Ritualized abuse by fake christian fake orphanages in Thailand:
In the case of FBI's wholesale kidnapping solution of using
CIA-kidnapped children to make pedophile blackmail videos at Seattle
APEC conference, then selling the video gear for personal profit, one
wondered where CIA kidnapped all of those children for FBI. For the
Bangkok APEC conference, the Mae Hong San (Karenni) orphanage was
emptied,"For President Bush, 'security(FBI,CIA)' at the Bangkok APEC
conference, and to express gratitude to Thai soldiers serving with US
troops in the mideast", according to a Thai security official speaking
to a teacher at a school for Karenni children in Thai refugee camps

Eventually the children could end up in Saudi Arabia, or the Indian
Ocean, but we will find out without even trying.

Children, by way of  FBI-CIA pedophile videos,  are now used instead of
wax seals on contracts. Nothing is too good for Darwin. The love of
money is the root of all good. Bailouts for the strong and pedo sex
videos to seal contracts are an effort by police-military keynesian
pee-ons to chase Darwin's coat-tails and tricker-down. Israeli child
abuse in Gaza right now is the post-2001 Israeli totally security-based
police-military keynesian pee-on  economy chasing Darwin's coat-tails
and trickler-downer. When the Israelis bomb an apartment building in
Gaza based on Hilary the greenlight for Israeli terrorism, that is
"closing a tunnel", bombing the UN school was "neutralizing a mortar
crew", bombing civilian police stations was bombing "Hamas", bombing
civilians generally is "attacking support networks". Remember how many
times in July 2006 the Israelis bombed one UN observation post painted
red and white like a lighthouse, so of course they bombed a UN school in
Gaza. Darwin hates the UN, allegedly, because the UN is weak, and Darwin
despises weak, sickly, poor, elderly, and children.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, smartn...@... wrote:
> Organized abuse and the politics of  disbelief
> from _http://ritualabuse.us_ (http://ritualabuse.us/)
> Organized abuse and the politics of disbelief by Michael Salter-
Faculty of
> Law - Faculty of Medicine - University of New South Wales in
Proceedings of
> the  2nd Australian & New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference 19 -
20 June
> 2008 Sydney, Australia - Presented by the Crime & Justice Research
> and the Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Network Edited
by Chris
> Cunneen & Michael Salter - Published by The Crime and Justice research
> Newtork University of New South Wales December, 2008
> (http://www.cjrn.unsw.edu.au/)  ISBN:  9780646507378 (pdf)
“Since the 1980s,
> disclosures of organised abuse have been  disparaged by a range of
> journalists and researchers who have  focused, in particular, on cases
in which
> sexually abusive groups were alleged  to have behaved in ritualistic
> ceremonial ways...Whilst these authors claimed  to be writing in the
interests of
> science and social justice, what has emerged  from their writing are a
> set of arguments about the credibility of  women and children’s
testimony of
> sexual violence; in short, that women and  children are prone to a
range of
> memory and cognitive errors that lead them to  make false allegations
of rape.
> This paper argues that this body of  literature has systematically
> allegations of organised  abuse, and used organised abuse as a lens
> which the debate on  child abuse could be re-envisioned along very
> lines, attributing  victim status to accused men and constructing
liars out of
> women and children  complaining of sexual abuse. The instability, the
> uncertainty, and the  complexity of cases of organised abuse have made
it an
> important discursive site  for a number of actors with ideological
objections to the
> changes wrought by  feminism and child protection. In particular, by
> allegations of  organised abuse as bizarre and beyond belief, they
sought to
> reassert an older  politics of disbelief that contests the notion that
women and
> children are  reliable witnesses....During a period in which women and
> ’s testimony of  incest and sexual abuse were gaining an
> sympathetic hearing, lobby  groups of people accused of child abuse
construed and
> positioned “ritual abuse”  as the new frontier of
disbelief. The term “ritual
> abuse” arose from child  protection and psychotherapy practice
with adults and
> children disclosing  organised abuse, only to be discursively
encircled by
> backlash groups with the  rhetoric of “recovered
memories”, “false allegations”
> and “moral panic”. Seeking  to recast the debate on
child abuse according to
> an older politics of disbelief,  these groups and activists attempted
> characterise sexual abuse testimony, as  a whole, through the lens of
> abuse." _http://www.cjrn.unsw.edu.au/critcrimproceedings2008.pdf_
> (http://www.cjrn.unsw.edu.au/critcrimproceedings2008.pdf)
> **************New year...new news.  Be the first to know what is
> headlines. (http://www.aol.com/?ncid=emlcntaolcom00000026)

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