Game developers targeted for AGI herding at Stanford AIIDE Conference.
“AIIDE is the definitive point of interaction between entertainment software 
developers interested in AI and academic and industrial AI researchers. 
Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 
(AAAI)“, note in their own words, “the conference is targeted at both the 
research and commercial communities, promoting AI research and practice in the 
context of interactive digital entertainment systems with an emphasis on 
commercial computer and video games.”

And I thought multiplayer games with live humans was were we ended up, AI bots 
being a thing of the past or for the weary not having broadband Net 
connections. But some of what was presented was ways to use various types of 
narrow AI to better automate development processes, while games with 
non-player-characters still persist in adventure type forms. In my final years 
of gaming a few years ago only live human opponents in RTS & ultraviolent 
action games was any fun, but I guess some aren’t giving up on that while the 
gaming industry is set to not only help incrementalize us into full immersion 
neural interface gaming but to also help tackle the strong AI “problem” (as AGI 
proponents always call it).

Gamasutra had a relevant point here:

But Rabin put forth his own challenge for the future: Despite all this, why is 
AI still allowed to suck? Because, in his view, sharp AI is just not required 
for many games, and game designers frequently don’t get what AI can do. That 
was his challenge for this AIIDE -– to show others the potential, and 
necessity, of game AI, to find the problems that designers are trying to 
tackle, and solve them.

And Strong AI was certainly a theme:

Rabin talked about the challenges that future development is facing: costs are 
rising, risk is greater. CPU power is improving, but we haven’t found a strong 
AI use for it.

In any case, I really wanted to just do a quick post to underscore Stanford’s 
role in all of the AGI type talk found in my work. That institution is a key 
fountainhead right in lockstep with DARPA and Google, but I rarely get the time 
write much about it. Stanford pops up on my radar almost as much as the sorts 
like Google, DARPA, NASA and so on. So for those who find interest in this line 
of my work around here you’ll start noticing Stanford just the same if you 
havent been already.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

  a.. *Google funding Artificial General Intelligence research via Novamente. 
  b.. AI IDE 08 
  c.. AIIDE 08 Post-mortem 
  d.. CFP: Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital 

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