_www.votetruth08.org_ (http://www.votetruth08.org)  

"Millions of Americans who favor the Green Party's positions on the  wars, 
health care, global warming, and other important issues plan to vote for  
Obama, who doesn't share their views. It's not enough just to defeat John  
McCain and the GOP agenda," said Green vice presidential candidate Rosa  
"Democrats have retreated over and over and voted for Bush-Cheney policies  
-- war funding, the unconstitutional US Patriotic Act, telecomm immunity,  
corporate handouts and taxbreaks, the death penalty, record incarceration 
and a $700 billion Wall Street bailout that doesn't help working Americans. 
The  only way to reverse the dangerous direction of US politics is to build a 
real  opposition party. Voting for Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente will 
strengthen  a party that's dedicated to ecological, antiwar, and truly 
values and  doesn't take money and orders from corporations," Ms. Clemente  

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