, sleep deprivation and the use of psychotropic  drugs. MKULTRA, 
underway from 1953 to 1966, involved research into mind-control  agents at 
scores of 
prestigious institutions by prominent psychologists. MKULTRA  scientists 
attempted to determine whether LSD could be aerosolized effectively;  the CIA 
hired a magician to teach field agents how to slip LSD into the  drinks of 
unwitting subjects.  Other experiments involved various forms of  sleep 
deprivation and hypnosis. Consider a research question posed in CIA  documents 
from the 
Bluebird experiments in the 1950s: "Could we seize a subject  and in the 
space of an hour or two by post-H[ypnotic] control have him crash an  airplane, 
wreck a train, etc.?"" 

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