Internet Freedom Now Under Assault

Speaking of efforts to destroy knowledge, one of the founders of the Internet 
is now proposing that websites be labeled with "trust ratings" that would 
destroy the credibility of any "alternative" information websites that argue 
against things like chemotherapy or mandatory vaccination of children. This 
censorship effort is described here:

The bottom line in all this is that the institutions of power are declaring war 
against the Internet, attempting to silence the truth and imprison those who 
dare speak it. We are in the midst of a battle of truth vs. deceit, knowledge 
vs. ignorance and health vs. death. The U.S. government and its corporate 
cronies want you to be trapped in a culture of death, disease and 
disinformation, and they're pulling out ALL the stops to make sure that happens.

It is no coincidence that this is all happening during the global financial 
meltdown that may ultimately lead to the complete dissolution of the U.S. 
government (and all its rogue agencies). These actions are the last desperate 
grunts of a tyrannical police state power that senses its days are numbered...

Internet Founder Suggests Censorship of Online 'Disinformation' 

Neil McLaughlin
September 18, 2008

 The head of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Sir Tim Berners-Lee has 
decided that there is too much "disinformation" on the internet regarding 
things like the danger of vaccines. Thus he proposes that free speech should 
now be censored using a rating system overseen by the same group of corporate 
cronies, pharmaceutical giants, war mongers and fiat bankers that have been 
robbing, poisoning and pilfering the world for decades.

Of course, those same corporations themselves will maintain their own rights to 
free speech, which gives them the ability to promote outright lies under First 
Amendment protection (such as Nike claiming that it does not employ child slave 
labor overseas). While the proposal for internet censorship ironically came 
alongside a claim that "grassroots innovation is what makes the web great", it 
appears that grassroots companies themselves will not be part of the consortium 
that doles out the ratings.

Rating System

In order to discredit web sites that disseminate truth, Berners-Lee (who 
apparently kept his maiden name after getting married) has proposed to the BBC 
a rating system to "vet" websites with a "label for trustworthiness" once 
proven "reliable". This will allow giant multinational corporations to 
discredit websites that reveal the truth about their dangerous products, giving 
them low ratings. This would be done to quell the rise of "cult thinking" 

The next step will likely be to block any sites with low ratings altogether, 
killing the grassroots at their roots.

While it is almost certain that web sites such as Natural News will receive 
poor ratings, the author can testify based on personal experience that NN 
deserves closer to a perfect score. The author started practicing a holistic 
lifestyle in 1997, and had 8 years experience by 2005 when he became an avid 
reader of the Health Ranger's articles on Natural News. Nearly every article 
from Mike Adams has been validated by the author's own experience. However, as 
Natural News is largely anti-corporate and promotes actual health freedom (i.e. 
hurts the profits of giant corporations who will have complete control of the 
new rating system), it would be unlikely to receive high ratings by the Fascist 
review board.

Should this measure pass however, informed readers can simply sort the scores 
lowest to highest. Sites receiving high scores according to this Communist 
proposal will almost certainly be those that should be avoided.

"A more inclusive web will benefit us all", claims Berners-Lee (referring to 
the financial benefits "all" 400 of the corporate consortium supporters will 
enjoy). In reality this system will promote a reclusive web.

There is an Achilles heel of this system proposed by Berners-Lee however:

The Definition of Defamation

"In law, defamation (also called calumny, libel, slander, and vilification) is 
the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressly stated or 
implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, 
government or nation a negative image... most jurisdictions allow legal 
actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and 
retaliate against groundless criticism."

In short, slander means telling lies to hurt the image of another.

Thus, given the absolutely overwhelming evidence that vaccines (especially 
those containing mercury) are dangerous, it would be blatantly illegal for any 
company to give low ratings to a web site revealing the truth about vaccines, 
especially if the rating system is taken seriously enough to impact their 

What Berners-Lee is proposing is an official Slander System, and as soon as his 
cronies are granted the authority to "rate" alternative (i.e. truthful) 
websites such as Natural News, Infowars and Rense, they will find themselves in 
court for Defamation, likely a class action lawsuit. Perhaps they are confident 
enough that the corrupt US judicial system will support them the way they have 
supported the Bush Administration.


Berners-Lee's proposal:

Danger of Vaccines:

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