Turki was just on Zogby a few minutes ago.

Turki sounded like he supports former US president Jimmy Carter's
mideast peace initiative.

Turki and Zogby have a history:


The Saudis are a monarchy, the Paks have been a dictatorship.
Dinosaurs! Typical CIA as oligarchy trojan horse, and oligarchy having
more than one trojan horse in its stable.

If the oligarchy including Bush had not backed Hitler and assassinated
President Kennedy and tortured and drugged US citizens in MKULTRA and
other programs, and if Ed Lansdale had not taken out the pillars of a
non-communist South Vietnam to make SVN(RVN) need US military
intervention, then there would not have been the three investigations
of CIA in the 1970's that the Safar Clubbers weakly excuse themselves
by for continuing the same stinking monarchical oligarchy elite
deviant counter-merit TREASON by means of Safari Club. They also use
the Cold War excuse, as if we might really have needed Safari Club to
prop up wheezing dictators in Africa and latin america and Indonesia
in order to have any hope of resisting communism. (Gag!) Mobutu,
Suharto, Pinochet, or communism, almost sounds like monarchy and
dictatorship or communism, doesn't it? Same old motivational speech,
and then we hear that CIA had no control, 911 was just blowback, CIA
is just bureaucrats writing checks, oh please. It all works for the
monarchs and oligarchs and corporations, doesn't it? Then stop
whining, the wheezing dinosaurs are still ascendant, despite
continuous rebuttal from logic, science, merit basis, their own track
record, analogy, and everything but their own self flattery.

Tottering oligarchy, dinosaur on its last legs perennially requiring
so much life support; it's not worth it. That's the only lesson.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Mary Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is my belief that the Safari Club got it's name when Bush et. al.
started using the brand new exotic animal "industry" to front money
laundering and trafficking operations.  The corporate cascade mapped
across the US, with detailed printed plans of expansion and links to
Johannisburg, South Africa and Guam showed a massive criminal
enterprise.  The Minneapolis DOJ/FBI/IRS buried it and put me on the
NSA's "watch list" - according to AUSA Bill Koch in March of 2005


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