Clinical Trials of NYC Foster Children - NYSDOH Coverup  Continues            

Clinical Trials of NYC Foster Children - NYSDOH Coverup Continues  By  James 
R. Marsh 1/28/09 As I editorialized here in 2005, between 1986  and 2001 
hundreds of NYC foster children were involuntarily enrolled in medical  
experiments. Soon after the story broke in the NYT, NYC commissioned a study by 
widely respected Vera Institute for Justice. Almost four years later, that  
awaited (forgotten?) study was finally released today. After interviewing  
people familiar with the drug trials, reviewing policy documents, and examining 
the child welfare files of 796 children, Vera staff identified 532 children who 
 were enrolled in 88 clinical trials and observational research studies. 

Timothy  Ross and Anne Lifflander with Sally Trued, Allon Yaroni, Rachel 
Wetts, Reena  Ghadia, and Tania Farmiga Vera Institute of Justice January 2009
Findings -  Vera's review of the child welfare files identified 532 New York 
City foster  children who participated in 88 clinical trials and observational 
studies  between 1985 and 2005. Of the 88 clinical trials and observational 
studies, 65  involved trials of new medications for HIV or its associated 
conditions.  Forty-four of the 65 trials involved antiretroviral drugs....
Background - In  January 2004, an independent journalist named Liam Scheff 
published an article  on the web site In his article, Scheff 
alleged that "black,  Hispanic, and poor" children in the care of Children's 
Services had been  enrolled without their knowledge and against the wishes of 
their parents or  guardians in HIV/AIDS clinical trials that were "neither safe 
nor necessary."  According to Scheff, these trials involved antiretroviral 
drugs that were "known  to cause disability and death." Scheff reported that 
trials took place at  the Incarnation Children's Center (ICC) in New York 
City's Washington Heights  neighborhood. From 1988 to 2001, the facility served 
HIV-positive children in  foster care as part of a partnership between Catholic 
Home Bureau, a foster care  agency operating through a contract with Children's 
Services, and Columbia  University Medical Center. Scheff reported that 
doctors at ICC had coerced and  threatened children who refused to take 
nical trial medications.  Approximately one month after Scheff's article 
appeared the New York Post  published two articles that repeated many of these 
allegations....The Vera  review also found evidence that supported some 
about the participation  of foster children and their families in clinical 
trials. This evidence includes  violations of state regulations, Children's 
Services' own policies for clinical  trial review and enrollment, and federal 
regulations for protecting human  subjects. 

The  House That AIDS Built - Liam Scheff - The drugs being given to the 
children are  toxic - they're known to cause genetic mutation, organ failure, 
marrow  death, bodily deformations, brain damage and fatal skin disorders. If 
the  children refuse the drugs, they're held down and have them force fed. If 
the  children continue to resist, they're taken to Columbia Presbyterian 
hospital  where a surgeon puts a plastic tube through their abdominal wall into 
their  stomachs. From then on, the drugs are injected directly into their 
intestines.  In 2003, two children, ages 6 and 12, had debilitating strokes due 
drug  toxicities. The 6-year-old went blind. They both died shortly after.   
Another 14-year old died recently. An 8-year-old boy had two plastic surgeries  
to remove large, fatty, drug-induced lumps from his neck. 

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