Obama Announces "Grand Bargain" of Sacrifice from Americans to Save Economy

By Mike Adams
January 11, 2009

So much for campaign promises. Take everything Obama promised on the campaign 
trail (including whatever he said that made his supporters scream out, "He's 
gonna pay for my home mortgage!") and scratch a red line through it. Financial 
reality has suffocated the entitlement dreams of an administration that largely 
got elected by promising unprecedented government handouts. But guess what? 
America is broke. And now it's time for some sacrifice.

That's the conclusion of Obama himself, who has announced massive cutbacks on 
the spending he promised during his campaign, emphasizing that "Everybody's 
going to have to give."

So does that mean Obama no longer thinks he can spend his way out of a debt 
problem? Nope, not exactly: The trillion-dollar deficits are still on the 
budget. But now Obama is adding a new layer to the plan by demanding that 
everybody give something for the good of the country.

Well, not everybody everybody.

The rich white banksters on Wall Street don't have to give. They basically just 

The incompetent executives running the U.S. auto industry don't have to give. 
In fact, the more incompetent they are, the more money they get handed by 

The wealthy, elite politicians don't have to give. As usual, they're just 
taking: Power over the people, control over the people, etc.

So, as usual, the only people that really have to give something are the 
working class upon whose backs the Treasury and Federal Reserve have already 
heaped unprecedented levels of new debt in the form of bailout money. Listen to 
my hip hop / rap song on the bailout money fraud here: 

America is now devolving into a nation of two new classes. Nope, I'm not 
talking about the rich vs. the poor, I'm talking about the Givers vs. the 

The Givers are all the hard-working, tax-paying Americans who somehow manage to 
keep this nation solvent. The Takers are all the criminals running Washington, 
stealing money from the people through new debt creation, debasing the 
currency, spending their money on endless wars and brainless "health care" 
systems that are fundamentally broken... these are the Takers.

The problem with all this is that the Givers aren't really Giving voluntarily. 
They're only doing so with a gun to their collective heads: If you refuse to 
give, the IRS throws you in prison. The Takers, in other words, use the threat 
of violence to get the money and power they want, and then they use it to 
reward their rich, white friends while socking it to the everyday American 
workers who are trying to muscle up enough money to pay the rent.

And now Obama says you haven't sacrificed enough. You're gonna have to pay 
more. Is this code language for new taxes? Why don't they cut spending instead, 
by starting with a halt to the runaway bailout money fraud?

The funny thing in all this is that Obama is actually right about the issue of 
sacrifice: America must cut spending on entitlement programs if it hopes to 
remain financially solvent for even the next four years. Everybody will have to 
sacrifice something.

I don't mind sacrificing something to save America (after all, our forefathers 
and mothers sacrificed plenty...). I just think the sacrifices should be shared 
by all. If you and I and all the other hard-working, middle-class Americans are 
breaking our backs to scrape together enough money to get by, why should we be 
giving thousands of billions of dollars (trillions, in other words) to lazy, 
incompetent, rich corporate executives, bankers and institutional greed-mongers 
whose track records prove them to be destroyers of wealth?

I have a prediction to make in all this: If these financial injustices are not 
corrected, Obama will be pushing this nation towards outright class warfare (of 
the violent kind), where the over-taxed, under-paid workers of America 
eventually stage an armed revolt against their oppressors in Washington and 
Wall Street. It's not a pretty thought, and I hope it never comes to that, but 
by examining history, you'll realize that every popular revolt has always 
stemmed from a great injustice thrust onto the backs of the People and 
unresolved by those in power. (The Peons, in other words, will want the King's 

I believe there are many Americans who, when faced with being forced to 
"sacrifice" yet more of their paycheck while Washington is bailing out the 
filthy rich, will cross a threshold of outrage and frustration and decide to 
join a popular revolt against the crooks running America today.

Unless the theft of money from the People ends soon, I would not be surprised 
at all to see the streets of America becoming bloodied protest zones by 2012.

I want my bailout money, too, after all.

Click to read:
Obama Announces "Grand Bargain" of Sacrifice from Americans to Save Economy



Some Obama campaign promises are put on hold as the economy sinks

January 11th 2009

Tackling the troubled economy is going to require Americans to sacrifice - and 
it means some campaign promises will have to be put on hold, President-elect 
Barack Obama says.

"Everybody's going to have to give. Everybody's going to have to have some skin 
in the game," Obama said on ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" 
set to air this morning. 

Obama's comments came as the President-elect, who takes office Jan. 20, 
responded to a new national unemployment report by saying in his weekly address 
Saturday that he'll save or create 3 million to 4 million new jobs. 

"Our challenge is going to be identifying what works and putting more money 
into that, eliminating things that don't work and making things that we have 
more efficient," Obama said on ABC. "I want to be realistic here. Not 
everything that we talked about during the campaign are we going to be able to 
do on the pace we had hoped." 

Obama agreed that his administration is going to involve some version of a 
"grand bargain" - changes in areas like tax reform, Social Security and 
Medicare will come at a cost. 

Addressing the nation as his team released figures on the job situation, Obama 
said in his weekly radio and video address that 90% of the jobs will be created 
in the private sector. The remainder are "mainly public sector jobs" such as 
teachers, cops and firefighters. 

The report released by Obama's team Saturday projected the creation of 678,000 
new construction jobs and 408,000 manufacturing jobs by next year under an 
estimated $775 billion stimulus plan. 

Among the sources of the new jobs Obama cited: designing more efficient cars 
and building solar panels, infrastructure roles such as repairing roads and 
bridges, and jobs in the health care and education sectors. 

Obama said economists predict that if Congress doesn't agree on a large-scale 
stimulus plan, the U.S. will shed as many as 4 million jobs before the 
recession comes to an end. 

Obama also vowed to procure "bipartisan extensions of unemployment insurance 
and health care coverage" and a $1,000 tax cut for 95% of working families. 

"Given the magnitude of the challenges we face, none of this will come easy. 
Recovery won't happen overnight, and it's likely that things will get worse 
before they get better," Obama warned. 


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