Time To Arrest War Criminal Dick Cheney?

Time To Arrest War Criminal Dick Cheney?

Dick Cheney went on record this week admitting to ABC
News that he knew about waterboarding being used as a
method of torture at Guantanamo Bay, and said the
American owned torture camp should remain open until
the War on Terror had ended.

When asked if he thought torturing people by making
them feel like they are drowning went to far, he said,
"I don't."

When asked about a specific prisoner of war being
tortured with waterboarding, he stated that such
action by the United States was appropriate.

When asked if he was aware of the United States
program of waterboarding torture beforehand he said,
"I was aware of the program...And I supported it..."

He finished by acknowledging that he liked the concept
of Guantanamo Bay because if 'unlawful combatants' and
'terrorists' were brought to the United States
"...they are entitled to all kinds of rights..."

My question is, when are we going to arrest this war


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