From: "brembelia2004" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 6, 2008 9:31:46 PM PST
Subject: [BushShouldHaveBeenImpeached] On Counting Chickens:

I am a life long FDR Democrat and as much as I want to let myself soar on the wings of an historic win, my insides counsel me to caution. I am going to hold off on any judgment
regarding PE Obama and what his presidency is going to mean.

PE Obama says he wants to knit the tattered and weary threads of Right to Left and move us forward as a unified America, but he is mending with those very people who would see the American dream dead, the American people in economic slavery, and America as a
third-world manufacturing ghetto from coast to coast.

The Clintons both graduated law school as "corporate lawyers" and the Clinton administration, even though it ran on an FDR promise, not only funneled more money up than down, it was responsible for killing off the last three vestiges of the New Deal in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the Welfare Reform Act, and the Campaign Finance Reform Act. (Bill also plays golf with the Bush's on a regular basis while Hillary had lunch with Karl Rove in the White House in November of 2006, prompting my inner self to ask, "what kind of 'Democrats' do this?" knowing full well that the Bushes and Karl Rove are no
Eisenhower Republicans.)

Now PE Obama is embracing not only the Clintons but the Clinton machinery.

Rahm Emanuel inherited Terry McAuliffe's corporately funded campaign contacts and thus Emanuel became the cash conduit between K Street and the Beltway Insiders.

Howard Dean (a true American hero) took over the DNC and came up with the ingenious idea of small donations from grassroots supporters while solidifying an internet
community bent on ousting the Bush/corporate regime.

This created two campaign funding camps inside the Democratic Party: (1) The corporately funded, corporately owned Democratic Beltway Insiders, and (2) the DNC which represented the grassroots, small donations of the internet and working classes.

At one point Emanuel together with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) demanded that Chairman Dean hand over the DNC's grassroots coffer to further fund Beltway Insider senate races for Congress, but Chairman Dean was committed to a vision of a 50 state change in this country and told Emanuel and Schumer, "No". (Dean wasn't going to get hustled by a couple of Republicans in drag.) These two camps existed until PE Obama consolidated
them for the `08 run.

No doubt, in trying to bring all of the corners together, PE Obama will have to make concessions. He already has. He voted for the FISA bill allowing criminals and corporations to get a free pass and go unpunished for illegal wiretapping and invasion of emails without warrants from the FISA Court. This flies in the face of the ninth and tenth amendments to the Constitution which specifically limits the federal government with regard our rights to privacy, together with the Bill of Rights, even though PE Obama is a
Constitutional lawyer and taught Constitutional law for twelve years.

PE Obama also weighed in on the $700B dollar "bailout" with a "no strings attached" boon for Henry Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury (a collection of 12 regional/main banks privately owned with a quasi-relationship to the US govenment), which has amounted to little more than an all out gift to the banking/insurance/investment giants who have been terrorizing us through premeditated inflation for years, all paid for by you and me when the math demonstrates that we would have had better results by handing every adult citizen of the US a stimulus check for a quarter of a million dollars... that would surely have paid off mortgages, loans and credit card debt. PE Obama espouses bubble-up economy, but when the opportunity presented itself, it was a status quo freebie for the
rich-and-corporate one more time. What's up with that?

Meanwhile, Mike Duncan, head of the RNC, told the National Press Club the other day that he has instructed the Republican minions to play ball with PE Obama just as long as PE Obama is playing puppet for them, but to not support PE Obama if he should try to leave the reservation without permission. Boy, does that ever sound like Clinton with Greenspan and Rubin three days after Clinton took office! I hope PE Obama isn't left holding his quid pro quo's all by himself after the Rights get everything they want from him.

It all boils down to: We the People have to make a choice. A choice about fundamental premise: Either we are going to be ruled by private corporations who answer only to themselves and their own greed, or we are going to choose to live under the rule of law
and have a government that answers up to We the People every four years.

We must have some basic operating model upon which to hang the fabric of society and these are the options. Either we rule ourselves through an elected government that we control, or we hand over our resources and rights to private corporations whose Sun Tsu, Art of War mindset will siphon off everything then tell us "you're on your own". This isn't some premise or theory. We've seen this up close and personal already. These crazies want to lay claim to everything to include making it unlawful to collect rainwater for drinking water to holding all patents on the DNA of all vegetation to holding patents on

Under the private corporations we will give everything and get nothing in return because corporations are greedy little men behind deceitful curtains of unconscionable self- interest (thank you Margaret Thatcher). Or we are going to choose to live as one people under law, sharing the good with the difficult, operating within The Commons, sharing and serving each other as we ourselves would like to be served, forever free because we can vote out transgressors, and having laws and a government that protects us from the
vagaries of big business and the robber barons.

I don't know what PE Obama has in mind. We all will have to wait to see where this is going. What I do know is that PE Obama is only going to be given a handful of opportunities to make some very bold moves if he truly intends the fundamental change that we need. And, if he does not avail himself of these opportunities, America will drag on for years mired down in the garbage we saw pouring out of the 109th and 110th Congresses: A sickening combination of cowardice, self-interest, corporate bloat and coverup, on all sides, as the beltway insiders scramble to hang onto the golden goose of
power and wealth, forever at our expense.

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