From: "Deon M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 12, 2008 1:43:59 AM PST
Subject: [ctrl] ammo and firearms supplier are telling the same story

Subject: Buy Now/Celente Predicts Depression & Revolution on Fox
Date: 11/11/2008  6:12:32 AM

Every ammo and firearms supplier are telling the same story. , my preferred supplier, has suspended sales for the first time ever. They simply cannot keep up with demand. Below is a story from of one's experience in Memphis attempting to "stock up". If you have not purchased what you need, by all means attempt to do so now. Once Obamination is inaugurated you will see gun bans that will make Clinton's pale in comparison. I predict that you will not see the return of our ability to purchase firearms adequate for self-defense. I don't usually make predictions, but we live in a different country now. We are going to experience some serious changes. Watch the video below of the latest predictions from Gerald Celente, who is quoted by Fox News saying "his predictions most always come true."

Some might blow this off and continue to live as though life will always go on as normal. I ask, "what if he's right?" You buy insurance for "what ifs." Why not purchase real insurance in food, medical supplies, and weapons. Would it not be better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them? And, by all means, get out of debt. I cannot comprehend the lack of one not being able to see that our nation is in the midst of economic collapse, and still somehow believes that this government (the one that caused the problem to begin with) will somehow be their saviour. As our nation continues its downfall, you will see our Rights (or what's left of them) continue to disappear. The Lord even gave animals enough common sense to store away food but yet we continue to depend on this corrupt system to provide for our needs. Go figure.


I've seen similar goings on here in Memphis. General threat of mob violence on the night of the 4th and after, if "The One" lost the election, so I went to pick up some extra buckshot and I figured a couple extra boxes of .45 while I was at it. First went to Sportsman's Warehouse, but they were out of just about everything in the major pistol calibers except the exotic and high-dollar loads. The mountain of 9mm ball they'd laid in planning to put on sale this weekend was reduced to less than a mole hill. They were also pretty much out of buckshot, too. Bare in mind that this is an outdoor sporting goods "big box" and not a gun store per se. I left there empty-handed and headed over to Guns & Ammo, my usual stop for same. I knew something was really up when a guy coming out as I went in had two black Glock cases and a blue SIG box in his arms and his son was carrying a double-arm-full of handgun ammo boxes. Once I got inside the store, it looked like Christmas Eve in there; people lined up three deep at the counter, which is about 50 feet long. All six employees were going like mad trying to keep up with the sales. I got the last half-dozen boxes of Hornady TAP buckshot and a few boxes of Winchester Ranger .40 and high-tailed it. Looks like everybody's a bit worried, and with good reason. "May you live in interesting times," indeed. - Booth

Fox Business: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 11/10/08
From Daily Paul:
I was shocked that Fox would air such a segment.
They mentioned that before 2012:
1. America will be the first undeveloped country
2. Revolution, food shortages, riots, marches
3. Food instead of gifts for Christmas
Seriously, I was shocked. The segment lasted for more than 6 minutes. He said things like parents shouldn't send their kids to get business degrees or psychology degrees and send them to community colleges to learn a real skill. He kept implying that food will become the most important thing for us. He said the retail industry will die off completely but local markets will thrive. The host even introduced him as a guy who's "predictions always come true".

Gerald Celente's website:
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