Nanothermite Foxes in the Hen House?]

I've checked only one of these links. It's too late at night
and I have too much mail to file. Just passing them on, for now.

------------------------------ Original Message ------------------------------
Subject: [911-disc] Fwd: Nanothermite Foxes in the Hen House?
From:    "Ken Freeland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:    Tue, July 29, 2008 6:14 am
To:      "911-disc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         "Houston911" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Shane Geiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 03:06:27 -0500
From: Shane Geiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Nanothermite Foxes in the Hen House?

Proudly, I promote the 9/11 research of the WTC physical evidence being
done by Dr. Steven E. Jones, Kevin Ryan and others. Why? It is simple:
All the other groups studying the WTC disaster are certainly not using
standard scientific practices. For instance, in addition to an absence
of anonymously peer-reviewed papers being published in science or
engineering journals, numerous egregious violations of the scientific
method are characteristic of the Government investigations, including
the failure to deal scientifically with the iron-rich spheres and
nanothermite evidence found in the WTC dust.

If you know of anyone who might have WTC dust, please contact me, as I
would like to see widespread independent verification of Dr. Jones'

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is the group
creating the Government's reports on the three WTC buildings'
destruction. NIST calls into question their veracity not only by
failing to follow good scientific practices but also by having many
connections to a very high-tech, man-made explosive called nanothermite
which is now being found in the WTC dust. This is particularly
interesting because very few groups had the technology and expertise to
produce this product.

Through excellent research, Kevin Ryan exposes in detail NIST's numerous
connections to nanothermite:

Certainly, it seems that foxes are once again investigating a crime in a
hen house--just as seemed to be the case with the 9/11 Commission.

The events of 9/11/01 were just the first in a series of attacks on you
and your country: your civil liberties, your country's finances, your
own personal sense of safety.

If you or your loved ones were attacked, would you want the suspects to
investigate the crime? If you love your country and truth and justice,
please join us in pressing for an investigation independent of the
suspects--an investigation with subpoena power to encourage would-be
whistleblowers who are afraid for their careers and their lives to come
forth with protections under the law. Wouldn't only criminals have
something to hide and not want such an investigation?

Thank you.



Patty Casazza describes in the following video the problems various
whistleblowers and would-be whistleblowers had in testifying before the
9/11 Commission. In particular, she mentions how difficult it was for
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds to testify. (Like the testimony of Time
Magazine's 2002 Person of the Year and FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley,
Edmonds' testimony was never made public.) Casazza also mentions
meeting on the side of the road with would-be FBI whistleblowers who
were unable to testify before the 9/11 Commission and who claimed that
the FBI had foreknowledge of 9/11 that included the day on which it
would happen (9/11/2001), the targets (the Pentagon and the WTC Twin
Towers) and the method of attack (hijacked planes flown into those

"Jersey Girl" Patty Casazza and Bob McIlvaine


In this great radio interview, Kevin Ryan starts laying out the
nanothermite connections to NIST, the group investigating the WTC disaster.


The film which got me curious about 9/11 is filled with facts as they
were reported in the mainstream press and with the stories of families
that pushed for the creation of the 9/11 Commission "independent"

Shane Geiger
IT Director
National Council on Economic Education
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 402-438-8958 |

Leading the Campaign for Economic and Financial Literacy

Shane Geiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]net> wrote:

Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 03:06:27 -0500
From: Shane Geiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]net>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Nanothermite Foxes in the Hen House?

Proudly, I promote the 9/11 research of the WTC physical evidence being
done by Dr. Steven E. Jones, Kevin Ryan and others. Why? It is simple:
All the other groups studying the WTC disaster are certainly not using
standard scientific practices. For instance, in addition to an absence
of anonymously peer-reviewed papers being published in science or
engineering journals, numerous egregious violations of the scientific
method are characteristic of the Government investigations, including
the failure to deal scientifically with the iron-rich spheres and
nanothermite evidence found in the WTC dust.

If you know of anyone who might have WTC dust, please contact me, as I
would like to see widespread independent verification of Dr. Jones'

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is the group
creating the Government's reports on the three WTC buildings'
destruction. NIST calls into question their veracity not only by
failing to follow good scientific practices but also by having many
connections to a very high-tech, man-made explosive called nanothermite
which is now being found in the WTC dust. This is particularly
interesting because very few groups had the technology and expertise to
produce this product.

Through excellent research, Kevin Ryan exposes in detail NIST's numerous
connections to nanothermite:

Certainly, it seems that foxes are once again investigating a crime in a
hen house-! -just as seemed to be the case with the 9/11 Commission.

The events of 9/11/01 were just the first in a series of attacks on you
and your country: your civil liberties, your country's finances, your
own personal sense of safety.

If you or your loved ones were attacked, would you want the suspects to
investigate the crime? If you love your country and truth and justice,
please join us in pressing for an investigation independent of the
suspects--an investigation with subpoena power to encourage would-be
whistleblowers who are afraid for their careers and their lives to come
forth with protections under the law. Wouldn't only criminals have
something to hide and not want such an investigation?

Thank you.



Patty Casazza describes in the following video the problems various
whistleblowers and would-be whistleblowers had in testifying before the
9/11 Commission. In particular, she mentions how difficult it was for
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds to testify. (Like the testimony of Time
Magazine's 2002 Person of the Year and FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley,
Edmonds' testimony was never made public.) Casazza also mentions
meeting on the side of the road with would-be FBI whistleblowers who
were unable to testify before the 9/11 Commission and who claimed that
the FBI had foreknowledge of 9/11 that included the day on which it
would happen (9/11/2001), the targets (the Pentagon and the WTC Twin
Towers) and the method of attack (hijacked planes flown into those

"Jersey Girl" Patty Casazza and Bob McIlvaine


In this great radio interview, Kevin Ryan starts laying out the
nanothermite connections to NIST, the group investigating the WTC disaster.


The film which got me curious about 9/11 is filled with facts as they
were reported in the mainstream press and with the stories of families
that pushed for the creation of the 9/11 Commission "independent"

Shane Geiger
IT Director
National Council on Economic Education
[EMAIL PROTECTED]net | 402-438-8958 |

Leading the Campaign for Economic and Financial Literacy

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