Boost Your Memory with Brain-Boosting Supplements

by: James J. Gormley
February 25, 2009

 Where did I leave my keys? Who am I supposed to call again? What did I mean by 
that scribbled note, anyway? Everybody experiences these incidents of 

As we get older, these kinds of memory lapses can become routine, and are 
casually attributed to "advancing years" by many baby boomers, according to Dr. 
Heidi White, assistant professor of geriatric medicine at Duke University 
Medical Center.

Age isn`t the only factor in memory loss, however, says White. She notes that 
among possible causes for cognitive decline are medications (such as sedatives, 
which can dull the mind), depression (which affects concentration), and hearing 
or vision impairment.

Baby boomers and the battle for the mind
Keeping the brain healthy much longer is a goal of many of us, especially 
people who, as of this writing, were 45 to 63 years old - otherwise called baby 
boomers. If you consider that a baby boomer turns 50 every 7.5 seconds, by the 
year 2024 there will be 115 million people over age 50 in the U.S.

Today, approximately 78 million people, about 26 percent of the total U.S. 
population, were not only born between 1946 and 1964 but are, say demographers 
and researchers, greatly concerned about loss of memory and the aging of the 

True failing memory is different from the forgetfulness of a busy person or the 
stereotypical absentminded professor. Clinically speaking, failing memory is 
often accompanied by a person`s declining sense of well-being, and is often 
described by symptoms such as a lack of mental clarity (brain fog), altered 
mood (as in depression), decreased mental abilities, worsening sleep patterns, 
and declining overall energy.

Age of Information Overload
Whence the brain drain? Some researchers believe our brains are overtaxed 
today. Not many would disagree that we`ve moved beyond the Information Age into 
the "Age of Information Overload." It`s believed that our cognitive processing, 
and maybe even our memory storage capacity itself, can become overburdened as 
we age.

To one extent or another, there`s little doubt that all of us are bombarded by 
work and personal e-mail, Internet spam and junk mail, faxes, magazines, 
24-hour news, digital pages, telemarketer calls, cell phone voice-mail and even 
the arcane logistics of play-date scheduling for the kids after school!

Cognition is sensitive to a wide variety of nutritional factors, and modern 
nutritional science is uncovering that we can improve our mental powers 
effectively, and even powerfully, through a wide array of nutrients and 
supplements, including antioxidants, herbs, fats and other targeted dietary 

A November 2008 review in the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association 
pointed to benefits of a variety of bioactive nutritional supplement 
ingredients (often called nutraceuticals), some of which we will look at, in 
slowing age-associated memory impairment. Vinpocetine and acetyl-L-carnitine 
were especially effective, followed by huperzine A; rhodiola; ginseng and alpha 
lipoic acid. The least effective compounds were the drugs, Aricept and Nemanda.

The brain train - vitamins to the rescue
Vitamin C. To test whether vitamin C protects against mental decline, called 
"cognitive impairment" in this study, researchers from Australia`s University 
of Sydney looked at 117 elderly people in a retirement community over a 
four-year period --- those who took vitamin C supplements and those who did 
not. Seniors who took vitamin C supplements experienced a lower incidence of 
severe cognitive decline. The authors concluded that, "Vitamin C might protect 
against cognitive impairment."

Vitamin E. Research from Italy and the U.S. has shed new light on vitamin E`s 
role in brain health. A July 2005 study by Italian researchers from Perugia`s 
Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics (the InCHIANTI study) included 1,033 
participants aged 65 and older. The research group found that people with the 
lowest blood levels of vitamin E had the highest incidence of senile dementia 
and "cognitive impairment" compared to those who had the highest vitamin E 

Another 2005 study, this out of Chicago`s Rush Institute for Healthy Aging, 
studied 6158 people 65 years of age or older between 1993 and 2002, including a 
subset of 1,041 patients who were clinically evaluated. The researchers, led by 
Martha C. Morris, Sc.D., found that higher intakes of vitamin E were associated 
with a reduced incidence of Alzheimer`s disease.

Other recent studies have looked at different combinations of vitamins and 
minerals, with vitamins C and E as a foundation.

ALA anyone?
Alpha lipoic acid is a very powerful brain-friendly antioxidant that has been 
found to directly restore vitamin C and glutathione to their active forms 
(after they have been used up) and to indirectly restore vitamin E to its 
powerful form, as well.

In animals, alpha lipoic acid protects brains cells against beta amyloid 
plaque, the buildup of which is associated with dementia and Alzheimer`s 
disease. In fact, animal studies published in 2002 and 2003 showed that 
treatment with alpha lipoic acid prevented or reversed cognitive impairment 
similar to dementia in humans.

In 2001, researchers gave nine patients with Alzheimer`s disease 600 mg each 
day of ALA in addition to Aricept or Exelon for an average of one year. This 
was the first such study to find that treatment with alpha lipoic acid may be 
"neuroprotective" against Alzheimer`s disease and related dementias.

In a 2007 follow-up, 43 ALA-supplemented patients were observed for a period of 
up to 48 months. In patients with mild dementia, the disease progressed 
extremely slowly; in patients with moderate dementia, dementia progressed twice 
as slowly.

B is for brain
In the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, researchers looked at 69 
people with Alzheimer`s disease, including 33 patients who were taking a 
multivitamin supplement of folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

In the 66 patients who were available for the eight-week follow-up, the 
high-dose B-vitamin supplement significantly reduced levels of homocysteine, 
which is important since high levels of homocysteine may be associated with the 
breakdown of the myelin sheaths that encase nerves and may be partly 
responsible for the symptoms of Alzheimer`s-like dementia.

Botanical brain boosters
Ginkgo. Since stress in humans is associated with decreased memory and learning 
function, Polish scientists gave an extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb 761 or 
Ginkgold) to rats that had been chronically stressed. According to their study, 
the supplement improved memory and cognition in all rats, including those that 
had been stressed.

The last 30 years have yielded a large body of evidence supportive of ginkgo 
supplementation for brain-boosting, although some studies have studied the 
wrong groups, have looked for the wrong results or have used too low a dose. 
According to 2000 review by New York University`s P.L. LeBars, daily dosages of 
240 mg a day appeared to demonstrate the most benefit in patients with memory 
disorders or dementia.

Ginseng. In 2008, a group of South Korean researchers published the results of 
an open-label study in which patients with Alzheimer`s disease received Panax 
ginseng extract or a placebo for 12 weeks. In the ginseng-supplemented group, 
all main measures cognitive performance began to show improvements and 
continued for up to 12 weeks. After discontinuing ginseng, the improved scores 
declined to the levels of the control group. According to the authors, "These 
results suggest that Panax ginseng is clinically effective in the cognitive 
performance of [Alzheimer`s disease] patients."

Pomegranate. A 2005 rodent study found that drinking pomegranate juice during 
pregnancy may lower the risk of hypoxia ischemia-related brain injuries (a 
condition caused by decreased blood flow and oxygen to the fetal brain) in 
babies. The authors said their results "demonstrate that maternal dietary 
supplementation with pomegranate juice is neuroprotective for the neonatal 

A more recent study in newborn mice, published in 2007, suggest that special 
compounds in pomegranate, polyphenols, should be further investigated as a 
potential treatment to decrease brain injury due to neonatal hypoxia-ischemia.

Vinpocetine. Vinpocetine is a supplement that`s derived from vincamine, an 
extract of the periwinkle plant (Vinca minor). Widely used and studied in 
Europe for over 25 years, awareness of this product and the research behind is 
now starting to come into its own.

A 2001 review (meta-analysis) in the Journal of the American Nutraceutical 
Association by the University of Miami`s Bernd Wollschlaeger, M.D., winnowed 
down 39 vinpocetine studies involving 1,912 subjects into three studies - from 
1986 through 1991 - involving a total of 174 patients treated with vinpocetine 
and 114 given a placebo.

According to Wollschlaeger, all three studies "suggest a significant [mental] 
improvement in the cognitive function of patients suffering from dementia or 
other symptoms of cerebrovascular diseases." Based on several 
mental-performance tests, the significant improvement in cognitive function, in 
these three studies, says Wollschlaeger, "suggest[s] a clinical application of 
vinpocetine in the early phases of mild cognitive impairment" before full-blown 
"senile dementia" or Alzheimer`s disease start to develop.

"Designer" supplements for brain support
Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC). A 2004 review of 21 double-blind, placebo-controlled 
studies using acetyl-L-carnitine in the treatment of "mild cognitive 
impairment" and mild Alzheimer`s disease showed significant improvements versus 
the placebo or "dummy" pills.

CDP-choline. A relative of phosphatidylserine (PS), 
cytidine-5-diphosphocholine, or CDP-choline, has been attracting some recent 
research interest. In 2005, scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology (MIT) found, in an animal study, that long-term supplementation with 
CDP-choline may hold back memory impairment.

Huperzine A. Huperzine A is a purified substance derived from Chinese club moss 
(Huperzia serrata). A 2005 paper on this supplement speculated that the 
beneficial effects in Alzheimer`s disease are probably due to several cell- and 
neuro-protective effects operating at the same time.

Food-based mental mojo?
In a 2004 observational study from the U.K. looking at dietary supplement use, 
people born in 1936 received mental ability testing in 1947 and later in 
2000-2001. At age 64, cognitive function was better in dietary supplement users 
than in non-users, especially in those people who were also taking marine oil 

Quality of mind = quality of life
Many would argue that quality of mind - a well functioning brain - is truly at 
the elemental core of quality of life; therefore, ways in which we can improve 
our mental abilities and functions, and fend off the memory and general 
cognitive declines associated with aging, should be more than welcome - 
especially when these ways are holistic, supplement-based, and without the 
profound unwanted side effects often associated with synthetic pharmaceutical 


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