I agree.  vote for no pol who does not push for true look at 9/11 as does
> vote Green
> [Please forward broadly]
> Dear Green-Rainbow Party  Friends,
> It is time that we let our Congresspeople hear our dismay and  our
> disgust.
> And it is time that we let the world know that there are other  voices
> than
> the corporate duopoly of Democrats and Republicans. We must work  to open
> the debates and to have our voices heard.
> On Saturday, the  Senate passed a $488 billion Pentagon budget -- on a
> voice
> vote,
> meaning  that the names or numbers of Senators voting for and against were
> not  recorded.
> The spending bill that passed also threw in $70 billion for  occupation of
> Iraq and
> Afghanistan, $25 billion in subsidized loans to the  auto industry, and
> the
> lifting of
> off-shore drilling bans.
> Late  last night, the Senate passed a $700 billion Wall Street  bailout,
> representing a
> purchase by taxpayers of junk assets from troubled  financial institutions
> who were
> gambling away other people's money. The  fear-mongering around this bill
> --
> with demands
> that it must happen and  bipartisan agreement from the leading
> presidential
> candidates
> -- follows  the same path that led us into invading Iraq.
> It is clear that we need  more voices represented in the US political
> system.
> The actions below are  some ideas for registering our voices loudly  and
> clearly.
> Contents:
> 1. Open the Debates Action Week - 100  letters to the editor
> 2. Call your Congressperson - 'no' to the bailout
> 3.  Participate in the ThirdPartyTicket.com pledge to open the debates
> 4. Become  a pollworker and ensure fair treatment of third party (and all)
> voters
> 5.  Donate to the Green-Rainbow Party
> 6. Donate to the McKinney/Clemente  Campaign
> *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,*
> 1.  Open the Debates Action Week, Oct. 1-7: Let Cynthia & Rosa debate!
> 10/1/
> - 10/7/08
> Open the Debates Action Week, October 1-7: Let Cynthia  & Rosa debate!
> Help get Cynthia McKinney & Rosa Clemente in the news  and in the debates!
> Goal: 100 letters to the editor in newspapers across the  US
> On Thursday, Oct. 2, the first vice presidential debate will take  place
> at
> Washington University in St. Louis.  And on Tuesday, Oct. 7,  the second
> presidential debate is planned for Belmont University's Curb Event  Center
> in
> Nashville, Tennessee.  The third presidential debate is on  Oct. 15 at
> Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.
> The debate  sponsors intend to exclude the Green Party's presidential
> ticket.  Let's  not let that happen without a fight for democratic
> inclusion
> of all qualified  candidates!
> By excluding all candidates except Democrats and Republicans,  the debate
> sponsors are rigging the election.  Cynthia and Rosa are on  the ballot in
> enough states to win the election, so they deserve an  invitation, and
> voters
> deserve to hear them debate!
> We encourage all  Greens and friends to participate in the first in a
> series
> of actions we're  planning for October.  Please help us spread the word
> about
> the  McKinney-Clemente campaign and their right to take part in the
> debates.
> Stay  tuned for more actions throughout the month.
> Here's what you can do:•  Write a letter to the editor about how
> important it
> is for Cynthia and Rosa  to participate in the debates.  See the Talking
> Points below for  ideas.  Keep the letter short and focused — five or
> six
> sentences is  good.  We're aiming for 100 letters sent by Greens to
> newspapers and  news web sites all across the US.  Visit the
> letter-writing
> page to look  up a newspaper and post a letter — use the provided text
> as a
> basis, or write  your  own:
> http://www.democracyinaction.com/dia/organizationsCOM/Greens/pickMedia.jsp?let
> ter_KEY=474
> •  Go viral!  Recommend and promote video clips and articles with
> positive
> coverage of Green candidates by 'Digging' them  (http://digg.com).
> • Promote the McKinney-Clemente Power to the People  campaign on
> Facebook,
> Myspace, and blogs.  Don't forget to add links to  these important web
> sites:
> http://votetruth08.com
> http://www.rosaclemente.com
> State and  local Green Party and other Green campaign sites
> • Host a Debate-Watching  House  Party:
> http://www.democracyinaction.com/dia/organizationsCOM/Greens/event/distributed
> EventSignup.jsp?distributed_event_KEY=179
> •  Contact TV, radio, blog sites, and urge them to cover the campaign.
> •  Other actions: write an op-ed column or article and submit it to a
> newspaper  or news web site.  Post a message on an e-mail bulletin board.
> Call in  to a radio talk show.
> • Make a donation to the McKinney-Clemente campaign  to help the
> candidates
> travel around the US for media appearances and  campaign  events:
> http://votetruth08.com/index.php/contribute/donate?task=pre_paypal
> ~  Talking points ~
> Open the debates to Cynthia McKinney and other  candidates on the ballot!
> Cynthia tells the truth.
> Let Cynthia  debate!
> • Voters have a right to know about all the candidates whose  names
> they'll
> see on the ballot, not just the candidates approved by the  Commission on
> Presidential Debates or the candidates whose poll numbers  declare them
> 'winnable.'  Voters deserve to know which candidate best  represents their
> own interests and ideals.
> • Cynthia McKinney, Rosa  Clemente, and the Green Party represent
> millions of
> voices whose opinions  will be excluded from the debates unless they are
> invited.  Ms. McKinney  is the only woman presidential candidate in 2008.
> Ms. McKinney and Ms.  Clemente are the first US presidential ticket in
> which
> both nominees are of  African ancestry, and Ms. Clemente is Black Puerto
> Rican.  Ms. McKinney  has involved herself personally in the struggle of
> people in New Orleans and  the Gulf Coast region to fight permanent
> eviction
> and return to their homes —  the September 26 debate will take place in
> Oxford, Mississippi, a Gulf Coast  state.  The Green Party and its
> candidates
> represent the promise of an  anti-war, progressive party that takes no
> money
> from corporations — an  imperative for America in the 21st century.  No
> other
> candidate in the  2008 stands for what the McKinney-Clemente ticket stands
> for.
> • When  debates are limited to two candidates, the voting public hears
> only a
> narrow  range of ideas, opinions, and solutions.  When presidential
> debates
> are  restricted to Democrat and Republican, important and popular ideas
> don't
> get  discussed, such as single-payer national health care, rapid and
> complete
> withdrawal from Iraq, ending the war on drugs, saving US democracy  from a
> repeat of the stolen elections of 2000 and 2004, and impeachment  of
> President Bush and VP Cheney.  Without Cynthia McKinney, these ideas  will
> be
> censored from the debates.
> • Cynthia McKinney will be on  enough ballots to get elected to the
> White
> House.  Any presidential  candidate who is on enough ballots to be elected
> deserves to participate in  the debates.
> • The only valid democratic measurement of public support  for
> candidates is
> the election.  Opinion polls are subjective,  vulnerable to bias,
> constantly
> fluctuating, and often exclude candidates from  the questions asked.
> Polls
> are not democratic and should not be used to  determine who gets to
> participate in debates.
> • The Commission on  Presidential Debates (CPD), which sets rules for
> candidate participation,  took over the debates from the nonpartisan
> League
> of Women Voters after the  LWV withdrew in protest of the Democratic and
> Republican candidates' attempts  to control nearly every aspect of how the
> debates were to be conducted.   The CPD is owned and run by the Democratic
> and Republican parties, which have  an interest in excluding all
> candidates
> except their own.  The CPD is  funded through contributions from
> corporations, which have their own  interests in limiting the candidates
> who
> participate in the debates.
> •  In Canada, the TV networks initially tried to exclude Elizabeth May,
> leader  of the Green Party of Canada, from the September 10 debates before
> the  October 14 national election.  After the Greens launched a  "Reclaim
> Democracy" campaign and Canadians throughout the country demanded  Ms.
> May's
> inclusion, Ms. May was invited to participate.  Americans who  value
> democracy and fair elections should demand multi-party debates  too.
> *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,*
> 2.  Call your Congressperson now: 'no' to Bailout
> On Wednesday night, the US  Senate passed the $700 billion bailout plan
> that had an overwhelming number  of phone calls come in opposing the plan.
> On Friday, the House of  Representatives will be taking up the vote.
> Call your Congressional  Representative, toll-free 800-830-5738 or
> 202-224-3121 and ask for your  Congressional representatives to not vote
> for
> the bailout and if they do,  demand:
> {Demands compiled by the Mass Alliance Against Predatory  Lending}:
> Help For Homeowners & Tenants
> o      Bankruptcy Protection for Homeowners: Amend bankruptcy law to allow
> federal  bankruptcy judges to modify the mortgage terms on a principal
> residence, like  they can on vacation homes.
> o     Automatic Modifications  for Homeowners with  Mortgages: Modify all
> "underwater" mortgages to  fixed, 30-year mortgages based on present
> appraised value, not to exceed 38%  debt to income ratio, such as has been
> attained by the FDIC in its takeover  of the IndyMac portfolio. This
> provision would apply to any home mortgages,  either wholly owned or
> included
> in securities owned by a financial  institution.
> o     Protect Tenants: Any participating  financial institution must allow
> occupants who pay rent and fulfill other  tenant obligations to remain in
> their homes.
> o     Six  Month Moratorium on Foreclosures
> o     Credit Repair: the  credit reports of homeowners facing foreclosure
> or
> foreclosed upon should not  include either sub-prime mortgage-related bad
> credit or associated bad credit  incurred by homeowner while trying to
> stave
> off foreclosure.
> o   Any new legislation shall preserve current claims and defenses  the
> homeowner has against the lender or assignee as well as respect  existing
> civil rights laws.
> Regulation of Financial Institutions To  Prevent Future Abuses
> o     Re-regulate the financial  industry: Any financial institution that
> benefits from the bailout must  provide government equity in proportion to
> their bail-out and be subject to  the Community Reinvestment Act requiring
> them to invest in low- and  moderate-income communities.
> o     Enact Anti-Predatory  Lending legislation to ensure this does not
> happen again.
> o   Those responsible for financial crisis cannot benefit from  bail-out.
> o     No salary, stock options or parachutes for  CEOs and top executives
> who
> created this situation until they start turning  their financial
> institutions
> around.
> o     Increase  transparency, return to and expand regulatory oversight on
> all financial  institutions - include GAO and congressional oversight of
> the
> bail-out  itself.
> o     Bail-out funds cannot be  used for lobbying by financial
> institutions.
> For more information  visit  http://maapl.info/actionalerts.html
> *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,*
> 3.  ThirdPartyTicket.com:  Open the Presidential Debates... or we  will!
> GOAL:10,000  pledges
> When the debates are limited to  two increasingly similar points of view
> we
> all suffer. The  ThirdPartyTicket.com debate is an important step in our
> efforts to take back  the political process. Our message-- "Open the
> debates,
> or we  will!"
> Watch the third party debates online
> Please join us for a  third party candidate debate and money bomb (date to
> be
> announced as we  approach 10,000 pledges mark, location in New York City).
> All of the major  candidates will be invited to participate. The event
> will
> be broadcast via  BreakTheMatrix.com and many others (details to come).
> Remember, all of  America is on the Internet. Together we can break the
> media
> blackout on third  party candidates. Be sure to tell your friends and
> family
> to tune  in.
> Earn mainstream attention for your candidate
> At the start of  the debate we will launch a money bomb for each of the
> candidates.  Contributions will be made directly to the candidates via
> their
> respective  websites. ThirdPartyTicket.com will report the totals of all
> the
> candidates  in one location as the moneybomb proceeds. If a significant
> amount of funds  are raised for one or more candidates the mainstream
> media
> will take notice!  Please spread word.
> Please pledge to indicate your participation in the  money  bomb.
> *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,*
> 4.  Become a Pollworker for Democracy
> Of course you'd expect Masspirg to  encourage you to get out and vote on
> Election Day. Casting your ballot is a  big part of making your voice
> heard
> on issues that matter to you.
> But  this year, I'm writing to encourage you to take it one step further,
> and
> to  make sure that everyone else gets to make their voice heard,  too.
> http://act.credoaction.com/pollworkers/index.html?rc=tm
> Masspirg  is partnering with TrueMajority and CREDO Action on the
> "Pollworkers for  Democracy" project -- a nonpartisan effort to get more
> people involved in  protecting our elections.
> I'm asking you to help the effort by signing up  to be a pollworker on
> Nov.
> 4. We'll provide you with information to  supplement your pollworker
> training, and also a system to report and track  any problems on Election
> Day.
> Your county still needs pollworkers for  the Nov. 4 general election.
> Signing
> up as a pollworker is easy. Plus, you  support our democratic system...and
> get  paid.
> http://act.credoaction.com/pollworkers/index.html?rc=tm
> The  fairness of this year's election is in your hands, and the best place
>  to
> protect the election is at the polling location.
> Thanks in advance  for taking action.
> Sincerely,
> Janet S. Domenitz
> Masspirg  Executive  Director
> http://www.MASSPIRG.org
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