From: "smacko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 7, 2008 5:00:05 PM PST
Subject: [GovernmentShadow] New Building 7 Collapse Video Clearly Shows Demolition

  New Building 7 Collapse Video Clearly Shows Demolition

Kurt Nimmo
November 3, 2008

A new video has surfaced clearly showing the demolition of WTC
Building 7.

In its latest report, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology attempted to once and for all put to rest the evidence that
the building was taken down via demolition by explaining that fires
had caused the collapse. Specifically, NIST claimed â?othermal
expansionâ?ˇ had brought about the collapse. As Trish Stevens notes, the
NIST report â?ois contrary to all historical, visual, and physical
evidence, according to an independent worldwide organization composed
of more than 470 engineers and architects. WTC-7 was a 47-story
skyscraper located more than a football field away from the North
Tower and was not hit by any airplane, yet completely collapsed hours
after the Twin Towers fell in a similar manner.â?ˇ

Dr. Steven Jones says there is â?oan abundance of evidence which NIST
refuses to look at or even account for that clearly points to
controlled demolition as the source that destroyed these buildings.â?ˇ

As the new video clearly reveals, the center supporting columns of the
47-story building were taken out, allowing the building to collapse
into its footprint in a symmetrical, straight down fashion. â?oThis is
controlled demolition,â?ˇ averred demolitions expert Danny Jowenko in
2006. â?oA team of experts did this. This is professional work, without
any doubt.â?ˇ

    * A d v e r t i s e m e n t
    * Alex Jones TV live

In 2007, a 9/11 first responder went on the record to describe how he
heard a demolition-style countdown precede the collapse of WTC 7.
â?oEarlier this year, we reported on the testimony of an anonymous EMT
named Mike who told Loose Change producer Dylan Avery that hundreds of
emergency rescue personnel were told over bullhorns that Building 7, a
47 story skyscraper adjacent the twin towers that was not hit by a
plane yet imploded symmetrically later in the afternoon on 9/11, was
about to be â?~pulledâ?T and that a 20 second radio countdown preceded its collapse,â?ˇ writes Paul Joseph Watson. â?oThat account was backed up by
another ground zero rescue worker who went on the record with her full
name. Volunteer EMT Indira Singh described to a radio show how she
learned that WTC 7 was going to be â?~brought downâ?T and the context was
clear that it was to be deliberately demolished.â?ˇ

â?oThe whole time youâ?Tre hearing boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I think I know an explosion when I hear it,â?ˇ NYPD officer Craig Bartmer revealed
last year. Bartmer stated his incredulity at how fast the Building 7
site was cleaned up compared to the rest of ground zero.

In addition, other ground zero emergency workers have gone on record
as stating they were told Building 7 was to be â?opulled.â?ˇ An anonymous source, identified simply as â?oMike,â?ˇ told Loose Change producer Dylan
Avery that hundreds of emergency rescue personnel were told over
bullhorns that Building 7 was to be brought down.

An yet, if we are to believe NIST and FEMA, fires are responsible for
the classical demolition of the building. Now that we have a video
that clearly and irrefutably shows that Building 7 was indeed brought
down by demolition, the response of NIST and FEMA will be interesting.


  Ex-CIA Man Warned Top Executives To Leave New York On 9/11

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, November 3, 2008

According to a report by Jeremy R. Hammond of the Foreign Policy
Journal, senior executives of a major U.S. corporation were warned by
a former CIA operative to leave New York on September 11, 2001, the
latest smoking gun to add to a bulging stack of examples concerning
specific prior knowledge of the attacks.

The article cites an anonymous source who worked under a managing
director as number two at a European branch of the media giant Warner
Bros. The sourceâ?Ts boss was close friends with a senior executive who
worked at the head office in L.A. and had also formerly worked for the

During the memorial arrangements for a senior director from a foreign
office who had died, the L.A. executive rejected September 11th as a
date for the service because â?osomething big is happening that dayâ? ˇ and
the top executives from the New York office would all be traveling out
of the city.

Article Continues:


911 inside job. DEMAND INVESTIGATION    and
I don't expect there will ever be a serious investigation of how they allowed and assisted the attacks.
I hope to be proved wrong.   more important is the list at
some good sites on Peak Oil, although there are too many to keep track of and I'm sure I've omitted many that are worthy.

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