five wonderful opportunities to make a difference for abused  children        

1. You can call US Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) at 202-224-5754 to ask  him to 
move the PROTECT Our Children Act Senate Bill 1738. 
 .  Learn more at 
2. You can read about the exciting new Children's Protection  Alliance's 
response to Alec Baldwin's book on PAS by going to 
( . 
3. You can let 20/20 know your thoughts about Alec Baldwin  and PAS, an 
abuser's favorite legal defense, by posting a comment at 
4. You can impact the presidential  dialogue on October 15 by posing a 
question such  as "What is your plan to prevent children from being given by 
courts to identified batterers and incest offenders?" at 
( .
5. You can watch ABC's Good Morning America  tomorrow Wednesday, September 24 
featuring the case  of Holly Collins, a woman who received asylum in the 
Netherlands when she fled  the US to protect her children from domestic 
and child abuse.  

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