Britain betrayed the Kare after WW2, choosing to leave the Japanese
puppet dictatorship in charge in Burma. The whole Burma and Israel
problems were set in place by the British. War is business.

There is gold in them thar hills, too. "Phop Phra, is rich in
minerals, including antimony and gold mines as well as zinc and tin

Karen rebels under the gun along Thai-Burma border       PDF     Print          
by Daniel Pedersen   
Sunday, 11 January 2009 12:49

Mae Sot (Mizzima) – Burma's ethnic Karen rebels are facing another
daunting challenge, as a Burmese military campaign designed to hunt
out opposition forces and put an end to the world's longest running
civil war is intensifying along a sliver of land opposite northwest

The Sixth Brigade of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the
armed-wing of the Karen National Union (KNU), is presently engaged in
a desperate battle for survival near Thailand's mountainous Umphang
region, south of the border town of Mae Sot.

Their base camp, which was a relatively new settlement once equipped
with solar power, a medical clinic, potable water and fish holding
tanks, has been razed to the ground by Burmese soldiers.

>From a secret location on the Thai-Burma border, KNU Vice-Chairman
David Thackerbaw said government soldiers were maintaining a "scorched
earth policy" against not only the KNLA, but also Karen civilians.

The KNLA, waging the world's longest running civil war, has been
battling successive Burmese regimes over six decades in a bid to win

While the KNLA steadfastly maintains it has avoided casualties during
the Burmese Army's latest offensive, its soldiers are now sleeping
rough in dense jungle that provides a modicum of security under the
cover of darkness. In the daytime they move.

Working alongside Burmese Army troops in the hunt for KNLA troops are
soldiers from a splinter Karen faction, the Democratic Karen Buddhist
Army (DKBA). The Burmese Army and the DKBA, working in tandem, are
reportedly using Thailand as a launching pad for attacks because the
terrain is more navigable and void of the danger of landmines.

The DKBA was established in 1994 following the bloody fallout between
rival KNU and KNLA leaders; Buddhist commanders said to have upset
over the perceived dominance of leadership roles doled out to
Christians within the organization.

On the evening of Saturday January 3, 2009, the latest offensive by
the Burmese Army and DKBA – reportedly consisting of more than 200 men
– wrested control of the rebel base camp from the KNLA, who found
themselves hopelessly outnumbered and forced to withdraw.

The camp had provided the only medical facility for more than 800
villagers clustered in two nearby settlements.

Also as a result of the latest offensive, more than 300 people, their
homes reduced to ashes, are now purportedly huddled under makeshift
shelters, protected from marauding Burmese Army and DKBA troops by
Thai soldiers.

On Sunday and Monday of the previous week, low-flying Thai military
helicopters plied the skies between Mae Sot and the Umphang region,
delivering reinforcements and materials to both border forces and the
latest batch of refugees to flee the contested region.

In a nervy interview in Mae Sot last Tuesday night, the KNLA's Colonel
Nerdah Mya said his base camp was in cinders and that he was heading
back into this war's newest theatre on Wednesday in a bid to "put
everything back together again."

"We have to find a new location. We have no location at the moment and
are always on the move," expounded the Colonel.

Nerdah Mya, the son of recently deceased Karen leader Bo Mya, said
about 20 DKBA and government soldiers had been wounded by landmines
and that while some were being treated in the field, others had been
sent to Umphang and Mae Sot hospitals for amputations.

However, he insisted the situation was not critical for his men.

"We have been coping with this type of situation for many years now,
sometimes they send many soldiers to occupy the entire area, but if we
keep moving we can get around them," Nerdah Mya added.

The KNLA's hold on the area has for years been tenuous at best.

The region in question, which surrounds a stretch of land between
Thailand and Burma known as Phop Phra, is rich in minerals, including
antimony and gold mines as well as zinc and tin deposits.

Taiwanese and Thai businessmen are constantly seeking to exploit the
resources but are generally defeated by the fact that no matter which
side they deal with, adequate security cannot be guaranteed.

The battle for control of this region began in earnest last year in
late June, when torrential rains were still pounding the area almost
daily. Since then Thailand's sovereignty has reportedly been
repeatedly compromised by both DKBA and Burmese government troops.

At times the Thais have resorted to lobbing mortars at Burmese
battalions whose stray shells have forced the evacuation of Thai villages.

Phop Phra was once home to one of Thailand's finest teak stands. It
was logged by the KNU in decades past, when the organization was on
good terms with Thai authorities and viewed as a convenient buffer
force between Thai and Burmese troops. Now the region's red clay soil,
utterly deforested, is home to fields of corn.

But the farmers who grow the corn to sell to Thai businessmen are now
forced to pay taxes to both the DKBA and the KNLA for safe passage
through their respective territories.

December and early January, regarded as the cold season along the
Thai-Burmese border, is the best time to reap corn seed, which fetches
a higher price than fresh cobs. However, much of the current crop
figures to go to waste as the latest round of hostilities enters into
its seventh month.

Sergio Carmada, a co-founder of the Italian non-governmental
organization Popoli, which provided seed, ploughshares and motorcycles
toward the KNLA's current crop and also helped fund Colonel Nerdah's
destroyed base camp, previously offered his view of this war that
began in 1948.

"In my opinion war for identity is not very popular around the world,"
stated Carmada.

"War for democracy is very popular. You can destroy towns and kill
hundreds of thousands of people for that. For democracy you can kill
everyone. For identity - it's not allowed anymore," he said.

A founder of the Free Burma Rangers, U Wa A Pa – a nom de plume of a
former foreign soldier, disregards the DKBA as uneducated oafs who
don't know what they are fighting for, or why.

He further agrees with the KNU's David Thackerbaw that the Burmese
Army is employing a scorched-earth policy. He says the situation is
even worse for inhabitants of western Karen state as compared with
those nearer to Thailand, with villages and crops being constantly

Free Burma Rangers provides medical support for villagers on the run
from Burmese Army troops in remote areas.

"I think given a realistic option they [the DKBA] would change sides
in a day", he said. "But they need to see that the KNLA can win. They
want to be on the winning side."

But alas, today, a KNLA victory seems the most unlikely of scenarios.

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