The More Things "Change" The More They Stay The Same
Obama the Messiah-Dictator is more dangerous than Bush

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | Nov 4, 2008

also, from another email:

Remember Remember the Fifth of November .. we still have War Criminal
To: Cascadian_Bioregion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 12:40 PM

ok let me reapproach this in a different way. If you have a Guy Fawkes mask and a group of friends you were going to go out with tonight then if you still can then do it not for a protest about election fraud (which there was a lot and Obama probably won in bigger number). But if you have such a mask and friends go out in celebration of human rights
and civil liberties.

--- In Cascadian_Bioregion [EMAIL PROTECTED], "skookum_tamanawis"
> I don't think Cascadia (or anyone else) "lost" last night - or "won,"
> for that matter. And you're right, we'll be fighting the korporatist
> two-party system for a long, long time...perhaps decades.
> We made some small amount of progress, that's all. The reality is
> that it is likely to continue to be three steps forward, two steps
> back for the foreseeable future...but at least as a species and a
> planet, we WILL be moving in a generally forward, progressive
> direction, and in 100, 150 years, we will be BEYOND the whole idea
> of "class" and perhaps the concept of "nation-states, " the "True
> Faith," and other such toxic concepts.
> But it's got to start somewhere.
> We will also continue to bicker and argue over petty details, I am
> sure - particularly if we can move beyond the whole idea of top-down
> dominator hierarchical models of societal organization.
> Cascadia will come about by us living those Cascadian ideals, and
> letting the rest of the country and world see it. We need to be the
> change we want to see in the rest of the world (as Ghandi said), lead
> by example - starting by localizing our Northwest economy as much as
> possible. Right now, I know of few legal roadblocks standing in the
> way of that (even the IRS states that local currencies are legal, so
> long as they get their pound of flesh) - and if we aren't as
> economically detached from the rest of the USA as we can legally be,
> autonomy will be impossible and meaningless.
> --- In Cascadian_Bioregion [EMAIL PROTECTED], a_cascadian
> <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > this is what I was predicting if Obama won that people will be too
> tired and eventually
> > Cascadia would disappear as just a side note in history like "the
> State of Jefferson" and in
> > the mean time the corporatists who use the two party system will
> continue on. Oh we will
> > hear the good work of the Democrats like Pelosi (who defeated Cindy
> and her challenge).
> > Its a sad day to be honest. This is a victory for the middle class
> that is all. At least the
> > middle class that likes to keep their privilege over the "under
> classes"
> >
> > I was going to post this a week ago
> > Why Don't Barack Obama and John McCain Talk About the Working Class?
> >
> http://www.democrac 2008/10/27/ why_dont_ barack_obama_ and_john
> >
> > Today Cascadia lost. Today the lower classes lost. Today the
> world lost because out of
> > the rage could have came something different, but now a pretend
> attempt to the return to
> > the "same old same old" which is itself a fallacy.
> >
> > Maybe Obama could be a Roosevelt, but I doubt it. He could try,
> but remember if Richard
> > Nixon was in power today his policies would be seen
> as "communist". We are that far
> > "Right" that Hitler would call us extremists in our "laissez-faire
> economics"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In
> Cascadian_Bioregion [EMAIL PROTECTED], "skookum_tamanawis"
> > <kayma2@> wrote:
> > >
> > > With all due respect A, I'm tired. Tired of being outraged, tired
> of
> > > screaming at willfully deaf and cowardly legislators, tired of
> being
> > > afraid of a fascist-militarist Sword of Damocles hangining over
> all
> > > of our heads.
> > >
> > > Bush and his gang of criminals will in all likelihood NEVER be
> held
> > > accountable in this life, and I've ceased to hope or expect
> justice
> > > in this regard. I will be grateful and count our blessings when
> the
> > > little bastard from Crawford and the Undead Eater of Flesh Cheney
> > > quit our shores, retire to Paraguay and Dubai and darken our land
> no
> > > more.
> > >
> > > As John Mahoney, playing the role of Martin Crane in one of the
> very
> > > few TV shows I ever watched on a regular basis said: "You can
> either
> > > let it eat ya up inside, or you can just file it away under the
> > > category 'Sometimes Life Sucks.'"
> > >
> > > We just have to accept the fact that in this particualr case,
> life
> > > sucks. Hopefully, the mandate by the American People last night
> will
> > > give this Congress a spine to at least prevent bastard Bush and
> his
> > > gang of cutthroats from doing any more damage, but realistically,
> > > they are never going to hold any of them accountable.
> > >
> > > Something changed in the USA last night. Perhaps it was not all
> the
> > > change we hoped for, but it was far, far more than I ever
> expected.
> > > Barack Obama was not my first choice, but for the first time in
> my
> > > adult life, I feel as if there might be a light at the end of the
> > > tunnel (that's not New Jersey).
> > >
> > > One day, we may have a Cascadian Autonomous Region, and this will
> be
> > > a good thing (as well as an economic and environmental
> neccessity).
> > > In order for this to happen peacefully and in an orderly fashion,
> > > there needs to be a HUGE housecleaning in America.
> > >
> > > I'm tired of being angry all the time and I'm too old and don't
> have
> > > enough energy to start an uprising.
> > >
> > > The Reagan-Fascist- Korporatist revolution was repudiated last
> night.
> > > Let us just roll up our sleeves and get to work repairing the
> damage.
> > >

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