McCain "Suspends Campaign", Dodges Debate, But Keeps Right On Campaigning Anyway. What a liar!

*McCain Suspends Campaign, Dodges Debate, But Keeps Right On Campaigning
Anyway. What a Liar!*
*John McCain has missed hundreds of Senate votes, but now he suddenly wants to appear to drop everything and put on a dog and pony show and appear all "Presidential" to the sheeple, while dodging the first debate with Barack Obama. Well the campaign and the ads kept right on going! He pretends to take off his Republican hat, but he instantly replaces it with a Tin Foil
Hat and piles on some more make-up for the cameras! -T*

So what did Senator McCain ACTUALLY do after he notified the public
that he would be suspending his campaign? Well, politics as usual, of

- A meeting with Lady de Rothschild (former supporter of Hillary
Clinton, and now vocal advocate and donor to McCain)
- A meeting with the Prime Minister of India
- An interview with Katie Couric
- A short stop in at the Clinton Global Initiative

SO, 23 hours after he "suspended his campaign", Mr. McCain arrived in
Washington to "save" our country from the economic crisis.

McCain Cuts and Runs

*Wed Sep 24, 3:19 PM ET*

The Nation
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After calling for debates all summer, John
McCain is cutting and running from the first one.

In one of the weirder political ploys of a long campaign season, McCain says
he will "suspend" his campaign on Thursday. He is also pushing for a
postponement of the first presidential debate. McCain says he is taking
these dramatic steps because he wants to focus on congressional negotiations over the bailout. It's not clear how a national presidential debate -- the
ultimate bully pulpit in this political season -- would detract from any
effort to build national consensus on solutions for the economic crisis.

The debate, scheduled for 9pm EST on Friday, would have provided the first
direct, extended exchange between the nominees on foreign policy, and
presumably would have included economic discussions as well, given the
current crisis. Both candidates could travel to Washington the next morning -- Obama is already scheduled to do so -- so McCain's decision to bail on
the debate as his polling slips is odd. Today's Washington Post/ABC poll
showed Obama taking a national lead, powered by voters flocking to him on
economic issues.

The Obama campaign just released a statement describing their collaboration
with McCain, though it did not directly address his debate gambit:

At 8:30 this morning, Senator Obama called Senator McCain to ask him if he would join in issuing a joint statement outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal. At 2:30 this afternoon, Senator McCain returned Senator Obama's call and agreed to join
him in issuing such a statement. The two campaigns are currently working
together on the details.

That's nice. Here's a better idea: Lay out those details in public, in a
transparent, free-wheeling televised debate this Friday, after officially
changing the topic from foreign policy to the economy. Good leaders can
change course to meet a crisis, but they don't run from public scrutiny. John McCain may hope his Beltway trip looks presidential, but you don't need to
be in Washington to rally the American people to a solution to these

Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,

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