Is it just me? Or do others looking at the State of Affairs we are in,
 like Putin over in Russia arresting powerful business leaders for
things like conspiring to create monopolies with pipelines and refusing to 
share markets on one hand while on the other we see the unprecedented upsurging 
of powers from the citizenry to an unelected and illegal {because of the 
rigging of last two elections}
President and his cabal. That  in provoking Russia by attacking her our so 
called 'media' just lies and lies, distorts and spews propaganda we could very 
well in the very near future be in a new Cold War situation. Only with roles 
reversed? Russia playing the 'Beacon on the Hill' and America the repressive 
communist type Police State? Am I reading the times wrong?..Mary. 

 Let the people do what they want, you get Woodstock. Let the government do 
what it wants, you get WACO!....Mary.

--- On Mon, 10/6/08, norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [cia-drugs] Sinister government spies to scan every call, text and 
Received: Monday, October 6, 2008, 2:18 PM

Sinister government spies to scan every call, text and email
October 6, 2008 

Ministers are considering a £12 billion plan to monitor the e-mail, telephone 
and internet browsing records of every person in Britain.
Telegraph | Oct 5, 2008
By Nick Allen
The huge eavesdropping programme would involve the creation of a mammoth 
central computer database to store hundreds of billions of individual pieces of 
communications traffic.
Supporters say it would become one of the security services’ most comprehensive 
tools in the fight against terrorism but critics described it as “sinister”.
MI5 currently has to apply to the Home Secretary for warrants to intercept 
specific email and website traffic but, under the new plan, internet and mobile 
phone networks could be monitored live by GCHQ, the Government listening post.
The Home Office said no decision had been taken but security officials claim 
live monitoring is necessary to pick up terrorist plots.
It would allow them to capture records like chat room discussions on 
password-protected Islamic extremist websites.
The annual number of phone calls and other electronic communications in the UK 
is predicted to nearly double from 230 billion in 2006 to 450 billion by 2016.
Last year 57 billion text messages, or 1,800 a second, were sent. That rose 
from one billion in 1999.
The number of broadband internet connections rose from 330,000 in 2001 to 18 
million last year. Three billion e-mails are sent every day, or 35,000 every 
One of the spurs for a central database is a concern over how that electronic 
communications data is currently stored by hundreds of different internet 
service providers and private telephone companies.
Records may only be held for limited periods of time and are then lost which 
makes it impossible for police and the security services to establishing 
historical links, or so-called “friendship trees”, between terrorists.
If all communications information was centrally stored then links could be made 
between terrorist cells and other sympathisers could be identified.
The telephone and internet companies are currently required to give records of 
calls or internet use to law enforcement agencies if a senior officer 
authorises that it is needed for an inquiry.
Last year there were more than half a million such requests.
The cost of monitoring everything, and keeping it on a central database, has 
been estimated at £12 billion and would dwarf the proposed cost of the identity 
cards programme.
Critics also claim it would be virtually impossible to keep such a vast system 
secure and free from abuse by law enforcement agencies.
Shadow home secretary Dominic Grieve said: “It would mark a substantial shift 
in the powers of the state to obtain information on individuals.
“Given the Government’s poor record on protecting data, and seeing how 
significant an increase in power this would be, we need to have a national 
debate and the Government would have to justify its need.”
The Information Commissioner, Richard Thomas, has already called for a public 
debate about Government proposals for the state to retain people’s internet and 
phone records.
A spokesman for the commissioner said: “He warned that it is likely that such a 
scheme would be a step too far for the British way of life. Proposals that 
threaten such intrusion into people’s lives must be properly debated.”
Richard Clayton, a security expert at Cambridge University, said the proposal 
would mean installing thousands of probes in telephone and computer networks 
which would re-route data to the central database.
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Plan for central store of telecoms records 
Critics attack ‘dangerous’ gov’t comms-snooping plan 
Government will spy on every call and e-mail 
U.N. Agency Eyes Web Anonymity Controls

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