Torture, Ritual Abuse and Mind  Control                                       

Keltner, N. L.; Schwecke, L.H.; Bostrom, C.E. (2007). Psychiatric  Nursing. 
(5th ed.) Mosby Elsevier, St Louis, MO. ISBN 0-323-03906-5. In Chapter  41 
"Survivors of Violence and Trauma" "Torture, Ritual Abuse and Mind Control"  p. 
608 - 610 “Nature of the Problem - Public and Professional attention to the  
effects of torture, serial ritual abuse (SRA), and mind control (MC) on mental  
health has waned in recent years, although the crimes have not, according to 
the  victims. These crimes might be perpetrated by individuals, relatives, 
gangs,  cults (satanic or nonsatanic) hate groups, or military-political 
organizations  (e.g. Al Qaeda, Sadam Hussein’s regime, Abu Ghraib Prison). 
Gangs are  
responsible for an increased number of homicides, other physical violence, and  
intimidation, according to the FBI (Ragavan and Guttman, 2004). The actions of 
 Muslim gangs in France in November 2005 are another example of destruction 
that  can occur in a country.  The effect is more severe because they involve  
multiple, calculated, and organized crimes against each victim or group of  
victims. This type of crime is used to create fear, humiliation, and submission 
in individuals, communities and societies. Statistics on the prevalence of  
torture, SRA, and MC are not readily available because of the problems in  
acknowledging , reporting, and proving occurrences, but the rates might be  
similar to those of family child abuse (Valente, 2000). The threat of further  
to the self, pets, or family tends to keep the victims silent. Especially  in 
SRA and MC, perpetrators might use triggers to maintain victims’ silence or  
to control their actions, such as special words, hand signals, greeting cards  
(Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders [Indianapolis], 2002). Drug and MC  
experiments began before the 1970's (e.g. LSD experiments and covert  
military-political operation [MK-ULTRA] programming that trained or programmed  
assassins for U.S. security forces) (Katchen, 2005; McGonigle, 1999). MK-ULTRA  
operations (noted in movies -Conspiracy Theory, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne 
Supremacy) are becoming more widely known, because the Freedom of Information  
Act has resulted in the declassification of military and political  

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