Trouble at Treasury: Geithner gets the keys to the henhouse

by Mike Whitney

Global Research, February 19, 2009
Information Clearinghouse - 2009-02-18
 The Obama Team has a big problem on their hands; Timothy Geithner. Geithner 
was picked as Treasury Secretary because he is a trusted ally of the big banks 
and has a good grasp of the intricacies of the financial system. The problem is 
that Geithner can't handle the public relations part of his job. His big debut 
in prime-time last Tuesday turned out to be a complete dud. He was thoroughly 
unconvincing and looked like a nervous teenager at a speech contest. He fizzled 
on stage for 25 minutes while the little red box in the corner of the TV 
screen--which shows the current Dow Jones Industrials--plummeted nearly 400 
points. It was a total disaster and one that is sure to be repeated over and 
over as long as Geithner is at Treasury. Not everyone can be a charismatic 
orator like Obama and nothing short of a personality transplant will fix 
Geithner. He lacks gravitas and doesn't inspire confidence. That's a problem 
since, the administration's main objective is to restore public confidence and 
get people spending again. They're just shooting themselves in the foot by 
using him as their pitchman. Eventually, Geithner will either have to be tossed 
overboard or strapped to Obama like a papoose so he can share in the 
president's popularity. Otherwise he will continue to be a millstone.

In truth, Geithner did us all a big favor on Tuesday by exposing himself as a 
stooge of the banking industry. Now everyone can see that the banks are working 
the deal from the inside. Geithner has assembled a phalanx of Wall Street 
flim-flam men to fill out the roster at Treasury. "His chief-of-staff is 
lobbyist from Goldman Sachs. The new deputy secretary of state is a former CEO 
of Citigroup. Another CFO from Citigroup is now assistant to the president, and 
deputy national security adviser for International Economic Affairs. And one of 
his deputies also came from Citigroup. One new member of the president's 
Economic Recovery Advisory Board comes from UBS, which is currently being 
investigated for helping rich clients evade taxes." The Obama White House is a 
beehive of big money guys and Wall Street speculators whose only goal is to 
nuzzle up to the public trough while strengthening their grip on political 

The banking lobby has already set the agenda. All the hooplah about "financial 
rescue" is just a smokescreen to hide the fact that the same scofflaws who 
ripped off investors for zillions of dollars are back for their next big sting; 
a quick vacuuming of the public till to save themselves from bankruptcy. It's a 
joke. Obama floated into office on a wave of Wall Street campaign contributions 
and now it's payback time. Prepare to get fleeced. Geithner is fine-tuning a 
"public-private" partnership for his scotch-swilling buddies so they can keep 
their fiefdom in tack while shifting trillions of dollars of toxic assets onto 
the people's balance sheet. They've affixed themselves to Treasury like scabs 
on a leper and are now zeroing in for the kill. Geithner is "their guy", a 
Trojan Horse for the banking oligarchs. He's already admitted that his main 
goal is to, "keep the banks in private hands". That says it all, doesn't it?

Of course, the administration is not alone in their support for the banks and 
Wall Street. Congress has its fair share of bank-loyalists, too. That was 
evident last week at the hearings of the House Financial Services Committee. 8 
CEOs of the nations biggest banks were marched off Capital Hill (ostensibly) 
for public rebuke. For a minute, it looked like Congress might do its job and 
actually grill the bastards who blew up the financial system. But, no, that's 
not what happened. The 7 hours of testimony produced few fireworks and no 
mention of accountability. For the most part, the bankers were treated like 
honored guests instead of the chiselers they are. That's because nearly every 
member of the committee rakes in contributions from the same banks that are 
being investigated. As Bill Moyers points out on Friday's Bill Moyers Journal, 
"Last year, the securities and investment industry made $146 million in 
campaign contributions. Commercial banks, another $34 million." The banks own 
congress just like they own the White House and anything else of value in the 
USA. They left the hearings unscathed. 

Apart from the infrequent fulminations of congressmen clowning for the cameras, 
the hearings were tedious and unproductive. Same old, same old. The bankers 
remained stonefaced throughout, while the committee turned in their typical sub 
par performance. Congress doesn't do oversight anymore, and even if they did, 
there's no one with the cohones to apply the rules. Besides, no one in the 
House has the foggiest idea of how the financial system really works. If they 
did, they'd know that the banks HAVE actually been lending despite congress's 
spurious accusations. Some of the banks even produced documented evidence to 
prove it. This has been a flashpoint for taxpayers who think that they were 
duped by financial institutions that took the $165 billion TARP money and used 
it for bonuses or to buy smaller banks. Not so. The truth is more complicated.

The banks have been hoarding; that much is certain. In fact, The St Louis Fed's 
charts show that:

"Until September, excess reserves hovered at or below about US $2 billion, but 
have ballooned to over $600 billion as of November 19, 2008....The Fed has 
thrown money at the banking system, but the banks are hoarding the cash, they 
do not lend." (Axel Merk, "Monetizing the Debt") Excess reserves are reserves 
that are beyond the required capital limits. The steady buildup--which now 
exceeds $700 billion--suggests that the banks are hunkering down for long and 
deep recession. They are in survival mode. Still, that does not mean they are 
not lending. In fact, "Bank Credit expanded $459bn year-over-year, or 4.9%. 
Bank Credit jumped $356bn over the past 21 weeks." (Doug Noland Credit Bubble 
Bulletin) It's true; bank lending has actually increased even though standards 
have gotten tougher and consumers are saving for the first time in decades.

How can the banks be lending and hoarding at the same time; aren't the two 
mutually exclusive? And why is credit draining from the system in trillions of 
dollars if the banks continue to lend?

This is big mystery of the financial crisis, but one that can be solved by 
reviewing the facts. J P MorganChase's Jamie Dimon explained it like this:

"There's a huge amount of non bank lending which has disappeared which is the 
same thing to the consumer (as the banks)...Finance companies, car finance 
companies, money funds, bond funds..that withdrew money from the system (when 
the credit crunch took hold) making it much harder on the system. That created 
the crisis we now have." 

The Wall Street Journal summed it up even more succinctly:

"Chairman Barney Frank's hearing was intended to flay the CEOs for not lending 
enough. It fell flat as political theater because banks have actually increased 
their lending in recent months. The people who aren't lending more are 
investors in nonbank financing such as asset-backed securities.

In fact, the nonbank credit market is normally much bigger than bank lending. 
But new issues backed by auto loans, credit cards and the like have been rare 
this year, as markets wonder how the government's next move will change the 
value of such investments. Buyers and sellers of existing securities are 
"sitting on the sidelines," according to Asset-Backed Alert, waiting for still 
another Washington recalibration of risk and reward." ("Committee on Doubt and 
Uncertainty" Wall Street Journal)

This is how the financial system really works--something which seems to be 
completely beyond the grasp of congress. A shadow banking system has grown up 
around the process of securitization, which packages pools of debt (mortgages, 
commercial real estate, student loans, car loans and credit card debt) and 
sells them as securities to foreign banks, hedge funds, insurance companies 
etc. Wall Street has muscled into an area of finance that used to be the domain 
of the commercial banks. According to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, "40 
percent of consumer lending" depends on this shadow system for credit. That's 
why he is determined to resurrect securitization whatever the cost. The Fed has 
already expanded its balance sheet to $2.2 trillion while providing loan 
guarantees for over $9.3 trillion dollars. The entire financial system is now 
backstopped by loans from the Fed without which the global financial system 
would collapse. The present Fed funding of financial markets forces us to 
rethink our outdated ideas of the "free market" which now exists only in 

A 40 percent decline in consumer credit is more than sufficient to push the 
world into another Great Depression. The sharp decrease in foreign exports, 
shipping, auto sales, and other vital areas of commerce--all in the 30 to 40 
percent range--suggest that the global economy depends on Wall Street's 
credit-generating mechanism more than anyone imagined. The breakdown in 
securitization has sent tremors across the planet triggering a decline in asset 
prices and an accelerating fall in personal consumption. Before the Fed and 
Treasury try to restore securitization to its former glory, politicians and 
pundits should decide whether it is a viable system for long-term growth. 
There's reason to believe that transforming of debt into securities creates 
incentives for fraudulent loans and mortgages since they can be dumped on Wall 
Street and sold to gullible investors. The reason the mortgage lenders and 
banks bundled off crappy loans to the the big brokerage houses, is because they 
thought there was no risk involved. (for themselves!) They were wrong and now 
the entire market for structured debt is in a deep freeze. Geithner and 
Bernanke should suspend all funding for securitized loans until they can show 
that the kinks have been worked out and we won't fall into the same trap again. 
One financial meltdown is more than enough.

The TARP funds should not be used to exhume the corpse of a dysfunctional 
financial system. The money should be used to create more jobs, extend 
unemployment benefits, provide food stamps, public works projects or cram downs 
for struggling homeowners trying to avoid foreclosure. People don't need more 
credit; they need debt relief. That means higher wages and better jobs. Obama 
should realize this, even if Geithner and Co. don't. The Geithner-Paulson 
policy of limitless credit expansion is the path to ruin. That's why Geithner 
is the wrong man for the job. His fundamental worldview leads to economic 

Geithner's resume alone should have precluded him from consideration as 
Treasury Secretary. He started his career at Kissinger and Associates, which 
speaks for itself. From there, he went to International Affairs division of the 
Treasury Dept. where he served under Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers both of 
who were major proponents of deregulation. He's presently a senior fellow at 
the Council on Foreign Relations and served as director of Policy Development 
and Review Department at the IMF. In 2003, he became president of the New York 
Fed and was Vice Chairman of the FOMC. He's also a member of the G-30, an 
international body of financiers and powerbrokers, and the former chairman of 
the Bank for International Settlements. If there's an internationalist 
organization Geithner doesn't belong to, we haven't found it yet. He's been 
thoroughly marinated in a globalist culture that wreaks of banking conspiracies 
and clandestine junkets to Jeckyll Island. Is it really that hard to find a 
good economist who just wants to serve his country? 

There was a revealing incident in the Senate Finance Committee last week when 
Senator Bernie Sanders challenged Geithner. Here's the transcript: 

SENATOR BERNARD SANDERS: "In 2006 and 2007, Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman 
Sachs, was the highest paid executive on Wall Street, making over $125 million 
in total compensation. Due to its risky investments, Goldman Sachs now has over 
$168 billion in total outstanding debt. It's laid off over 10 percent of its 
workforce. Late last year, the financial situation at Goldman was so dire that 
the taxpayers of this country provided Goldman Sachs with a $10 billion bailout.
Very simple question that I think the American people want to know. Yes or no, 
should Mr. Blankfein be fired from his job and new leadership be brought in?"

SECRETARY GEITHNER: "Senator, that's a judgment his board of directors have to 
I want to say one thing which is very important. Everything we do going forward 
has to be judged against the impact we're going to have on the American people 
and the prospects for recovery. And every dollar we spend will have to be 
measured against the benefits we bring in terms of---"

SENATOR SANDERS: "Mr. Secretary, you're not answering my question. You have a 
person who made hundreds of millions for himself as he led his institution that 
helped cause a great financial crisis. We have put, as taxpayers, $10 billion 
to bail him out and we have no say about whether or not he should stay on the 

SECRETARY GEITHNER: "No, I didn't say that. I think there will be 
circumstances, as there have been already, where the government intervention 
will have to come with very tough conditions, including changes in management 
and leadership of institutions. And where we believe that makes sense, we will 
do that."

Predictably evasive, Geithner refused to say whether or not Blanfein should be 
fired. That's because Geithner believes that the function of government is to 
serve the interests of the big banks not the public. The lip-service to 
democracy is just rhetorical claptrap. It's meaningless. The government's role 
is to facilitate the exploitation of its people to fatten the bottom line of 
the top-hat capitalists. This is why Geithner never made any reference to 
regulations during Tuesday's speech. There was no mention of Glass Steagal, or 
reducing the amount of leverage financial institutions can use, or forcing all 
derivatives contracts onto a regulated exchange, or suspending off-balances 
sheets operations, or reclassifying all Level 3 assets so shareholders know how 
much garbage the banks have on their books, or even rethinking the whole 
securitization model which collapsed the financial system and thrust the world 
towards a 1930s-type slump. He stayed away from regulation entirely, just as he 
defiantly withheld details about the impending multi-billion dollar bank 

But don't think that the slippery Mr. Geithner doesn't have a solution for our 
present economic malaise. He does! He would like to see Congress appoint an 
Uber-regulator that has the authority to monitor market activity and decide 
whether individual players pose a threat to the overall system. 

Sounds great. And to whom should these sweeping new powers be entrusted?

You guessed it; the Federal Reserve, the wealth-shifting, price-fixing, 
social-engineering scamsters who preside over the bankers cartel which just 
blew up the financial system. Is there any doubt where Geithner's loyalties 
really lie? 

Mike Whitney is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Global Research Articles by Mike Whitney

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