Make torture a crime, N.S. petition  says                                     

from _http://ritualabuse.us_ (   

Make torture a crime, N.S. petition says  by Mary Ellen Macintyre -  Truro 
Bureau 1/22/09 Truro — Jean Sarson and Linda MacDonald wouldn't know how  to 
mince words, even if they wanted to. After years of heartbreaking research  
ritual abuse and torture under their belts, they're even less in the mood  for 
mincing. Bill Casey welcomed them into his constituency office in Truro on  
Wednesday morning. The MP for Cumberland-Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley settled 
 into his chair and smiled....There are close to 800 names on the petition, 
which  calls on Parliament to amend the Criminal Code to make torture a crime. 
"In the  Criminal Code now only officials like police, members of the military 
or others  can be charged with committing torture, Ms. MacDonald said. "We 
believe if you  torture someone, whether you're an official or not, that you 
should be charged  with committing torture...."But they would have never been 
charged with torture  because it's not a charge unless you're a police officer 
a member of the  military or another official, Ms. MacDonald said....."You 
have to name it for  what it is and recognize the issue and only then will 
be social validation  for the victim and then there will be help for them, 
said Ms. MacDonald. "And  we'll get more but these signatures are from all 
across Canada, said Ms. Sarson.  Mr. Casey will bring the petition to Ottawa on 
Monday and said he will have it  tabled in the House of Commons. "This is the 
first step toward change. You've  made the first step and we'll see how it 
progresses, he said. _ 

Here is a link to the petition:

more  information on ritual abuse torture
_ ( 

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