Forget first name, but a Bush family member, perhaps great grandfather of
Prescott Bush...:
At any rate he was first to step foot on defeated H.M.S. Gerrier.  U.S.S.
Constitution, (even with two tiers of guns), was still only a frigate. 
There were special boarding parties at time, (no Marines yet), and Bush,
(think then Lt.), swore he would be first to set foot on Gerrier.  He was.
Shot dead on the spot.

> I just thought of another fulfilment of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad
> World, the Spencer Tracy flick: Four CROOKED bushes make a big W.
> Four mads.
> Four **CROOKED** Bush generations make a Big Dubya.
> One-bid treasure for military keynesianism under Big Dub.
> A walk in the park, meaning war is always falsely advertised.
> It's a mad, mad, mad, mad (4 generations) world, where four
> generations of crooked Bush make a big W (GWB). One-bid treasure is
> buried under Big Dubya. 190,000 mercs in Iraq outnumber 150,000
> troops, and who do they bring home from Iraq to help in New Orleans
> after Hurricane Katrina? Louisiana National Guard? No, Blackwater!
> Mad, mad, mad, mad!
> A walk in the park. No Man's Land WWI, every war forecast to be two
> weeks long, invaders supposed to be greeted with flowers and parades
> as liberators, don't bring your winter clothing. It's all been said
> before, but Iraqwar had to be called off after two weeks or the
> Pyrrhic victory would have been exposed as a defeat as US troops got
> too sick from DU not to be noticed.
> Four generations of Bush have profited off of both sides of trumped up
> wars. That form of colonialism is not about seizing resources
> overseas, it's about seizing taxpayer assets at home. That is not my
> opinion, that is their confession: "If the American people knew what
> we are doing, they would chase us down the street and lynch us from
> the lamp posts...what we are doing is capital transfer to those who
> are higher, tighter, and righter...the velvet glove is off the iron
> fist(GHWB)".

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