Someone else is spying on YOU.  And it isn't the NSA. Fusion Centers. 
by JaciCee 
Thu Jan 22, 2009 
Ever hear of a Fusion Center?

They are run by the Department of Homeland Security and are locally based 
across the country.   

  A fusion center is an effective and efficient mechanism to exchange 
information and intelligence, maximize resources, streamline operations, and 
improve the ability to fight crime and terrorism by merging data from a variety 
of sources. 

At first blush this sounds good.  After 9/11 discussions were had about how to 
streamline communication between local and federal law enforcement agencies.

  a.. JaciCee's diary :: :: 
>From the Department of Homeland Security website:

  Many states and larger cities have created state and local fusion centers to 
share information and intelligence within their jurisdictions as well as with 
the federal government.  The Department, through the Office of Intelligence and 
Analysis, provides personnel with operational and intelligence skills to the 
fusion centers.  This support is tailored to the unique needs of the locality 
and serves to:

  help the classified and unclassified information flow, 
  provide expertise, 
  coordinate with local law enforcement and other agencies, and 
  provide local awareness and access. 

But, it is being alleged that something has gone wrong along the way.  Fusion 
centers have now come under the scrutinizing eye of the ACLU, and for good 

Who is spying in your neighborhood?

These centers have been placed in our neighborhoods.  Our local fusion center 
is located on Bataan Boulevard in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  You can find the 
fusion center nearest you by clicking on this interactive map.  The ACLU has 
also set up a site that tracks camera surveillance.  Video surveillance is 
nothing new, but:

  Video surveillance is not a new phenomenon, but the amount of attention that 
the federal government has been paying is. In the past five years, the 
Department of Homeland Security has awarded $300 million in grants to state and 
local governments, all in the name of public video surveillance. 

>From the same article:

  Meanwhile, a timely University of California study has found that San 
Francisco's $700,000 'Crime Camera' program has had no impact on violent crime 
since its 2005 installation. The study also states that robberies dropped 
significantly within each camera's radius, but notes that this finding is 

These two paragraphs beg some further discussion.  Is the surveillance arm of 
the Department of Homeland Security working in conjunction with the fusion 
center in this California neighborhood?  If surveillance cameras aren't 
reducing crime significantly, what other purposes are they serving?

>From California again:

  The Electronic Frontier Foundation and the ACLU of California have filed a 
federal lawsuit against the FBI and local authorities over the seizure and 
search of two organizations' computers, they jointly announced Wednesday.


  On August 27, 2008, the University of California Police, the Alameda County 
Sheriff's Department and the FBI took part in a raid of the Berkeley offices of 
two politically active groups, Long Haul Infoshop and East Bay Prisoner Support 
Group (EBPS), seizing every computer in the building, even those behind locked 
doors, which were opened by force. The raid was conducted despite no 
allegations of wrongdoing on the part of either organization or any of their 
members, and the complaint questions the legality of the warrant obtained by 

Why search and seize at the Long Haul Infoshop or the East Bay Prisoner Support 
Group?  Was the FBI working in conjunction with the local fusion center?  More 

The neighborhood spying isn't limited to California.  

>From the Washington Post:

  Organizational meetings, public forums, prison vigils, rallies outside the 
State House in Annapolis and e-mail group lists were infiltrated by police 
posing as peace activists and death penalty opponents, the records show. The 
surveillance continued even though the logs contained no reports of illegal 
activity and consistently indicated that the activists were not planning 
violent protests. 
  The records show that undercover agents collectively spent 288 hours on 
surveillance activities over 14 months from March 2005 until May 2006.

The fusion center in New Mexico is known as a "cut and paste" shop.  Analysts 
peruse media, in all forms (print and electronic), clipping information that 
they feel is "important" or "questionable."  It is also alleged that they 
peruse the internet.  It wouldn't surprise me if they were reading this diary, 

Their peering eyes are looking into the private sector:

  A new institution is emerging in American life: Fusion Centers. These state, 
local and regional institutions were originally created to improve the sharing 
of anti-terrorism intelligence among different state, local and federal law 
enforcement agencies. Though they developed independently and remain quite 
different from one another, for many the scope of their mission has quickly 
expanded - with the support and encouragement of the federal government - to 
cover "all crimes and all hazards." The types of information they seek for 
analysis has also broadened over time to include not just criminal 
intelligence, but public and private sector data, and participation in these 
centers has grown to include not just law enforcement, but other government 
entities, the military and even select members of the private sector.

Legislation has been drafted, and will be presented to the New Mexico State 
Legislature, addressing concerns over the fusion center in Santa Fe.

  A draft of the ACLU legislation, sponsored by Rep. Antonio "Mo" Maestas, 
D-Albuquerque, would prohibit a law enforcement agency from collecting, 
maintaining and sharing "with any other law enforcement agency, information 
about the political, religious or social associations, views or activities of a 
person unless" they are suspected of committing a crime.

That is the kicker...they aren't watching American citizens who are suspected 
of committing crimes.  They are watching whoever they want to.

A quick summary:

  But in a democracy, the collection and sharing of intelligence information - 
especially information about American citizens and other residents - need to be 
carried out with the utmost care. That is because more and more, the amount of 
information available on each one of us is enough to assemble a very detailed 
portrait of our lives. And because security agencies are moving toward using 
such portraits to profile how "suspicious" we look.

American citizens aren't being spied on just by the NSA.  They are being spied 
on by the fusion center office around the corner.

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