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Date: September 5, 2008 10:42:45 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Follow the PIPELINE to ABRAMOFF & Co

In a message dated 9/5/2008 7:53:03 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, Das GOAT writes: Small world: Greenberg Traurig's Silver ALSO worked as lobbyist for Stevens; Palin had experience as an officer in one of Stevens' funds- laundering foundations; and Stevens needed to explain some things to Palin after discussing the pipeline in Jan? 2007 with certain Canadians and Dick Cheney ...

Let me explain why it's so illuminating that Ted Stevens met with Dick Cheney and then with Palin:

Sitting on the Board of Directors of Transcanada --the company Palin's lobbyists decided should get the Alaska pipeline project in spite of conditions that drove off other major bidders and despite having to change those conditions rules especially and only for them-- you will find

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two men who have long been cronies of Dick Cheney and of the Bush family:

(1) Texan E. Linn Draper, who sat in on Dick Cheney's "Energy Policy Task Force" meetings and praised CheneyBush's plan for solving the energy crisis (of 2001!) --which is now, point for point, John McCain's and Palin's energy plan <see, e.g., ttp://>

(2) Derek H. Burney, Bilderberg member, Kissinger pal, retired Shell Oil Canada executive, chairman of Conrad Black's CanWest, director of defense contractors CAE [BAE with an "ey?" at the end] and Garda World Security, Carlyle Group, and Canadian ambassador to the US under Bush41 during the time of the first Gulf War. (He's now oversees Canadian troops in Afghanistan.). James Baker, Robert Zoellick and Brent Scowcroft speak fondly of him. Neocon, of course. Thank him for the Canadian part of NAFTA.

Betcha a nickle these were the two men who, with Dick Cheney, discussed the Alaskan gas pipeline with Ted Stevens, who communicated what he knew to Gov. Palin and her lobbyist (even Abramoff himself was always a Neocon at heart), who (surprise!) wound up giving the job to TransCanada, plus a blank check.

So, this is how the McCain/Palin ticket will topple the monopoly of the "ol' boy network" in Washington?!.

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