Great news about media campaign, SB 1738 and Holly  Collins!                  

Dear Friends, Scroll to the end for great news about Holly  Collins. 

1. SB 1738 the PROTECT Our Children Act  passed the Senate! _www.protect.org_ 
( . You  can call Senator Reid at (202) 224-3542 and 
Senator Coburn at (202)  224-5754 to thank them for helping.  

2. Dr. Joy Silberg,  Geraldo and Jennifer Collins appeared on the Mike and 
Juliet Show  on Wed Sept 25! 

3.   A protest was staged at Alec Baldwin's book signing at Barnes and Noble  
in NY on Tuesday Sept 23 to let him and the public know the truth  about PAS: 
it is a legal defense for child molesters and batterers. 
( .  
Many thanks to Tasha Amador,  Voices of Women, Leadership Council, and 
Children's Protection  Alliance for this and other upcoming national media 
_www.childrensprotection.org_ ( . 

Even  the men's rights groups are disgusted with Baldwin's whining and 

4.  Visit Stop Family Violence at 
(   to  send a 
free message to Mr. Bill Geddie, executive producer of The 
View, urging  him to include experts on the program who can challenge Mr. 
Baldwin’s propaganda  and provide information that will help keep women and 
children safe. Last  year, ABC's  The View stooped to a real low - inviting 
Baldwin to make excuses for his abusive phone call to his daughter  Ireland.  
On Wednesday September 24, 2008 The View invited Alec  Baldwin back to promote 
his book and the junk science abuse excuse of  Parental Alienation.  

5. Holly Collins can come home at  last, thanks in large part to her amazing 
daughter Jennifer's advocacy.   Jennifer spoke at the International Violence, 
Training, and Abuse conference in  San Diego last week, and received a 
Courageous Kid medal from CA Protective  Parents Association and The Leadership 
Council. Holly's attorney brokered a plea  agreement.8,000 emails were sent to 
Hennipen County DA through _www.stopfamilyviolence.org_ 
(  and  were pivotal in this great outcome 
for Holly and her  

Fugitive Mom Gets Probation in Old Custody  Dispute

Fugitive mom returns to US from Netherlands, gets probation in  old custody 

By STEVE KARNOWSKI Associated  Press Writer 

MINNEAPOLIS  September 23, 2008 (AP)

The Associated Press 

A mother who  fled the country with her three children 14 years ago in a 
dispute over custody  and domestic abuse allegations received probation and an 
order to perform  community service when she went to court Tuesday.

Holly-Ann Collins, 43,  flew to Minneapolis from the Netherlands to plead 
guilty to contempt of court  after her attorneys worked out a deal with federal 
and local prosecutors to drop  felony charges.

She left the United States with her children in 1994, and  the Dutch 
government granted her asylum. The family lived quietly in a town near  
until last year when U.S. authorities located them and tried  unsuccessfully to 
bring her back.

Collins decided to come back because  her daughter, Jennifer, now 23, wanted 
to work in Washington, D.C., as an  advocate for children caught in similar 
circumstances, said Collins' attorney,  Tim Webb.

After her hearing, Collins said no mother should have to do  what she did 
just to keep her children safe. She said she'd even recommend that  other 
do the same.

"I should have left sooner," she said. "And  everyone has to make their own 
decision, but the family court is not protecting  kids right now."

Jennifer Collins was at her mother's side.

"I  have a wonderful life," she said. "But I want to come home, and I 
shouldn't not  be able to come home because of what my father has done to me."

Hennepin  County Attorney Mike Freeman said the children's father, Mark 
Collins, was fine  with the plea agreement. Defending the deal, he said 
had to decide  whether they could prove their case.

Holly-Ann and Mark Collins, who  divorced in 1990, were often in court over 
custody and visitation rights,  trading allegations that he was abusive and 
that she was an unfit parent. Mark  Collins had sole custody of Jennifer and 
Zachary, now 28, when she fled with  them in 1994. She had custody of another 
who was born after their  divorce.

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